The Ascent of Darwin

Naturalist Charles DarwinBBC News reported today that Cambridge University in England has launched a new website containing a comprehensive library

Tough Guy Kicks Evolution Myth

“Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.”

“Faster than a speeding bullet...more powerful than a locomotive…able to leap tall buildings in a single bound… yes, these are some of Chuck Norris’ warm-up exercises.”

The Lucy Show to Open in Houston

The Associated Press reports that “Lucy” aka Australopithecus afarensis will be making a six-year, multi-city tour beginning September 2007.

Evolution Teacher Returns as Creationist

“Parker had no idea that his teaching of evolution would offend the residents of Desoto County. He had never heard evolution challenged in any of his college classes,” writes David Bedell of the Sun-Herald.

Is the Universe Crowded with Earthlike Planets?


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