Archive of Articles

The Fossils Still Say No: The Surly Cenozoic Flood Finale
The Cenozoic is the major upper system of the geologic column. It represents the last global Flood layers that were produced from violent Flood runoff as the newly separated continents and their mountain...
The Flood Explains the Missing Dinosaurs
The pattern of fossils in the rock record has always been complex, and the dinosaur fossils maybe even more so. A recent article tried to explain why only small and large-size carnivorous dinosaurs...
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
I surely enjoyed leading college student groups on spring break camping trips to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park on Key Largo in Florida. Diving excursions to the coral reefs about three miles...
Another Function of 'Junk DNA' Discovered
For decades, evolutionists suggested that huge sections of our genome (about half) did not actively code for the production of proteins or polypeptides—and so were useless, or “junk DNA.”...
Mutation, Design, and Faith
Any alteration in a cell’s DNA sequence is a mutation. These changes can come from copying errors, exposure to chemicals or radiation, or from an infection. But other types of genetic changes...
Hawaii Behind the Scenes
ICR Research Scientist Dr. Brian Thomas and ICR Video Producer Clint Loveness, with help from friends and family, recently shot footage in Maui, Hawaii, for upcoming video projects. On the north...
Does the Universe Look Old?
Since distant galaxies are billions of light-years away, some understandably assume that distant starlight must have taken billions of years to reach us. Also, some galaxies are colliding. While God...
Eating Bugs Isn't Always So Simple
The Lord Jesus Christ deserves glory for why He made Earth’s diverse creatures, and He also deserves glory for the complicated details of how they live. Although we cannot learn all of creation’s...
A Battle for Hearts
Since the ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History opened in fall of 2019, tens of thousands of people have walked through our doors. They come from many different places, backgrounds, cultures,...
Creation Kids: Floods Form Fossils Fast
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Two-Volume Series: Restoring the Truth about Origins
The subject of origins continues to attract interest from the public and the scientific establishment. Understanding our origins informs us of who we are in the greater scheme of things: beloved creatures...
Saturn's Moons Continue to Challenge Secular Theorists
A recent article in Sky & Telescope magazine explains why secular theorists have difficulty agreeing on the ages of Saturn’s moons.1 In the process, the article provides a reminder...
Support Creation Ministry in Texas and Beyond
ICR scientists and support staff recently completed a two-week science expedition through the Great Plains and western mountain states to conduct scientific research and produce two documentaries. And...
Great Unconformity Best Solved by Global Flood
The Great Unconformity is one of the most baffling mysteries in the geological sciences.1 It is marked by a massive surface of erosion that appears all over the world at about the same time....
ICR’s 2021 Science Expedition Update -- Dinosaur .,.
A team of 11 people from the Institute for Creation Research is currently traveling on a multistate science expedition to dig up fossils, conduct field research, and capture footage on location for two...
ICR’s 2021 Science Expedition Update
A team of 11 people from the Institute for Creation Research is currently traveling on a multistate science expedition to dig up fossils, conduct field research, and capture footage on location for two...
ICR’s 2021 Science Expedition Begins!
The Institute for Creation Research launched its 2021 multistate science expedition last week as a nine-member team left the ICR headquarters in Dallas, Texas, and headed to western Kansas, joined on...
Inside September 2021 Acts & Facts
Why does ICR focus on scientific research? How could paleontologists mistake a lizard fossil for a dinosaur? Is animal death before the Fall theologically or scientifically sound? How should you respond...
A New Commitment to Deep Research
If all is on schedule, and with the good blessings of the Lord Jesus, then as you read this article nearly all of the ICR scientists and a number of support staff will be working on the first-ever ICR...
World's 'Tiniest Dinosaur' Is Just a Lizard
Many of the world’s top paleontologists were again recently fooled by their own preconceived ideas. This time it was a tiny skull trapped in amber that was declared a hummingbird-size dinosaur...
The Fossils Still Say No: Capping a Cretaceous Conundrum
The Cretaceous system of the geologic column, like the other systems below it, is a conundrum to evolutionists because it represents a continuance of many life forms found buried in lower strata combined...
Centipede Adaptation Is Divinely Engineered
Crawly centipedes usually elicit shock and revulsion when they appear in one’s home, the woods, or some other place. They are found from deserts and Amazon forests to surge zones of seashores....
Three Hurdles for Evolution
Sure, finch beaks shift their shapes, but does that mean nature invented beaks and birds from stardust? Evolution’s proponents often speak as though we witnessed the supposed steps from dust to...
Waco Mammoth National Monument
Hunters in the 1970s discovered mammoth bones exposed in sediments near the confluence of the Bosque and Brazos Rivers in north central Texas. They notified scientists, who began excavating the site....
Transmitting Truth in a Modern Pagan World
We share the world with modern pagans who worship the sun—or idolize an imagined primordial Big Bang—so we need to be truth witnesses unto a world drowning in deception and delusion. Ancient...
Animal Death Before the Fall?
Both the Old and New Testaments teach that death entered the world when Adam ate the forbidden fruit (e.g., Genesis 2:17 and Romans 5:12). Since fossils are the preserved remains of dead animals, Christians...
Defend Your Faith with ICR
Have you ever heard a pastor question the historical nature of Genesis? “The days of creation weren’t really 24 hours long. The Bible is not a science textbook.” Do family members...
Creation Kids: Beauty by Design
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
ICR Contributes to 2021 Creation Research Society Meeting
About 150 people attended the 2021 Creation Research Society Meeting (July 23-24), roughly double the number of attendees at the first meeting in 2009.1 With the exception of the Creation Science...
Does Ganymede Look Young?
On June 7, 2021, NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew closer to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede than any spacecraft had ever before. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System—a body larger than...
Seed Water Sensor Confirms CET Design Model
The sprouting of a seed is crucial to not only the beginning of a plant’s life, but all life on earth. Despite this fundamental process of importance to plant biology, scientists are baffled over...
Venus Likely Geologically Active
In June 2021, researchers used radar images from the Magellan spacecraft to show that crustal blocks on the Venusian surface jostle against one another like blocks of pack ice on a lake.1 This...
North Pole Dinosaurs Point to the Flood
Eight species of dinosaurs were recently unearthed in the Prince Creek Formation of northern Alaska.1 The latest discovery, published in Current Biology, claims the bones were near the North...
DNA in Sheep and Dinosaurs
About 1,600 years ago, salt miners in Iran apparently left their lamb lunch down the shaft. Their loss became scientists' gain. The now-mummified sheep carcass suggests that salt helps preserve sheepskin...
Inside August 2021 Acts & Facts
Can a merciful God create parasites? How do diamonds confirm biblical history? Why won't the gospel die? And why is consensus thinking anti-science? Discover the answers to these questions and more...
The Tyranny of Consensus Thinking
“How can so many scientists be wrong?” This question is routinely wielded as real evidence for evolution. I’ve heard it in discussions with people ranging from grammar school students...
Extending the Whopper Sand Mystery
In the last three years, Shell Oil Company has made three significant discoveries in the Whopper Sand, a massive offshore Cenozoic sedimentary deposit in the Gulf of Mexico.1-3 These new...
The Fossils Still Say No: Jostle in the Jurassic
The Jurassic system of the geologic column is an enigma to evolutionists because it represents a continuance of many life forms found buried below in Triassic strata, combined with yet another alleged...
Man: Smart from the Start
People have been created with a three-pound brain that scientists will never fully understand. Evolutionists have tried to trace the evolution of the human neurological system (including the brain and...
Crater of Diamonds State Park and the Origin of Diamonds
At Crater of Diamonds State Park in western Arkansas, families dig diamonds for fun while more serious sifters seek sensational paydays. Countless brides have wondered where the pretty diamonds on their...
Why Won't the Gospel Die?
Soon after the gospel first emerged, ancient Rome tried to exterminate whoever believed it. They tortured and murdered early Christians, but that didn’t stop its progress. Thousands of years later,...
Can a Merciful God Create Parasites?
Sir David Attenborough of BBC fame is regularly asked by Christians why he will not give credit to God for the amazing creatures featured on his nature documentaries. He often replies: My response…is...
Should Creationists Brook Loss of a Trout?
Should a freshwater stream be restored to make it habitable for a failing fish population such as brook trout?1 It makes sense that creationists proactively care about biodiversity and environmental...
Be Blessed
During the days of Jesus, being blessed had a different meaning from what Christians understand it to mean today. The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament says the word for “blessed”...
Creation Kids: Testing the Limits
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Latest DNA Tech Still Light-Years Behind
Let’s say you recorded a library of books onto DNA. Hundreds of books could fit on your fingertip, but how would you find the one book you wanted? As it stands, digital data occupy hard drives...
Giant Rhinos Are Still Rhinos
Fossils from two giant rhinos dated by evolutionists to be “22 million years old” in the evolutionary timetable have been discovered in China.1 They were much larger than today’s...
Diverse Devonian Plant Assemblage from Early Flood
Scientists recently discovered a diverse assemblage of fossils in South Africa claimed to be some of the earliest land plants.1 Known as seedless vascular plants, the fossils were determined...
ICR Hosts Christian Educators Conference
As creation scientists continue to demonstrate that biblical creation makes far better sense of scientific data than evolutionary theory does, there is a great need for others to share this information...
Inside July 2021 Acts & Facts
Were dragons real creatures? How balanced was our universe 6,000 years ago? Why is Acadia National Park significant for biblical creation? Can scientists replace God with nothing? Discover the answers...
Walton's Lost World Obscures Biblical Clarity
“Now, that was as clear as mud!” is an exclamation we’ve heard before. We picture a frustrated person having just heard a convoluted account where, despite their best efforts, they...
Offshore Cenozoic Coal Confirms N-Q Flood Boundary
Studies of stratigraphic data across multiple continents have revealed strong evidence of a global flood that extends to near the top of the Neogene-Quaternary (N-Q) boundary.1-4 Now the...
The Fossils Still Say No: Tumultuous Triassic Tussle
The Triassic system of the geologic column is an enigma to evolutionists because it represents both a continuance of many life forms found buried in lower strata combined with an alleged and unexplained...
Dinosaurs: Delightful Dragons
A Florida woman recently received national attention when she suggested (somewhat in jest) that a long-tailed creature captured in early morning home security footage looked like a dinosaur.1...
Acadia: The Maine Jewel Among America's Parks
James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Acadia National Park displays Christ’s artistry throughout almost 50,000 acres of forests, island wildlife, salty-air breezes, and...
The Plate Twirler and Our Solar System
Imagine opening a door to a room and seeing a plate spinning on a stick with a spin rate that makes it wobble. Then imagine you shut the door and go back in time three minutes. What would you expect...
Can Scientists Replace God with Nothing?
Hebrews 11:3 says, “By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God.” Do you find it a little odd that we must have faith to understand that God created the universe?...
Grasshopper Apologetics: No Need to Get Jumpy
After spying in Canaan, 10 Hebrew scouts fearfully reported, “We saw the giants…and we were [by comparison] like grasshoppers” (Numbers 13:33). Like the cowardly spies, grasshoppers...
A Prayer for ICR
This month we invite you to join us in a prayer for the Institute for Creation Research’s ministry. Dear Jesus, Creator of all, we seek to glorify Your name in everything we do. Thank you...
Creation Kids: Moon
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Celebrate Independence Day at the ICR Discovery Center
Celebrate Independence Day at the ICR Discovery Center! Bring your family and friends on Saturday, July 3, or Monday, July 5.* Enjoy special activities, hear from ICR scientists, explore creation science...
Honeybee Design Saves Energy
Biomimicry is the making of systems or materials that are modeled after flora or fauna found in God’s creation (e.g. the artificial fabric Velcro is modeled after burrs). Scientists have uncovered...
Innate Speed-of-Sound Engineering Revealed in Bats
Bats have the amazing ability to accurately and consistently detect the speed of sound.1 This enables them to employ a complex system of echolocation in the dark of night to find food in mid-flight...
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis Conference Coming to.,.
Are you looking for real answers to the tough questions of faith and science? Come to the Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis Conference on June 26 at Lincoln Christian School in Lincoln, Nebraska. ICR...
Inside June 2021 Acts & Facts
How do the Everglades illustrate Bible-affirming biology? Why do marine sponges inspire engineers? What can we learn about God’s providence from sea otters and seaweed? How do Permian fossils...
Parks Series
Want to know how ICR scientists understand features of popular parks? Discover just how well creation and the Flood explain what we see in our parks. ____________________ Grand Canyon ____________________ Arches...
God Floods Earth, yet Preserves Ark-Borne Humans and A.,.
JUNE 01, 2021
by James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D., and Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D. In Creation Research Society Quarterly 57 (4): 248-262 This multidisciplinary research paper examines Genesis Chapter 7, which...
Two Excuses for Human Evolution Confusion
Public school textbooks assert that apes and humans emerged from an ape-like animal, whereas Genesis 1 says that God created humans and the different animal kinds right from the start. What difficulties...
Evolution's Divide Is Creation's Opportunity
Missed opportunities and bad timing often seem to go together. Military history has several notable examples of commanders who “seized defeat from the jaws of victory” when they delayed...
ICR Ice Core Research Update
In contrast to secular scientists, creation researchers think there was just one Ice Age that was caused by the Genesis Flood.1 Intense volcanism and rapid seafloor spreading during the Flood...
The Fossils Still Say No: Global Flood Solves Permian P.,.
Permian rock layers contain several of the fossil record’s greatest evolutionary enigmas. These rocks are found directly above Carboniferous strata, which I explained in the previous two articles...
Marine Sponges Inspire
The oceans are alive with God’s diverse and amazing creatures. Scripture tells us “God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly,...
The Everglades: Two Biology Basics the Bible Got Right
Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Gary Parker, Ed.D.* Imagine a river 50 miles wide and 100 miles long but only inches deep. Its slow flow is hidden under tall swamp grasses punctuated by small, rounded...
Does Radioisotope Dating Prove an Old Earth?
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.* When most people think about radioisotope dating, they think of carbon-14 (C-14), or radiocarbon dating.1 However, C-14, a radioactive...
What It Takes to Make a Cell: A Review of The Stairway .,.
Rare is the science book that can hold even an average reader’s attention. But The Stairway to Life does just that. Coauthored by biochemist Laura Tan and biomedical engineer Rob Stadler, it carries...
Even Seaweed Is Proof of God's Providence
Tidewater-tossed seaweeds display God’s providence.1,2 Hidden in plain view, tidewater seaweeds are spectacular exhibits of Christ’s caring bioengineering. Seaweeds even serve...
The Legacy and Faith of a Godly Father
Good fathers serve an essential role in the family, and it’s surely fitting that we express our love and gratitude on Father’s Day. After all, the fifth of God’s Ten Commandments begins...
Creation Kids: Coral Reef
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Life Is More Than Biomolecules
In order to have evolution, you must first have life. Both sides of the evolution-creation debate agree that the chance of all the correct biomolecules coming together by chance to form even the simplest...
Mutation, Design & Randomness
Article highlights: • A genetic mutation is a change—most are bad and some are good. • Evolutionists claim that good mutations come from random processes. • Genetic mutations...
Ireland’s First Dinosaur Bones Found in Flood Rocks
Ireland finally has some dinosaur fossils of its own.1 The ground-breaking discovery came as a bit of a surprise, however, as the bones were found in marine rocks! This has left secular scientists...
Dinosaur Fossil Walk
Why Study These Fossils? 2 Peter 3:4-5 teach that scoffers will deny two key historical events: Creation and the Flood. "For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens...
Control Loops in Humans and Nature
Ever had a blood test? Along with a value measured, there are also the normal max/min limits for that value. This implies that the body normally controls that quantity between those limits. How does it...
Creation and Climate Science with Dr. Jake Hebert
ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert* recently made a guest appearance on Good Heavens! A Podcast About the Universe with Wayne and Dan. Dr. Hebert presented his perspective on climate science, its relevance...
Inside May 2021 Acts & Facts
How should Christians respond when authorities are in conflict with God’s Word? Can we trust scientific measurements and reports about fossil discoveries? Why is the Bible powerful evidence for...
Refusing to Live by Lies
Perhaps my parents were naïve. They raised me to respect my teachers, the government, and other authorities, and to believe these entities acted in my best interests and certainly wouldn’t...
Archaeopteryx by the Numbers
Sometimes scientists get a chance to collaborate. This happened last year when a fellow creation-based researcher invited me to contribute comments about bird and dinosaur anatomy to his statistical...
The Fossils Still Say No: Enigma of the Carboniferous E.,.
Many creationists and evolutionists alike are familiar with the initial huge explosion of complex marine life buried in the Cambrian rock layers at the beginning of the fossiliferous strata,1...
Vertebrate Origins on the Ropes...Again
In 1859, the Western world was turned upside down by the publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle...
Is the Bible Evidence for Creation?
Have you ever had a skeptic tell you to keep the Bible out of it when discussing origins? Skeptics claim we Christians argue in a circle, that we are using the Bible to prove the Bible. Although this...
Zion National Park: Evidence of Deep Water Sand Waves
Brian Thomas, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* It was like driving into another world when we emerged from Zion-Mount Carmel Tunnel right at dawn. Zion National Park opened up to us in brilliant...
Guided by Lynx to Appreciate Christ
Not all tour guides in Alaska are human. Amazing animals of Alaska can guide us into learning creation truth. In fact, such animals should direct us—like projected arrows1—toward...
Tributes of Honor and Remembrance
At the end of a long day, a boss I had early in my career would often tell me, “No more today, Henry. My brain is full.” I found his comments rather amusing at the time, but the older I...
Creation Kids: Volcanoes
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Can Asteroids Select Life?
A recent study published in Science claims that an asteroid caused new forms of plants to evolve.1-3 But can an asteroid really be responsible for selecting new forms of life? Mónica...
Greenland: Ice-Free Not That Long Ago
Preserved leaves and twigs in a tube of soil show Greenland was largely ice-free in the relatively recent past.1 This discovery has important implications both for the ages that uniformitarian...
Extra-biblical Flood Legends
“Creation stands or falls on the Genesis Flood,” stated a creation geologist years ago. The fact of the Flood covering all the earth is undeniable. As described in Genesis 7, 19 And the...
Human Genome 20th Anniversary…Junk DNA Hits the Trash
The first rough drafts of the human genome were reported in 2001 (one in the private sector and one in the public sector).1-2 Since then, after 20 years of intensive globally conducted research,...
Bacterial Proteins Use Quantum Mechanics
Researchers have found a dimmer switch inside a protein. It tunes the protein’s configuration to take advantage of quantum mechanics during photosynthesis. Two parallels with human engineering leave...
Dr. Bill Cooper, ICR’s Adjunct Professor, Now in Glory
Earlier last month on March the 9th, Dr. William R. Cooper, ICR’s Master Faculty (known to ICR-SOBA’s faculty as “Dr. Bill” since 2009), left this temporal world to join the Lord...
Inside April 2021 Acts & Facts
How will ICR expand biblical creation education this year? How do fossilized fish and land creatures confirm Genesis history? Does recent research support human evolution? What lessons can Christians...
Road Trip!
We hope you’ve been having as much fun reading our park series in Acts & Facts as we’ve had preparing the articles each month. So far, ICR researchers have introduced us to Grand Canyon,...
Stronger Together: ICR's Education Outreach with CTI
Intensive training in creation science can change your life. One of the most important experiences for June and me in our young married life happened in the summer of 1983 when we attended an intensive...
Extinct Radionuclides
What do you think of when you hear the word extinct? Dinosaurs, perhaps? Maybe saber-toothed cats, mammoths, or short-faced bears? We might also include the more recent Bali tiger, passenger pigeon,...
The Fossils Still Say No: Missing Early Evolution of La.,.
One of the biggest hurdles for evolution to overcome is the transition of creatures from living in water to living on land. In the previous article, I showed how all of the alleged aquatic ancestors...
Some Marine Extinctions Were Caused by the Flood
Genesis describes a one-time global catastrophe that completely inundated the world, destroying all air-breathing land animals. God made provision through Noah and the Ark to preserve all dry-land creature...
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