Inside November 2021 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside November 2021 Acts & Facts

Why do scientists discover similarities between human-engineered systems and creature adaptation? How does the Genesis Flood explain the Ice Age? How is biblical creation the best scientific explanation of our world? What does it mean to be rich toward God? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the November 2021 issue of Acts & Facts!

Why Reinvent the Wheel?
by Randy J. Guliuzza and Aaron T. Guliuzza* Most of us know the phrase “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” It means that we hope to take the solution for one problem and readily apply it to...
New Proposed Babel Site Supports Ark Location
Most people believe the Tower of Babel was built somewhere in Iraq or even modern-day Syria. However, a recent article proposed that the Tower of Babel was built farther north in southeast Turkey.1...
The Fossils Still Say No: The Post-Flood Providential P.,.
In the previous article in this series, I explained how the final rock layers were laid down in the global Flood as the newly separated continents and their mountain ranges were being uplifted and the...
Carlsbad Caverns National Park: Fast Formations
by Dave Woetzel, M.S., and Brian Thomas, Ph.D.* Have you ever toured a cave? There is something especially intriguing about exploring the deep, dark underground and its mysterious animals and rock...
Evolutionary Acceptance and Misinformation
A recent study claims that a majority (54%) of Americans now accept as true the statement “Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals.”1 Unfortunately,...
Pickles for Apologetics
Food, even dill pickles, can provide relevant insights for creation apologetics.1 Since November 14th is National Pickle Day, this is a good time to consider how dill pickles can remind us of...
Rich Toward God
What do you think of riches? Some of us may instinctively equate riches with money, and therefore have a natural tendency to shy away from it and think of it as a bad thing. However, we are reminded that...
Creation Kids: Comparing Chimps and Humans
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...

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Evolution's Hypothetical Last Universal Common Ancestor
Evolutionists utilize a theoretical tree of life that takes people, plants, and animals back into deep evolutionary time to an unobserved, unknown,...

More Woolly Mammoth DNA
Woolly mammoths of the Ice Age1 were once found in huge numbers in Siberia, northern Europe, and North America. Organic remains from...

Giants, Genetics, and Pre-Flood Longevity | The Creation Podcast:...
Scripture describes humans living for a very long time, nearly a millennium before the Flood. Many scoff at this, stating this is reason to...

Reflecting on Five Years of the ICR Discovery Center
Since its grand opening on September 2, 2019, the ICR Discovery Center has encouraged thousands of visitors from all over the world with science that...

The Magnificence of a Colorful Autumn: Beauty and Complexity...
Scientists have long endeavored to comprehend the transformations that take place in trees and plants throughout the autumn season. While lacking complete...

September 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped...

Creation Kids: Geysers
by Renée Dusseau and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover...

Sharing Our Creator's Truth
My name is Bill, and I’m the information technology manager at the Institute for Creation Research. I keep everything technical running and make...

Engineered Parallel Gene Codes Defy Evolution
Researchers over the past decade have been characterizing new, previously hidden genetic codes embedded within the same sections of genes that code...

La Brea Tar Pits at Hancock Park: Post-Flood Catastrophes
The La Brea Tar Pits have fascinated visitors ever since Spanish explorer Gaspar de Portolá chronicled the site in 1769.1 But even...