Archive of Articles

Scientific Debates Reveal Hidden Story Beneath Ape Fossil
In 2002, Professor Michel Brunet of the University of Poitiers, France, described a tiny fossil ape skull nicknamed Toumaï as an upright-walking human ancestor.1 This ancient skull and...
From Suffering to Glory: Romans 8:18-30
Why is there travail, sorrow, and ultimately death in this life? Why does God allow this to happen to His children? Per Romans 8:20, “for the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but...
These Animals Are Masters of Disguise | The Creation Po.,.
From the leopard's spots to the butterfly's wings, many of our planet's creatures possess the ability to hide in plain sight. Where did this skill come from? And why is it found in so many...
Do Fish Skulls Show Evolution?
Fish never learned to walk. Regardless, an evolutionary paleontologist suggested an undocumented scenario of how fish gradually evolved into four-legged creatures (tetrapods) about 400 million years ago. In...
Creation Pioneer John Morris
Several years have passed since I retired from the Institute for Creation Research. Let me emphasize “retired.” I didn’t leave ICR. In fact, I’ve always stayed in contact, coming...
John C. Whitcomb: God’s Providence and The Genesi.,.
John C. Whitcomb   John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris published The Genesis Flood in 1961. For the first time, a book presented an in-depth analysis of the biblical and scientific...
Creation Pioneer John Baumgardner
My wife, Mary, and I currently live in central Virginia near Lynchburg and Liberty University, where I serve as research professor emeritus in the School of Engineering. God has blessed me here with...
Creation Pioneer Gary Parker
Gary Parker   In rural south Florida where I grew up (Arcadia, DeSoto County), where my wife, Mary, and I had the first of our four children (all born within five years 60 years...
Creation Pioneer Russell Humphreys
Russell Humphreys   After I retired in 2008 from being an associate professor for the Institute for Creation Research, I moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee. From my home office...
Creation Pioneer David Coppedge
David Coppedge   I’ve lived in Santa Clarita, California, since 1992, but I grew up in the San Fernando Valley. My parents were godly servants of the Lord in the Valley...
Creation Pioneer Larry Vardiman
Larry and Jeannette Vardiman   During my second year in graduate school at Colorado State University, I received a phone call from Pastor Siemen’s secretary at First Baptist...
Creation Pioneer Don DeYoung
I first met Dr. Henry Morris in 1973 when he spoke in chapel at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. With a growing interest in creation studies, my family and I spent the 1979–1980 sabbatical...
Henry M. Morris and Duane T. Gish: Advancing the Cause .,.
    The following excerpts by Dr. Henry Morris and Dr. Duane Gish were taken from the first issue of the Creation-Science Report (Volume 1, Number 1, January–February...
Honoring Pioneers of Creation
It’s always fun to catch up with old friends. We recently asked some pioneers of the creation movement to share with us where they are in their professional, personal, and ministry pursuits. In...
Remembering Raymond Damadian: Father of the MRI and Cre.,.
Have you ever faced a health crisis that called for an MRI? You can thank Dr. Raymond Damadian for the medical and scientific benefits of this cutting-edge technology. Dr. Damadian was an outstanding American...
"Stone Age" Surgery
The creation model states that humans were created by God about six thousand years ago—as opposed to evolution that says we came from apes over millions of years. If creation is true, then humans...
Amazing Animals, Obvious Design | Creation.Live Podcast.,.
From the pets in our backyard to the creatures that dwell deep within the ocean, the world is home to a fascinating variety of animals. Where did they come from? Why do they seem so perfectly designed...
Do Bird Embryos Show Evidence of Evolving from Dinosaurs?
The majority of zoologists and vertebrate paleontologists believe that birds are actually flying dinosaurs. This even includes the world’s smallest bird, the bee hummingbird of Cuba. Some scientists...
Seeing Stars At Impossible Distances | The Creation Pod.,.
For millennia, mankind has looked at the stars in wonder. Technology has allowed us to study these magnificent creations, but we still have questions. A prominent issue is the distant starlight problem....
Fresh Dinosaur Tracks Revive Rankling Mysteries
Droughts across north Texas dried the Paluxy River bed, famous for its dinosaur footprints. Ordinarily, the dinosaur tracks lie buried beneath water-covered mud, but dry conditions enabled workers to remove...
Upright Walking Ancestor?
In 2020, an interesting evaluation of human evolution was made by a Scientific American science writer.  The human saga, we now understand, is far more intricate than scholars of yore envisioned....
Mucin in the Mucous
Most readers would rather avoid the topic of mucous. It’s hardly a dinner-table subject! Regardless, our lives depend on this watery, mucilaginous material found in most creatures—vertebrate...
God's Gift of Speech
Evolution is so flexible! It can be fast1 or slow.2 It can go forward or backward.3 It can add or eliminate structures—such as the alleged loss of parts of our voice...
Do We Have Useless Organs? | The Creation Podcast: Epis.,.
Tonsils, the appendix, and the spleen are just a few examples of organs within the human body that many people refer to as "useless," but are they? The Creation Podcast host Trey Bowling sits...
James Webb Telescope Data: Challenges for the Big Bang?
Astronomers are thrilled by the extraordinary images provided by the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—but some of the data already contradict Big Bang expectations.1 The JWST...
Amazing Moth Compass
Most of us are familiar with the incredible ability of different animal groups to migrate (such as birds).1,2 But what about invertebrates? Recently, scientists discovered that a moth called...
Grand Teton National Park: the Youngest Rocky Mountains
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, Ph.D.* Just south of Yellowstone National Park lies one of the most picturesque mountain ranges in the western United States—the Teton Range, established...
Natural Selection’s Death-Driven Worldview
Millions of Christians are rejoicing over the United States Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion. Countless Christians have prayerfully labored...
ICR Ice Sheet Research: Status Update
With ICR’s new focus on biology, my current ice sheet research is wrapping up. So, now is a good time to summarize the results so far. Creation scientists argue that there was only one Ice...
Evolutionary Dinosaur Myths Debunked
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.* Dinosaurs capture the public imagination like no other creatures. The extreme popularity of the Jurassic Park movie series over the past three...
The Venus Flytrap’s Snap
The Venus flytrap is one of the more unusual plants in God’s creation. It grows naturally only on the East Coast of the United States and has the fascinating ability to snap up unsuspecting insects...
God’s Providence in Salmon, Guppies, and Cavefish
For fish, life is very demanding. Fish life requires quick, targeted self-adjustments 24/7 to ever-changing conditions such as varying salinity and dissolved oxygen, pH (acidity/alkalinity), seasonal...
We Need You!
There’s been a steady decrease in the U.S. population’s belief in God. The assessment of our country’s religious views began when Gallup conducted a public opinion poll in 1944. Remarkably,...
Creation Kids: Sharks
by Michael Stamp and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning...
Evolutionary Dinosaur Analysis Leads to Bizarre Conclusion
A new dinosaur discovery in Rio Negro Province in central Argentina resulted in a very peculiar assertion.1 A bipedal dinosaur (walked on two legs) named Jakapil kaniukura was unearthed in upper...
Living on the International Space Station | Creation.Li.,.
Most of us have never been to space, but we wonder what it's like. What does it take to become a NASA astronaut? What do astronauts do while in space? Sit with us as Colonel Jeff Williams recounts...
Scientists Reach for Evolution's Replacement
Most people say that evolution is true, so why do a growing number of scientists doubt it? These skeptics don’t question evolution’s premise that nature alone is somehow responsible for crafting...
Are We Really Full of Junk DNA? | The Creation Podcast:.,.
Is it really true that less than 2% of genes are functional? Is the other 98% just "junk?" In episode 30 of The Creation Podcast, host Lauren Pennington and ICR geneticist Dr. Jeff Tomkins...
The Passive Stealth Wing of the Moth
We appreciate the beautiful butterfly, but not so much the pesky moth. However, the wing structure of both creatures is amazing, “The wings of moths and butterflies are densely covered in scales...
The Incredible Canine Sniffer
As any dog owner will tell you, the smelling ability of Rover is incredible.1 Surprisingly, however, “little is known about the structure of their olfactory [smelling] system.”2...
Claims of 'Freshwater' Plesiosaurs Drowned by the Flood
A new discovery in Morocco’s Saharan Desert has evolutionary scientists making claims that plesiosaurs lived in freshwater too.1 Usually thought of as marine reptiles, plesiosaurs have...
Brainy Paper Wasps
Wasps (Family Vespidae) have a bad rap, but their benefits actually outweigh their painful sting—although many would disagree! What is the function of these creatures? To begin with, they’re...
The Secrets of the Cell | The Creation Podcast: Episode 29
Cells are the basic units of life, and in some forms they are actually organisms. What is a cell? What goes on inside of a cell? Did all life come from a single cell? Join host Ivana Semidey and ICR...
Fossil Footprints Fit Flood Ice-Age Model
Anthropologists Thomas Urban (Cornell University) and Daron Duke (Far Western Anthropological Research Group) recently found preserved human footprints on an Air Force testing range located on the salt...
Deep-Sea Lobster Microbiome
Research continues regarding complex and amazing microbiomes found on or within a variety of creatures.1 The microbiome is a microbial community occupying a specific habitat, such as bacteria...
"Massively Exciting" Fossil Find
Now this is exciting: “Geologists have found the fossil of the earliest known animal predator. The 560-million-year-old specimen is the first of its kind, but it is related to a group of animals...
Central rotation in globular clusters: an indicator of .,.
AUGUST 01, 2022
In Journal of Creation. 36 (2):12–14. Abstract Although they do not understand how or where globular clusters formed, uniformitarian astronomers have long claimed that globular clusters...
Interface systems and continuous environmental tracking.,.
AUGUST 01, 2022
by Tom Hennigan, Randy Guliuzza, P.E., M.D., and Grace Lansdell In Journal of Creation. 36 (2): 97-105. Abstract There is need for a design model of symbiotic relationships in young-age...
Copulation Didn't Kill the Frogs, the Flood Did
Evolutionary scientists recently studied 168 frog fossils from central Germany, concluding that the frogs all drowned while aggressively mating. They claim to have arrived at this preposterous assertion...
What Can We Learn From Fossils? | The Creation Podcast:.,.
Is evolution seen in the fossil record? Why are fossilized terrestrial animals found buried with marine creatures? What conditions were needed to form the fossils we find today? Take a deep dive into...
Be Not Deceived: Spiritually Train to Overcome Secular .,.
Thorough instruction and discipline are the hallmark qualities of a strong military training program. Well-trained soldiers can think on their feet, adapt to their environment, and make sound choices for...
Jurassic World: Dominion - Fun Movie, Bad Science | Cre.,.
Covered in feathers, running faster than cars, and living in cold climates...these are just a few of the ideas introduced in Jurassic World: Dominion. Are these features backed by science? What can...
CET Model in Plants Is Clearly Seen
Plant scientists have known for decades that plants aren’t just static entities. The half-million or more species of plants in the world display incredible design features and complex interactions...
Half-Billion-Year-Old Fossil Brains?
Once again, a recent and remarkable fossil discovery has been made challenging evolutionary theory. A strange arthropod (i.e. a radiodont) has been found in the Cambrian strata of the geologic column. Evolutionists...
Stars Defy Big Bang
Recent measurements by astronomers at the University of Cologne (Germany) and Masaryk University (Brno, or the Czech Republic) have shown that a fast-moving star orbits the heart of our Milky Way galaxy...
Who Created the Universe? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 27
What is the Big Bang theory? Does it align with a biblical worldview? How do design and fine-tuning offer better answers? In this episode of The Creation Podcast, join host Ivana Semidey and ICR physicist...
A Beautiful, Extinct Bird
In 2021, a fossil of an evidently beautiful bird the size of a bluejay was unearthed from sedimentary deposits in northeastern China. The bird—named Yuanchuavis—had a unique combination of...
Speciation of Bears, Birds, and Bacteria is not Evolution
Speciation may be defined as the separation of populations of animals or plants that resemble one another closely and originally able to interbreed—into independent populations with genetic differences,...
Biblical Insights into Today’s Violent Mob Mentality
Some scenes from the evening news get etched into our memories. I recall seeing a college professor step outside his building and become suddenly surrounded by a very angry pack of students shouting...
How Did the Bat Get Its Wings?
Where did bats come from? Evolutionists presuppose that some kind of rodent received just the right mutations to over “a few million years” turn its front legs into exceptionally aerodynamic...
Yellowstone National Park, Part 2: Canyons and Catastrophe
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, Ph.D.* About three million visitors tour Yellowstone National Park’s 3,440 square miles each year.1 Most come to see natural wonders like...
Seeing Distant Starlight in a Young Universe
Many see distant starlight as an unanswerable objection to recent creation. Both creationist and evolutionist astronomers agree that distant galaxies are billions of light-years from us.1...
The Bobtail Squid's Living Cloaking Device
Hawaiian bobtail squid (Euprymna scolopes) live among the sand flats and sea plants of the Hawaiian archipelago. Along with other bobtail squid, these lime-size ocean dwellers glow in the dark. The...
Asia Data Confirm Progressive Global Flood
The Institute for Creation Research’s Column Project team recently finished a two-year study of Asia. We have now accumulated column data across five of the world’s continents, with Australia...
Lightning, Soil Bacteria, and God’s Providence
Nitrogen is vital for human survival, yet few appreciate how lightning and soil bacteria contribute to Earth’s nitrogen cycle. That Earth’s nitrogen cycle serves us as it does, reliably...
To the End of the Earth
The book of Acts recounts the apostles’ journeys across the Roman Empire from Jerusalem and Judea “to the end of the earth,” preaching the good news of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). They...
Creation Kids: Earth
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning...
'Prehistoric' Paddlefish?
Evolutionists consider the freshwater paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) of the class Actinopterygii to be a prehistoric creature, a primitive bony fish “50 million years” older than the dinosaurs—making...
Are Dinosaurs in the Bible? | The Creation Podcast: Epi.,.
If the Bible is true, wouldn't it mention dinosaurs? If God made dinosaurs, when did He make them? Did they live with humans? What ultimately happened to them? If you've ever wondered about...
Anthropologist Wows Scientists
Jeremy DeSilva of Dartmouth College gave an evening presentation at the end of this year’s week-long American Society of Mass Spectrometry conference. As a human fossil expert, DeSilva’s lecture...
Roe v. Wade Overturned
On Friday, June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote, overruled its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that purported to recognize a constitutional right to abortion.1,2 At ICR, we...
Plesiosaurs: Designed for Swimming in the Beginning
Plesiosaurs (“near lizards”) were an amazing group of aquatic reptiles. Their clear design includes unique flippers and streamlined bodies with long necks. Evolutionists maintain many millions...
Imaginary Dinosaur Science Runs Wild in Jurassic World:.,.
Wild imagination abounds in the new Jurassic World: Dominion movie. Even a fully-feathered dinosaur is shown swimming below the ice at one point. But this is similar to the outlandish ideas published in...
Natural Selection Part 1: A Darwinian Deception | Creat.,.
In his book On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin outlined the theory of evolution by means of natural selection. But what was Darwin’s purpose behind such an idea? And how did this concept...
Natural Selection Part 2: A Poor Personification | Crea.,.
Charles Darwin compared natural selection to a human breeder, but the analogy has faced substantial criticism, even from within Darwinian camps. What exactly is natural selection supposed to be? Has...
Natural Selection Part 3: A Seductive Swindle | Creatio.,.
Darwin’s idea of natural selection involves long ages of trial and error, making it a fundamentally death-driven concept. Could such a process be adapted to fit a Christian narrative? Or is natural...
Bring Your Family to the ICR Discovery Center and Celeb.,.
The ICR Discovery Center Anniversary Celebration on September 3, 2022, will unveil new science exhibits, hands-on activities for the whole family, the museum’s rebranding, and more! The Institute...
Where Did Our Sun Come From? | The Creation Podcast: Ep.,.
What makes our sun so unique? Where does the sun get its power? Looking at the evidence, how old is our sun? On this episode of The Creation Podcast, host Trey Bowling and ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert...
Giraffe Neck Evolution?
“How the giraffe's long neck evolved has long been an evolutionary mystery” said a recent article.1 For many decades it was thought by evolutionists (i.e. Darwin) that the impetus...
A Shocking Case for Creation
Scientific investigation and research continue to reveal the Hand of the Creator. In this case, it is the remarkable electric fish (ray-finned fish, or knifefish belonging to the order Anguilliformes)....
The Sweet Smell of Creation
Olfaction is detecting odors by means of smell and is rapidly becoming a field of fascinating discoveries. The human nose is designed to detect a trillion smells,1 which is significantly more...
How Do Creatures Produce Living Light? | The Creation P.,.
What is bioluminescence? What would it take for evolution to produce this creature feature? Is there a better explanation of its origin? Join host Lauren Pennington and ICR zoologist Dr. Frank Sherwin...
New Fossil Dolphin Species Discovered
Who doesn’t like to watch the antics of the friendly dolphin? They are classified as Cetaceans (which also includes the porpoise and the whale). Creationists maintain cetaceans have always been cetaceans...
Aerial Engineering and Physics of the Dragonfly
Dragonflies (order Odonata) are perhaps one of the most studied and appreciated insects in the world today. Like the hummingbird, the dragonfly is a master in the art of flight. New research has only increased...
Seafloor Spreading Matches Creation Predictions
Evolutionary scientists recently determined that seafloor spreading has been slowing down.1 And they are not exactly sure of the reason. However, this is no surprise to Flood geologists. It’s...
What Happened with Washington's Violent Volcano? | The .,.
How did a 1980 volcanic eruption change our understanding of geology? What impact did this event have on the age assignments of sediments? Join us for episode 23 of The Creation Podcast to commemorate...
Remembering Patti Morse
But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the...
Fossil Insect Predation Shows No Evidence of Evolution
Some recent science news stories have come out describing fossils of insects feeding on plants supposedly many “millions of years ago.” What is amazing is the fossil plants and insects are...
Adaptive Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in Plants
Being sedentary organisms, plants are essentially stuck where they are planted and need to dynamically adapt to the conditions around them to not only survive but thrive. They do this by constantly detecting...
Dr. Tim Clarey Awarded Adjunct Professor of the Year
Congratulations to ICR Research Scientist and geologist Dr. Tim Clarey! He received the Adjunct Professor of the Year award from King’s University, an “accredited, Spirit-empowered, evangelical...
Mars Rover Records Dramatic Solar Eclipse
NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover has filmed the Martian satellite (or moon) Phobos eclipsing the sun, and this short but impressive video may be viewed online.1,2 During the eclipse, Phobos...
Darwin or Design? CET Pt. 2 | The Creation Podcast: Epi.,.
How does design provide a better explanation for biological functions and adaptations than natural selection? And how can engineering principles help us to understand biological design? Episode 22 of...
Inside May-June 2022 Acts & Facts
How can Christians stand up to scientific elitism? What does the plant fossil record in Iceland tell us about the global Flood? Does a new bacterium prove evolution? What is our responsibility to those...
Resurrecting "Ancient" Enzymes?
The most abundant protein on Earth is probably an enzyme (biological catalyst) called RuBisCO (or Rubisco) designed by the Creator to function in photosynthesis.1 Specifically, Rubisco combines...
Lifting the Curtain on Scientific Elitism
“The curtain has been lifted” is an idiom that aptly portrays when a hidden truth is revealed. On the public side of a curtain called “biological science,” the perception of...
Flood Explains Mysterious Iceland Plant Fossils
Recently, a colleague alerted me to some unusual fossil discoveries on Iceland that are best explained by ICR’s Flood model.1,2 The fossils of interest are plants, specifically lignite,3...
Yellowstone National Park, Part 1: A Flood Supervolcano
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, Ph.D.* Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. Geologist Ferdinand Hayden led an expedition the year before through much of what...
The Five Rules of Flood Paleontology
Most people assume that both geological and fossil evidence support the story of evolution. Geology textbooks portray the formation of canyons, mountains, oil deposits, and other features as representing...
Big Bacterium--a Missing Link?
Bacteria are tiny single-cell organisms that show a huge range of metabolic and genetic variation, and also exist in a wide array of shapes and sizes. Bacteria, which are classed among the life forms...
Speculation, Invention, and the Invisible Hand
Evolution is broadly and almost unequivocally accepted as fact. Creationists who try to present the evidence contradicting it are often met with “How can you go against proven science?”...
ICR’s School of Biblical Apologetics
The Institute for Creation Research’s School of Biblical Apologetics (SOBA) was launched over 12 years ago. ICR’s SOBA programs provide biblical creation-based apologetics for seeking, finding,...
Altruistic Birds Embarrass Evolutionists
Why are evolutionists surprised to learn that birds are intelligent, careful, and very caring? Birds communicate among themselves, use tools, and often demonstrate altruism (unselfishly caring for others)—sometimes...
Caring for the People in Your Life
Many people relate stewardship to managing money. When they consider their resources, money comes to mind, along with vehicles, homes, investments, clothes, and so on. But how often do we include people...
Creation Kids: Grand Canyon
by Christy Hardy and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
New RNA Viruses Discovered in Ocean Water Samples
An international team of scientists onboard the schooner Tara is conducting an ongoing oceanic global study. The research is part of the Tara Oceans Consortium and has identified 5,500 new RNA virus species...
Imago Dei: Man’s Designed Role as Image-Bearer
On days one through five of the creation week, God developed and populated the originally empty (“without form and void”1) earth introduced in Genesis 1:2. He did so with great precision...
"Adaptive Tracking" in Seasonal Fruit Fly Pop.,.
Contrary to Darwinian theory, creatures are not molded by the environment, but rather they actively sense the environment and adapt accordingly. They continuously track their environmental surroundings...
Did Darwin Deceive Us? CET Pt. 1 | The Creation Podcast.,.
If natural selection is a mystical delusion, what then is driving the adaptions we see in living organisms? And how can the principles of engineering help us to understand biological design? In episode...
Does Creationism Lead to Racism?
A newly published psychology paper strongly suggests that disbelief in human evolution leads to racism.1,2 As summarized by a popular-level science article, A disbelief in human evolution...
Completion of Human Genome Reveals Anti-Evolutionary Su.,.
Most people would be surprised to know that, until recently, the human genome was not entirely sequenced where all the DNA letters it contains are deciphered. With the use of new DNA sequencing technologies,...
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