Archive of Articles

Darwin’s Fallen Arches
Natural stone arches are commonly made of sandstone or limestone and are found in coastal cliff areas that can be eroded by wave action. Other arches have also formed as artifacts of the receding phase...
April 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 NKJV ICR April 2023 wallpapers are now available...
Ants, Flowers, and Time
The theory of evolution states that long ago, when flowering plants spread out from ancient forests, the ants followed, initiating the evolution of the many thousands of ant species found today. Evolutionists...
The Mystery of Life | The Creation Podcast: Episode 46
We all know life when we see it—but what is it REALLY? Where did it come from? And how did it begin? Could life have spontaneously come into existence through something like abiogenesis? Host...
God's Protein Pump
Long ago, the Apostle Paul said in his letter to the church in Rome that God’s creation was not only seen, but clearly seen. In those days, there was obviously not the technology or equipment...
The Origin of Metabolism
Metabolism is the totality of chemical reactions that manage all of the molecular, material, and energy resources within an organism. Part of a creature’s metabolism would include, for example,...
Bumblebee University
Entomologists, biologists who study insects, continue to uncover amazing discoveries regarding the intellect of bees1,2 Now, biologists at Queen Mary University of London have “strong...
Struck: Risking It All for the Truth | Creation.Live Po.,.
In this unique episode, host Trey talks with three key people involved in creating Struck—an upcoming miniseries that shows the special ties between the lives of ICR's Dr. John Morris and...
Giant Ants Buried in Receding Flood Rocks
Evolutionary scientists are baffled by a large ant fossil found in British Columbia, Canada. Known as Titanomyrma, this same ant had been found previously in Europe and in Wyoming in rocks claimed to...
Why Do Animals Hibernate? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 45
The word hibernation is often used in reference to deep sleep, but what is it really? What kinds of creatures hibernate? How does this demonstrate the Creator's wisdom? Host Ivana and zoologist...
Thalattosuchians…Extinct Crocodile Relatives?
The Thalattosuchia are an extinct group of marine crocodylomorphs (a group that includes the crocodiles) that allegedly transitioned from land to water during the Mesozoic Era, according to evolutionary...
The Star-Nosed Mole
The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a fascinating semi-aquatic mammal found in eastern Canada and the United States. Moles (placental mammals) are classified—along with hedgehogs and shrews—in...
The Hexagon: An Indication of Order and Design in Nature
In nature, noncoincidental patterns and geometry exist everywhere. But the number six appears to overshadow nature’s mathematical landscape. Whether in beehives, rock formations, or insect eyes,...
Neanderthal Crab Bake
The evolutionary community said it perfectly in their headlines: “Proof that Neanderthals ate crabs is another 'nail in the coffin' for primitive cave dweller stereotypes.”1...
Is There Any Truth to Dragon Legends? | The Creation Po.,.
Dragons are considered by many to be made-up creatures in fairytales and legends, but our ancestors produced many descriptions and depictions of "dragons," some of which match real dinosaur...
Our Sun, Finely Tuned for Life on Earth
Aside from appreciating the splendor of the sun during a beautiful sunrise or sunset, many rarely consider how special, necessary, and finely tuned our sun is to support life on Earth. Like the hub...
March 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving; Sing praises on the harp to our God, Who covers the heavens with clouds, Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes grass to grow on the mountains." Psalm...
The Receding Phase of the Genesis Flood: Exegetical and.,.
MARCH 01, 2023
In Creation Research Society Quarterly. 59 (4): 207-216. Abstract This multidisciplinary research paper examines Genesis 8:1–12 which describes a critical late-Flood phase of the global...
Open Theism: An Open Door for Evolution
MARCH 01, 2023
In Journal of Dispensational Theology. 27 (74): 63-78. Abstract Open theism is an unorthodox theological position with modern philosophical roots in panentheism and process theology whose proponents...
Mutation-Selection: A Calamitous Creationist Concession
Creation scientists sometimes say to evolutionists, “We have the same data you do, but we have different interpretations.” That statement is definitely true of the different approaches to...
The Final World: Renovation or New Creation?
In the beginning about 6,000 years ago, Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth out of nothing, or ex nihilo, which I discussed in a previous article.1 The Bible not only gives us...
Future Hope: Evolution or Resurrection?
Scientific evidence for evolution is utterly lacking. Were evolution true, innumerable transitional fossil forms between basic kinds of creatures would clearly document the evolution of life from single-cell...
Why Breeding Woodpeckers Snack on Bones
When you eat eggs—boiled, poached, as omelets, or otherwise—do you discard the eggshells? Likewise, if you eat trout or turkey, do you recycle your fish or fowl bones? Some birds and...
Cavefish Research
At the Institute for Creation Research, we’re investigating Astyanax mexicanus (Mexican tetra) as an experimental model of rapid adaptation by animals to different environmental conditions, such...
Devils Tower: Mysterious Columns and Engineered Lichens
Many people have seen pictures of Devils Tower or visited the site in Wyoming. Very few of the 500,000 annual visitors, though, may understand the mystery of its formation or the distinct role the global...
Teenage Ninja Turtle Fossils
What would you think if you discovered a dust-covered iPhone next to a mummy inside an Egyptian coffin? You might suspect someone recently tampered with it, but you see no signs of that. Perhaps instead...
Meet ICR's Donor Relations Department
Meet our Donor Relations team led by Director Charles (Chas) Morse. Their objective is to transform donated resources into Scripture-affirming science for the benefit of thousands of people worldwide....
Creation Kids: Auroras
by Lori Fausak and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Uniquely Human Eyes
Biologists have long noted that unlike most animals, humans have sclera—that white ring around the iris. In the ICR video Adam or Apes, I tried to explain that humans discern many unspoken messages...
Do Fossil Bones Have Blood Vessels? | Creation.Live Pod.,.
Fossils are frequently cited as evidence for an old universe and the evolutionary narrative. But is that really the case? Or does fossil evidence actually indicate that the Bible is right in its account...
Earliest Fossil Brain Is Still a Brain
Over a century ago, a fossil fish was extracted from an English coal mine. Evolutionists assigned an age of “319 million years” to the extinct bluegill-sized creature. Recently, using...
What Do the Laws of Physics Tell Us About the Universe?.,.
How does the study of physics demonstrate the existence of a Creator? Do the laws we see in the universe today make sense in an evolutionary worldview? In this episode, Dr. Jake Hebert and host Ivana...
An Amazing Plant Defense
Although plants are not alive in the biblical sense,1 scientists continue to discover just how complex they are.2 It has been known for decades that plants have been designed...
Cliff Collapse Collapses 'Deep Time'
Recently, video footage captured the spectacular collapse of an estimated 11,000 tons (22 million pounds) of rock, as a section of England’s Broadchurch cliffs catastrophically collapsed. The...
Arctic Lemur-like Fossils Were Transported During Flood
Evolutionary scientists announced the discovery of primate fossils on Ellesmere Island, in one of the northernmost parts of Canada. The jaws and teeth of these lemur-like mammals were found in the Eocene...
Do People and Wild Apes Share a Common Language?
There are a host of scientific problems with evolution. One egregious difficulty is an untestable proposition that people (and primates) evolved from an unknown common ancestor from an unknown time...
February 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"Let all that you do be done with love." 1 Corinthians 16:14 NKJV ICR February 2023 wallpapers are now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month's image for free...
The Miracle of Life | The Creation Podcast: Episode 42
How does a brand new human begin forming inside a mother? What crucial role is the placenta designed to fill? Human reproduction is a mind-bogglingly complex process that demonstrates the glory and...
Has Real Evolution Unfolded in Puerto Rican Lizards?
“We are watching evolution as it’s unfolding,” said an evolutionist at New York University. She was referring to “The Puerto Rican crested anole, a brown lizard with a bright...
Dubious Views on Octopus Evolution
The octopus is one of the most amazing animals in God’s creation.1 Now, A new paper in Genome Biology and Evolution indicates that a type of octopus appears to have evolved...
Microraptor Ate Mammals But Was Not a Dinosaur
The recent claim of a nearly half-inch mammal foot in the stomach of a ‘dinosaur’ is tainted by evolutionary dogma.1 The fossil foot of the mouse-sized mammal is real enough,...
Dr. John Morris Is at Home with His Lord
A memorial service for Dr. John Morris was held to celebrate his life on Friday, March 3, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. CST at First Baptist Dallas in the old sanctuary. The service can be viewed here on...
Scripture Memory & Archaeological Evidence | Creation.L.,.
"Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You" (Psalm 119:11 NKJV). Scripture memory was important thousands of years ago, but is it still relevant today when we have...
Webb Telescope Continues to Challenge Big Bang
Data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) continue to challenge expectations of Big Bang proponents.1,2 The JWST is designed to “see” in the infrared portion...
The Truth About the Chimp Genome (Humans & Chimps: Part.,.
Have scientists proven human evolution from a "common apelike ancestor," or are we being told a clever, confusing story filled with farcical "facts?" What is chromosome fusion, and...
World's Oldest Meal
The Ediacara biota is a sporadic faunal (animal) stage containing unique soft-bodied fossil creatures in sandstone from the Ediacaran System dating “635-541 million years ago” according...
No Microbes on Mars
Mars is a lifeless world. But those holding to a naturalistic worldview continue to have hope—even faith—that the Red Planet was at one time thriving with life. Such a conviction is...
Flood Explains Grouping of Ichthyosaurs
The discovery of dozens of ichthyosaur fossils in Nevada was announced in the journal Current Biology.1 Seven 50-foot long ichthyosaurs of the species Shonisaurus were found in a single layer,...
Frog Stripe Evolution?
Color patterns in animals, whether vertebrates or invertebrates, are designed by the Creator for camouflage, warning, courtship, or, simply, for the aesthetic value. Evolutionists have recently...
They Lied to Us? (Humans & Chimps: Part 1) | The Creati.,.
Back in the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin promoted the supposed similarity between humans and chimpanzees. Later DNA studies seemed to support that idea—until someone started taking a closer...
The Importance of Context in Sound Biblical Interpretation
During World War II, fighter planes often returned from battle riddled with bullet holes. The Allies analyzed the litany of data and mapped the areas that were most commonly struck by enemy fire. In...
Bird Beaks: Modern and Ancient
Science is dynamic. What was considered incontrovertible for decades can be overturned with a simple discovery or more research. So it is with the never-ending problems with bird evolution. As creationists,...
Martian Lander Discovers "Surprising" Martian.,.
The InSight robotic lander found evidence in the interior of Mars for the existence of an active giant mantle plume, a large blob of molten rock that is rising, not unlike a wax blob in a 1970s-era...
January 2023 ICR Wallpaper
"But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 NKJV ICR...
CET or Evolutionary Trick?
Did you know that about 50% of the oxygen in the air you breathe comes from plankton in our oceans? Specifically, microplankton is made up of tiny organisms that are a mixture of zooplankton (animals)...
What a Wonderful Year! 2022 in Review
Longtime readers of Acts & Facts may fondly recall how in the January issue ICR founder Dr. Henry M. Morris would sum up ICR’s major activities and blessings of the prior year. When he pulled...
Badlands National Park: Flood Features and Fossils
Visited by over a million people a year, Badlands National Park is just over an hour east of Rapid City, South Dakota, and covers around 380 square miles. National park status was designated in 1978,...
Creation Ex Nihilo Through Jesus Christ
The first verse of the Bible provides the foundational truth of our faith and the fundamental truth concerning the universe: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis...
Toothed Fish Fossil Rewrites Evolutionary Fish Story
Once again, research into the fossil record has provided evidence that a creature “originated far earlier than previously believed”— in this case, ray- and lobe-finned fish (osteichthyans)....
Building a Human Body: Jesus Christ's Amazing Engineering
When Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution, he appealed to the logic of ancestry, the evident diversity of species, and the magic of time. We all understand that time changes things. However,...
Eating Like a Bird
“Oh, she eats like a bird!” These words described the skimpy half-meal gulped down by a toddler just before she scampered off to play. The assumption behind those dismissive words implies...
Creation Evangelism
“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31) John’s gospel is perhaps the...
Creation Kids: Arctic Hare
by Michael Stamp and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning...
Ice Age Footprints Step on Radiocarbon Results
Radiocarbon dating seems like solid science. It appeals as a kind of time machine, providing a clear peephole to peer into the past. However, a new debate over ancient human footprints from New Mexico...
A Very Merry Christmas Special | The Creation Podcast: .,.
How did a single grain of sand almost ruin hours of filming? What are our viewers saying about ICR's podcasts? What were some of our favorite episodes to record? In this special Christmas episode,...
Marine Invertebrate Antibiotic
Erythromycin is an antibiotic that has been prescribed to many of us that may have experienced skin or upper respiratory tract infections. It was discovered in 1949 in a soil sample from the Philippines....
Fossil Defies So-Called Brain Evolution
A recent amazing discovery in China's southern Yunnan province gives significant support to the creation model. Half-inch long invertebrate fossils of a sea creature were discovered that allegedly...
Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers? | The Creation Podcast: Ep.,.
According to many sources, some dinosaurs had feathers and eventually evolved into birds. But Scripture says that birds and dinosaurs were each created by God on two different days of the creation week—and...
Yet Another Living Fossil Found
Evolutionary philosophy states the fossil record is a record of the gradual and slow evolution of life forms that all came from a single common ancestor impossibly long ago.1 Yet, the fossils...
Fuel for Variation
There’s a lot more variation in animal populations than what evolutionists thought. Investigation by an international research team and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW)...
Strange Mammal "Bends and Even Breaks a Lot of Rules" o.,.
Evolution theory has been challenged yet again, this time in regard to a unique mammal fossil discovered in East Africa, “A team of 14 international researchers...published the comprehensive description...
Kids Edition 2022: Good Creation & the Fall
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Our Creator,...
Kids Edition 2022: Just for Kids!
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts as a Christmas gift just for you! In this issue, you’ll discover fun facts about dinosaurs and dragons, be amazed by amazing creatures, explore...
Kids Edition 2022: The Flood & Fossils
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. About 4,500...
Kids Edition 2022: Dinosaurs & Dragons
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Dinosaurs...
Kids Edition 2022: Kinds & Cats
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Our Creator...
Kids Edition 2022: Amazing Creatures
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. A marsupial...
Kids Edition 2022: Horses, of Courses
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Horses can...
Kids Edition 2022: Space
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Christ Jesus...
Kids Edition 2022: Goldilocks Planet
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. The Lord...
Kids Edition 2022: Weather
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. Earth can...
Kids Edition 2022: Created in God's Image
Hi, kids! We created a special Acts & Facts just for you! We hope you have fun doing the activities while learning how God designed creation just right in the beginning. For us, Jesus...
What About Transitional Fossils? | The Creation Podcast.,.
Transitional fossils supposedly contain evidence of one kind of creature morphing into another, and purportedly provide proof for evolution. But is that proof so conclusive? Do fossils with distinct...
Did Our Middle Ear Evolve from Fish Gills?
A recent SciTechDaily article begins by saying, “Embryonic and fossil evidence proves that the human middle ear evolved from the spiracle of fishes”1 That’s quite a statement...
Can Scripture Be Trusted? | Creation.Live Podcast: Episode 8
Both believers and skeptics can find themselves asking if Scripture can be taken at its word. Is it scientifically accurate? Can its history be trusted? Where does the evidence land? And why does it...
Cambrian Soft Tissue Defies Evolution
Paleontologists have discovered “early fossils [of] simple hollow tubes ranging from a few millimetres to many centimetres in length.”1 Furthermore, they have unearthed the animals...
Fruit Fly Jitters
Researchers working with fruit flies–the ubiquitous lab animal–have discovered the flies are able to undergo an amazing ocular process called microsaccades (involuntary microscopic jittering...
Can Radioisotope Dating Be Trusted? | The Creation Podc.,.
Carbon dating is a common method used to determine the ages of fossils and other materials, but carbon14 deteriorates quite quickly. How can it still be detected in things that are supposedly millions...
Prepare for the Big Non-Event!
In 1950 the famed Italian physicist Enrico Fermi asked his coworkers at the lunch table the simple metaphysical question in regard to possible aliens in the universe, “Where is everybody?”...
Move Toward the Enemy: Fighting for Truth in Science
Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause. —...
Evolving Mammals?
The evolution of mammals from non-mammals, like the evolution of all other animal groups, has been, and will always be, problematic. English paleontologist Michael Benton stated, “The origin of...
Butterfly Variation
Butterflies have made science news again, this time in regard to a master gene called WntA: “a combined team of researchers from Cornell University and The George Washington University, has characterized...
How Old Is The Universe? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 35
Many scientists claim that the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old by reverse-engineering the Big Bang with the assumption that this theory is correct. How then do they explain the signs...
Created to Sing: Our Gloriously Engineered Musical Ability
by Randy J. Guliuzza and Aaron T. Guliuzza* “Next time, won’t you sing with me?” is the closing line of the ABCs so often heard from sweet little voices. Since they don’t...
Entablature Reveals Flooding of Columbia River Basalts
Many creationists are familiar with the breached-dam explanation for the Channeled Scablands of eastern Washington.1 During the Ice Age, the dam holding glacial Lake Missoula in western...
Mackinac Island State Park: Flood, Ice Age, and...Digestion?
Originally designated in 1875 as America’s second national park, Mackinac Island’s federal land was transferred to the State of Michigan in 1895 and became its first state park.1...
James Webb Telescope vs. the Big Bang
The new James Webb Space Telescope is thrilling astronomers with spectacular images of distant galaxies, but preliminary data contradict Big Bang expectations. In order to understand these results,...
Mount Hermon Was Flood-Formed
Mount Hermon is a topic that seems to pop up increasingly these days, especially among Christian prophecy and end-times teachers. Much of this interest has to do with intriguing discussions surrounding...
Bird Pelvis Doesn't Come from a Dinosaur
Most zoologists and vertebrate paleontologists have reached an imaginative consensus—birds are actually flying dinosaurs. This belief includes the soaring Andean condors, painted buntings, and...
When Bats Dine Out at Night
Bats are mysterious, marvelous mammals of prey, even in a fallen world where omnivorous predation is common.1 Because bats are mostly nocturnal, only beginning their aerial hunting at sunset,...
The ICR Discovery Center Celebrates Its Third Anniversary!
The ICR Discovery Center in Dallas, Texas, held its grand opening on September 2, 2019. Since then, thousands of people have come through our doors and seen the scientific and historical evidence that...
Creation Kids: Trees and Leaves
by Michael Stamp and Susan Windsor* You’re never too young to be a creation scientist! Kids, discover fun facts about God’s creation with ICR’s special Creation Kids learning and...
Massive Tsunamis Generated by the Flood, Not an Asteroid
Two separate studies claim massive tsunamis and earthquakes from an asteroid impact profoundly affected the rock record. One research team modeled a 1.5 km (1 mile) high water wave that propagated across...
Fighting For The Next Generation | Creation.Live Podcas.,.
How do you show a skeptical generation that the Word of God can be trusted? Hosts Trey and Michael discuss this question with ICR zoologist Dr. Frank Sherwin and Reasons for Hope founder, Carl...
Matthew Fontaine Maury: The Father of Oceanography
See above the first printed map of oceanic bathymetry, published by Matthew Fontaine Maury in Explanations with data from USS Dolphin (1836).1 In the heart of the Shenandoah Valley in...
Alleged 380-Million-Year-Old Fish Heart
A fossil fish heart, in remarkable condition, was found in Western Australia. It was embedded in a chunk of sedimentary rock dated by evolutionists to be 380 million years old. Co-author of the study,...
Breaking News: Humans Procreated With... Humans
Over a century ago, evolutionists taught that Neanderthals were sub-human brutes.1 But in the intervening decades, as more research and discoveries have been made, Neanderthals are believed...
Do Complex Systems Defy Evolution? | The Creation Podca.,.
Which came first, the protein or the cell? They were intentionally created at the same time along with every essential component of the all-or-nothing systems of life on earth. However, the theory of...
Eroding Hillside Reveals Dinosaur Skin Pattern
Recently, a fossil believed to be a juvenile duck-billed dinosaur was found in a hillside in Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada. The scientists discovered “two exposed fossils, a foot and part of a...
Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared .,.
OCTOBER 17, 2022
by Brian Thomas, Ph.D., et al. In Applied Spectroscopy. 77 (1): 53-61 Abstract The analysis of collagen stability is of interest in forensics, archaeology, and molecular paleontology. Collagen...
Do Land Plants Have Algal Relatives?
Evolutionists recently reported observations about a plant group called the Zygnematophyceae (a class of green algae). They claimed to know more about its alleged evolutionary history. This class of algae...
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