Archive of Articles

Evolutionary molecular genetic clocks…a perpetua.,.
AUGUST 01, 2015
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. In Journal of Creation 29 (2): 26-35 Since its first use in the early 1960s, molecular genetic clock methodologies assume evolution and...
Empirical genetic clocks give biblical timelines
AUGUST 01, 2015
In Journal of Creation 2015 29 (2): 3-5 The idea of an evolutionary molecular genetic clock has significantly impacted and influenced modern biology. The technique employs biological sequence...
Words  and  Music
For more than 20 years, the sounds of music have echoed off the walls of my home. All four of my children began playing piano at young ages, and they began to sing as soon as they could make sounds....
Sounds of Music, Words of Truth
But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’” (Luke 4:4) Many of us have seen the 1965 musical The Sound...
Carbon-Dating Fossils
ICR researchers continue to look for radiocarbon in ancient carbon-containing Earth materials. Archaeologists commonly use carbon-14, or radiocarbon, to estimate ages for organic artifacts. No measurable...
More DNA Evidence Against Human Chromosome Fusion
One of the most common arguments evolutionists use to promote the theory that humans evolved from an apelike ancestor is the idea of a “chromosome 2 fusion.” This story proposes that in...
A Historical Adam Is Not Enough
Belief in an old earth creates enormous theological problems for Christians. There is an obvious tension with a straightforward reading of Genesis, as well as the problem of animal death and suffering...
No Bones About It! There's No Evidence Humans Evolved
But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. (Mark 10:6) Most of us have been exposed to the illustration depicting the ascent of man from an apelike ancestor to a modern...
Tyrannosaurus rex Was No Birdbrain
Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs evolved into birds, despite the strong evidence against it.1 One of the portrayed misconceptions concerns the brains of large predatory dinosaurs like...
Made in His Image: Designed Control Systems
Some people like the thrill of driving or flying. For them, all the talk about fully automated cars and planes—which would relegate drivers and pilots to passenger status—is dreadful. For...
Does Genesis Matter to the Gospel?
A man once told me he was a “New Testament Christian,” meaning he did not believe in Genesis as history, but he did believe in Jesus. I asked him if he could think of any New Testament teaching...
Attracted to Genesis by Magnets and a Bird Book
God used magnets, a bird book, and some precious Christian teachers to draw me to appreciate and rely upon the origins history taught in Genesis. My journey of learning about creation and my Creator...
Notes of Joy and Gratitude
It’s a joy to think back over God’s many blessings on ICR’s ministry. From humble beginnings in 1970 to a ministry of worldwide influence today, it seems God called ICR “to the...
CEO Statement on Rob Bell
One of the star false prophets of our day is Rob Bell. He founded Mars Hill Bible Church and wrote a bestseller entitled Love Wins that denies a literal hell. Both his church and his book are openly...
Human Nucleome Reveals Amazing 4-D World
A new study investigating the three-dimensional human genome (the nucleome) in the context of time and gene expression revealed unimaginable complexity and precision. The authors of the research paper,...
Scientists Describe Job's 'Springs of the Sea'
Modern machines provide our generation with knowledge entirely unknown in yesteryear. Which of our great grandparents saw footage of water rising through hydrothermal vents on the deep sea floor? New...
Bacteria Metabolisms Are Like Computer Circuit Boards
Bacteria sometimes face a rough life. At about a tenth the size of most plant and animal cells, they have no layer of skin to protect them. Environments can change quickly and if microbes don't...
CEO Statement on Planned Parenthood
The recently released video of Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services extolling the virtues of selling the body parts of heinously aborted babies exposes a new level of callous...
New Horizons, Pluto, and the Age of the Solar System
Today, more than nine years after its launch, the New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to make its closest approach to the dwarf planet Pluto.1 This will make New Horizons the first space...
Discovery: Volcanoes on Venus
The tortured surface of Venus appears to have been formed through recent geologic processes, and its rocks contain no record of deep time.1 What if Venus were young rather than 4.5 billion...
Solving the Missing Tropical Dinosaurs Mystery?
One of the unsolved mysteries of secular science is why so few dinosaurs are found in rocks from supposed tropical regions, especially the Triassic system rocks. Jessica Whiteside of the University...
Statement from ICR CEO about Baylor Policy Change
Once again a major Christian institution has capitulated to the “politically correct” immoral noise made by a few. This time Baylor University has removed language in its sexual misconduct...
Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Fossils
New science directly challenges the millions-of-years dogma scattered throughout the blockbuster movie Jurassic World. The spring 2015 edition of the Creation Research Society Quarterly (CRSQ) is a...
Behind the Scenes of Made in His Image
ICR’s 2014 DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis continues to touch lives throughout the world. We’re receiving a great response from viewers expressing their enjoyment of and appreciation...
The Making of Made in His Image
As Director of Communications at ICR, I’ve had the delightful task of being immersed in the production process for our upcoming series, Made in His Image. I’ve discovered that most people...
Ancient Blood Cells Still Red
Do we live on an earth that is 4.6 billion years old or only thousands of years old? The age of our planet is a significant stumbling block for many Christians and keeps countless others from even considering...
Monuments of Catastrophe from Mount St. Helens
This spring I was able to visit Mount St. Helens while speaking at a string of ICR events in the Washington state area. In and around the volcano I saw powerful monuments of the quick geologic...
Tracking Down Leviathan
What exactly was the leviathan described so vividly in Job 41? Was it a swimming reptile like a plesiosaur or a mosasaur, or something we have yet to unearth? We may never know the answer for certain,...
Were the Creation Days 24 Hours Long?
God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. (Genesis 1:5) The creation days in Genesis 1 offer a test of belief. Could a lifeless,...
Made in His Image: A Camera Made from Living Tissue!
Great photographers have an intuitive sense, coupling interesting subjects with a mastery over the mechanics of picture-taking such as exposure, lighting, focus, and depth of field. They pair one select...
Deep Seafloor Sediments and the Age of the Earth
Regular Acts & Facts readers are aware that I write quite a bit about the methods secular scientists use to date the long ice cores extracted from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. These scientists...
Cherry Picking Data Is the Pits
Picking cherries sounds like good, clean fun, but it isn’t always a good thing. In origins science the practice of “cherry picking” refers to an analytical fallacy—using a few...
Signs of a Worthy Ministry
From the very beginning, God established humans as stewards over all His created work. First authorized in the Garden of Eden and reconfirmed after the Flood (Genesis 1:28; 9:1-7), stewardship is an...
Dr. Jake Hebert: My Creation Journey
I joined the science team at ICR in the fall of 2011 as a Research Associate after receiving my Ph.D. in physics. Most of my ICR research focuses on deep-ice cores and seafloor sediments, as well as...
Bronze-Age DNA Confirms Babel Dispersion
Scientists used new techniques to sequence 101 ancient human genomes believed to be from Bronze-Age populations in Europe. Their findings indicate a massive migratory influx of genetic diversity just...
Can Iron Preserve Fossil Proteins for Eons?
News reports around the world tell of red-blood-cell-like and collagen-like structures found in 75 million year-old dinosaur bones long stored in the British Museum. This news coincides with the release...
Britain's 'Oldest' Sauropod and a Jurassic World
Crumbling seaside cliffs at Whitby in northern England continuously reveal new fossils. Most of them are remains of small plants and animals, but researchers from the University of Manchester described...
Does National Geographic Promote Atheism?
National Geographic interviewed atheist Jerry Coyne.1 The subject was not science, but Coyne's personal beliefs. Will Nat Geo provide the same platform for a researcher who believes that...
Colorful Dinosaur Eggs Challenge Deep Time
German scientists revealed that some Chinese dinosaur eggs probably looked similar to the dark blue-green hue of modern emu eggs. If the dinosaur’s original pigment molecules revealed the egg’s...
Dog Fossil Study Shows Wobbly Dating Practice
DNA research identified a Siberian fossil as an ancient dog bone.1 But its radiocarbon date doesn't match the accepted evolutionary story for dog origins. The ease with which scientists...
Dinosaur Thighbone Found in Marine Rock
Researchers have excavated a portion of a theropod dinosaur thighbone from beachfront marine rock north of Seattle.1 How did a land animal's leg bone get buried in marine rock? Christian...
The Hell Creek Formation: The Last Gasp of the Pre-Floo.,.
JUNE 01, 2015
In Creation Research Society Quarterly 2015 51: 286-298 According to secularists, the top of the Hell Creek Formation records the last of five great extinctions. It has gained further fame as a...
Fathers Who Change the World
I once heard my pastor make a startling claim. After decades of counseling church members, he concluded that dads hold the key to their children’s spiritual lives. He said the best way to raise...
Rise Up, O Men of God!
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16) Over a century ago, William P. Merrill wrote the words to the challenging hymn...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 7
For the past several years, the Institute for Creation Research has been seeking answers to the major questions of creation biology. This series’ previous installments chronicled the purpose and...
Heavy Metal Clocks, Pb-Pb Dating Model: Radioactive Dat.,.
…that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting. (Ephesians 4:14) This...
Distant Starlight and the Big Bang
Since light travels at a known rate, how could incredibly far-away starlight have reached Earth in just one day—specifically, Day 4 of the creation week?1 Genesis scoffers, including...
Thick Ice Sheets: How Old Are They Really?
Secular scientists claim that ice in deep cores extracted from the thick Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets is hundreds of thousands of years old. Do these ice cores prove an old earth? Although...
Dinosaurs in Marine Sediments: A Worldwide Phenomenon
For many years, paleontologists have known of marine fossils within various dinosaur-bearing rock units in the American West. These occurrences are largely ignored by mainstream scientists who deny...
Does DNA Determine Sexual Preference?
I’m often asked if there really is a “gay gene”—one that predetermines certain people to be homosexuals. From the beginning of creation, God designed men and women to be equal...
Made in His Image: Tiny Parts Are Big Players in Human .,.
When we think about human vision, the first thing that comes to mind is the eye. But just as a star football player performs with other essential players on his team, our eyes are supported by key,...
Crayfish, Caribou, and Scientific Evidence in the Wild
An unusual law has helped some creation science evidence to “go wild.” Unsurprisingly (for Bible believers), mounting evidence increasingly shows that only the Genesis explanation of...
The Power of Many
The breadth and depth of ICR’s ministry are remarkable. From countless articles and numerous books, to online education programs, long-running radio broadcasts, entertaining online videos, captivating...
Why Do Animals Use Sexual Reproduction?
Biologists from the U.K. conducted a 10-year-long experiment on common flour beetles to help understand why insects keep on using sexual reproduction despite its inefficiencies. Though they interpreted...
Remembering Mount St. Helens 35 Years Later
The volcano’s main 1980 eruption filled in an entire valley with hundreds of feet of sediment. Another smaller eruption event deposited more material on top of that, and then a third deposition...
What Mean These Stones
“When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean these stones? Then ye shall let your children know.” (Joshua 4:21-22) The poet George Santayana once said,...
New Fossil Dubbed 'Platypus Dinosaur'
It has a bill like a duck, leg spurs like a rooster, lays eggs like a reptile, but has fur like a mammal. Yet all these features elegantly integrate to form the body of a modern platypus. If God created...
Clever Construction in Rorqual Whales
A few years ago, scientists discovered a unique sensory organ in the jaw of a rorqual whale—the world's largest creature. Rorqual whales, which include the blue whale and fin whale, feed by...
Still Searching for Geology's Holy Grail
The origin of the continental crust continues to baffle secular geologists who often refer to this mystery as the "holy grail of geology."1 The outer surface of the Earth is composed...
A Cosmic 'Supervoid' vs. the Big Bang
In a new paper, scientists have announced the discovery of an enormous region of lower-than-average galaxy density about three billion light-years from Earth.1,2 This "supervoid,"...
Scientific Suicide
The recent cover of the April 4-10, 2015 issue of New Scientist magazine reads "Belief: They drive everything we do. But our beliefs are built on…nothing."1 This is an amazing...
Just a Touch
When the ICR team—Dr. Henry Morris III, Jan Morris, and Michael Hansen—arrived in Amman, Jordan, one of their first stops was a church that provides services to refugees from neighboring...
Hungry Hearts in the Middle East
Meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ. (Colossians 4:3) Open Doors Sometimes the Lord opens unexpected doors. Institute...
Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models: Radio.,.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is...
Settling the Dinosaur Weight Debate
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D.* Weren’t dinosaurs too big to fit on the Ark? Creation scientists need accurate estimates of average animal sizes to determine...
How Could Eve Know?
Eve was challenged with the first recorded dilemma. On the one hand, God indicated that on the day Eve and Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their immortal bodies would become...
Snake Venom, Genetic Entropy, and Adam's Curse
Unbelievers and Christians alike often ask, “How could a good god make creatures with toxic venom?” According to the Bible, God originally created the world free of death, disease, and violence....
Do Stars Still Form Today?
“Our own Milky Way produces, on average, at least one new star every year,” begins a University of Michigan news story detailing how galactic dust interactions may regulate star formation.1...
Made in His Image: Living Light Detectors Declare Design
Suppose you are an electronic engineer tasked with devising a mechanism that can translate ordinary variations of light into useful information. But here is the tricky part: It has to work inside a...
Raymond Damadian, Inventor of the MRI
Dr. Raymond Damadian is the “father of the MRI” (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). MRI is widely recognized as “one of the great medical breakthroughs of the 20th century” and has...
A Secret Weapon for Apologetics
Secret weapons provide special advantages. Imagine the value of a bazooka in the hands of a skillful soldier hiding in the bushes when an enemy tank lumbers by. Or, consider the smug confidence of a...
ICR's Tychicus
Tychicus is an obscure figure in the New Testament, mentioned only five times—four times by the apostle Paul and once in the book of Acts in association with Paul’s missionary journeys....
Three-Dimensional DNA Code Defies Evolution
Scientists have long been baffled as to what actually tells proteins called transcription factors (TFs) where to bind in the genome to turn genes off and on. However, new research incorporating the...
Mosasaur Babies: Aren't They Cute?
We often hear claims that birds are similar to dinosaurs, but birds and mosasaurs? Mosasaurs were swimming reptiles. How can they be confused with birds? A recent study published in Palaeontology by...
No Salamander Evolution Evidence, Past or Present
Scientists in Portugal unearthed a "super salamander" which, although "weird compared to anything today," is still very much a salamander.1 The fossilized bones of...
Myths Dressed as Science
A recent MSN article claims a fossilized hominid called "Little Foot" found in a cave at the Sterkfontein site near Johannesburg, South Africa, is approximately 3.67 million years old.1...
Saturn's Enceladus Looks Younger than Ever
The more we learn about Enceladus, the younger it looks. Stated another way, the more that our space probes discover about this fascinating little moon that inhabits Saturn's tenuous E ring, the...
Another Horizontal Gene Transfer Fairy Tale
As the genomes of many new creatures rapidly fill the public DNA sequence databases, the problems for the grand evolutionary story are becoming overwhelming. One issue is the fact that different creatures...
From Foreign to Familiar
On a trip to England a few years ago, I found myself wondering about signs that dotted the roadways and parking lots. “Heavy Plant Crossing,” “Stop When Lights Show,” “Give...
Destructive Heresies
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring...
The First Joint ICR/CRS Research Meeting
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) and the Creation Research Society (CRS) are pleased to announce their first-ever joint research meeting July 30–August 1, 2015, in Dallas, Texas. This...
Rare-Earth Clocks, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating Models 2: Rad.,.
This series has summarized radioisotope dating models, their assumptions, and how those assumptions mistakenly lead to a “deep time” picture of our universe.1 Secularist scientists...
Viral Genome Junk Is Bunk
One of the great ongoing myths of evolution is that the genomes of animals and humans are littered with vast amounts of genomic viral DNA fossils. These alleged ancient viral sequences are thought to...
One-Ton Guinea Pig
As if living creatures don’t display enough variety in God’s creation, fossil forms bring that diversity to a whole new level. Consider the fossil skull of a guinea pig from Uruguay so big...
No Evolution Is Proof of Evolution?
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Jason Lisle, Ph.D.* Scientists recently discovered a community of fossilized sulfur-metabolizing bacteria that are alleged to be 1.8...
Did Humans Evolve from Ape-Like Ancestors?
The popular story of human origins is that humans evolved from ape-like ancestors over millions of years. If this is true, it defines our very identities. Are we creations of the God of the Bible who...
Made in His Image: Life-Giving Blood
After 100 years of development, automobiles still need engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, antifreeze, and so on. Wouldn’t it be great if just a single multipurpose fluid could be circulated...
Grappling with Megasequences
ICR’s ongoing Column Project (an analysis of over 500 drilling-core and outcrop samples from across North America) has revealed surprising results that smash entrenched uniformitarian thought.1...
Why We Want to Go Home
Home is a special place that attracts us, one way or another. Is the Genesis creation account part of the explanation for why home is so important? The universal habit of using a personal shelter,...
Gifts of Significance
Over 45 years old now, the Institute for Creation Research has grown in many ways. God always supplies each need, month by month, as individuals respond to occasional appeals and regular updates in...
10,000 Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis DVD Sets Sold.,.
Since ICR’s 12-DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (UTMG) first hit our store last May, God has used it beyond our expectations. We have received countless letters of thanks and appreciation,...
Dinosaur Moth: An Evolutionary Enigma
Scientists discovered a tiny moth on Australia's Kangaroo Island and gave it the name Enigmatinea glatzella. The name is quite descriptive, as Enigmatinea means "enigma moth" in Latin.1,2...
Twins Provide Peek into Mankind's Origin
Lucy and Maria Aylmer are 18-year-old twins from the United Kingdom. They were born on the same day from the same mother, yet one has light skin and hair, and the other has dark skin and dark, curlier...
Information Processing Differences Between Bacteria and.,.
MARCH 25, 2015
by Change Tan and Jeffrey P. Tomkins In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 143-162 Because bacteria, archaea, and eukarya contain unique mosaics of genetic features and biochemical similarities,...
Heads, Evolution Wins--Tails, Creation Loses?
Wouldn't two billion years of mutations and changing environments inevitably produce some effects in an organism? After all, in only a quarter of that supposed time, evolutionary processes are said...
Spiders Have Always Been Spiders
A University of California Berkley graduate student has discovered two beautiful new species of peacock spiders in southeast Queensland, Australia.1 The student, Madeline Girard, named the...
Information Processing Differences Between Archaea and .,.
MARCH 18, 2015
by Change Tan and Jeffrey P. Tomkins In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 121-141 In the grand schema of evolution, a mythical prokaryote to eukaryote cellular transition allegedly gave rise...
Live Webcasts March 18 and 22!
(Note: These webcasts occurred March 18 and 22, 2015.) Get a front-row seat to “Science Confirms Biblical Creation” and “Your Origins Matter” in the comfort of your own home...
Cancer Research Inadvertently Refutes Evolution
How did nature supposedly transform a single-cell organism into all the varieties of land-walking animals in our world today? Textbook explanations invoke natural selection of beneficial mutations across...
Lids, Lashes, and Lunar Rovers
Our amazing eyes are kept clean and moist due to the blink reflex stimulated by receptors on our eyes and eyelashes. When the lash is touched or the eyeball begins to dry, receptors fire and we immediately...
Manganese Nodule Discovery Points to Genesis Flood
Scientists recently discovered a large batch of manganese nodules on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.1 These metallic pellets provide strong evidence that most seafloor sediments were deposited...
RNA Editing: Biocomplexity Hits a New High
When the workings of the genome were first being discovered, the central evolutionary dogma of molecular biology claimed that genetic information passes consistently from DNA to RNA to proteins. Now...
The Dating "Pedigree" of Seafloor Sediment Core MD97-21.,.
MARCH 01, 2015
In Creation Research Society Quarterly 2015. 51:152-164 The fact that different, seemingly independent dating methods appear to “tell” a consistent “story” about Earth history...
The Creator and the Details of Life
NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams recently visited the Institute for Creation Research, and we had the opportunity to talk with him about his life, work, and faith. In our feature this month, we...
Above All the Earth
Few can say they’ve left planet Earth. Jeff Williams has done it three times. After a lengthy military career, Colonel Jeffrey N. Williams was chosen from among a handful of candidates to become...
Purpose, Progress, and Promise, Part 6
In this series, we are tracing the Institute for Creation Research’s efforts to replace the evolutionary model on the origin of species with one that is both biblically faithful and scientifically...
Rare-Earth Clocks, Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf Dating Models: Radio.,.
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8) Author’s...
Noah's Ark Model
On January 7, 2015, I delivered my model of Noah’s Ark to our Institute for Creation Research offices in Dallas, Texas. The project started as part of my Master’s in Christian Education...
Viruses--Architects of the Brain?
Mammal brains contain over a thousand different types of nerve cells, each networked to many other nerve cells in a dazzling, three-dimensional architecture that researchers are only just beginning...
The Whopper Sand
There’s a huge deposit of sand in the deep Gulf of Mexico, and no one seems to know how it got there—except maybe Flood geologists. Early in my career as a geologist for an oil company,...
Where Could Adam's Sons Find Wives?
According to Genesis, Adam and Eve had sons, and 1 Corinthians 15:22 teaches that all of us descended from Adam. But if they only had sons, then where did their children find the wives necessary to...
Made in His Image: Baby's First Breath
In 1967 Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant. Until that time, if someone’s heart was taken out, they died. People were astounded to learn that not only was a man’s...
Genesis in Chinese Pictographs
Ancient Chinese pictographs are silent witnesses, like fingerprints, of historical events reported in Genesis. In particular, the details of these word-symbols are clues that point to how the earliest...
Evolution of a Creation Scientist
Unlike many researchers working in the field of creation science, I was not raised in a strong Christian background. The occasional trip to some nominal church with my parents—my father, a successful...
Heavenly Investments
It is an indispensable fact of human existence that we are not self-sufficient beings. Our very lives depend on procuring and consuming certain amounts of food and water, and our bodies are often poorly...
Secular Study: No Big Bang?
Christians who believe the universe began billions of years ago often point to the Big Bang model to try and verify a creation-like beginning.1 But a new origin of the universe model offers...
Honey Bee Orphan Genes Sting Evolution
A key type of rogue genetic data called orphan genes has just been spectacularly reported in honey bees.1 Orphan genes conflict with ideas about genome evolution, and they are directly linked...
Determining Average Dinosaur Size Using the Most Recent.,.
FEBRUARY 18, 2015
by Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D., and Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D In Answers Research Journal 8 (2015): 85-93 The median mass of a dinosaur is determined to be 630 kg (1389 lb), or the size of an American...
Out of Babel--Not Africa
Newly published research combining genetic, language, and demographic data challenges the idea of a single lineage of languages and human populations evolving out of Africa.1 Instead, the...
Big Bang Evidence Retracted
In March 2014, the BICEP2 radio astronomy team announced purported direct evidence of cosmic inflation, an important part of the modern Big Bang model for the universe’s creation. This announcement...
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