Archive of Articles

Facts vs. Fantasy
Theories on the origin of the universe abound, but all seem to fit into one of two categories. Either you believe “in the beginning God created” or you must believe the Ph.D. who says...
Why Use Words?
Conservative Christians speak of inerrancy and inspiration, while liberal theologians prefer dynamic equivalence. But what does Jesus teach? How much authority do the Bible’s words really...
Fossil Feather Proteins Confirm Recent Flood
Ever since Dr. Mary Schweitzer's 20051 discovery of preserved original dinosaur proteins and blood cells, many secular scientists have remained skeptical. How could dinosaur fossils retain...
Another Feathered Dinosaur Tale
On December 8, 2016, a science news story broke that researchers had found entombed in mid-Cretaceous amber a dinosaur tail complete with "primitive plumage"—i.e., feathers.1 This...
Faith vs. Science
The scientific world strives to exclude God from its thinking, and faith is not subject to the scientific method. So, how do we reconcile faith and science? Other episodes in this series: Oppositions...
Jots and Tittles
The Bible’s message requires absolute accuracy of every word of its written text. Jesus referenced the eternal nature of His Word. Even the letters themselves—the “jots”...
Gene Pleiotropy Roadblocks Evolution
In the early days of genetics, genes were thought to be solitary entities. Now it's well understood that genes operate in complex networks and that gene mutations can have multiple detrimental effects....
Oppositions of Science
The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about pseudoscience and “false knowledge.” Today, many twist the meaning of Scripture to promote their interpretation of scientific data. What is the...
Do Varves, Tree-Rings, and Radiocarbon Measurements Pro.,.
DECEMBER 07, 2016
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., Andrew A Snelling, Ph.D., and Timothy L. Clarey, Ph.D. In Answers Research Journal 9 (2016): 339-361 The BioLogos Foundation has published a popular-level article by old-earth...
Can Drug Abuse Models Help Cure Society?
Donald Burke, Dean of the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, recently wrote in the journal Science, "Since 2000, almost half a million Americans have died from drug...
Design Analysis Suggests That Our “Immune” System I.,.
DECEMBER 01, 2016
by Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D., and Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. In Creation Research Society Quarterly. 53: 123-139. Abstract The immune system is often regarded only as a defense, keeping us...
Extravagant Gifts
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17) As we exchange gifts...
The Only Begotten
Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men....
Earth's Young Magnetic Field Revisited
What sustains Earth’s magnetic field? Creationists and secularists disagree on the answer, but a recent update from Physics Today seems to lend support to the creationists’ hypothesis that...
Milankovitch Meltdown: Toppling an Iconic Old-Earth Arg.,.
Introduction The Milankovitch, or astronomical, theory is the dominant secular explanation for the dozens of ice ages said to have occurred within the last few million years. According to this theory,...
Book Review: Approaching "The Scientific Approach .,.
Did evolution really happen? That depends on what you mean by “evolution.” Rob Stadler’s new book The Scientific Approach to Evolution, his first, evaluates evolutionary ideas using...
Fish as Smart as Apes?
Since evolutionary thinking permeates the entire spectrum of biology, scientists are consistently surprised by the mental abilities of creatures thought to be lower on the so-called tree of life. In...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Imagining That Life Is Onl.,.
Some people who watch American football only see players running in zigzags and senselessly colliding until there is a pile of men lying on the field. But to the cheering fans, they just witnessed a...
Who Wrote the Bible?
I recently encountered a young man with no confidence in the Bible. His high school teacher taught him that a cluster of Catholic clergy cobbled the Scriptures together long after the events they describe—events...
There's Nothing Like an Eyewitness
How was one of the largest German warships ever built sunk?1 How did marine animals get fossilized alongside dinosaurs?2 Do we need reliable eyewitness reports to know the real...
The Light of Christmas
Over the last two millennia, December 25th became the customary commemoration of the birth of Christ. But this was not always so. Other dates were recognized by different groups over time, while the...
'Mud Dragon' Is Really 'Flood Dragon'
Evolutionary scientists recently announced another spectacular dinosaur discovery. They nicknamed this one the Mud Dragon because it seems it died buried in mud. Junchang Lü and co-authors describe...
All of God’s children must overcome the temptation to allow God’s sovereign provision of our needs to be overshadowed by the pleasure of our bounty and blessings—especially during...
The Pangolin: A Mammal with Lizard Scales
The perplexing pangolins (or scaly anteaters) are uniquely designed armored mammals of the family Manidae. They are found in southeast Asia (four species) and Africa (four species). The pangolin's...
Pseudo-Pseudogenes Shake Up Evolutionary Paradigm
Pseudogenes were once thought to be genomic fossils—the broken remnants of genes that mutated long ago. However, research is progressively showing that many pseudogenes are highly functional and...
Ice Age and Seafloor Sediments
Seafloor sediments and dating methods may not seem like terribly exciting icebreaker topics. So, why does this field of research interest Dr. Hebert and the ICR science team? And how does it relate...
My Creation Journey
Dr. Hebert’s pursuit of creation research ministry started early in life. Learn about his early interest in science, middle school doubts about Christianity, and the book that changed the...
Creation Physics [Podcast]
Did God use the Big Bang to create the universe? Can we know the age of the earth? ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert explores the origin of the universe, recent Ice Age studies, and the relevance of earth...
Dissecting an Argument for the Big Bang
Secular scientists claim the universe came into existence through a cosmic explosion called the Big Bang. Some Christians try to argue that God used the Big Bang to create the universe. But what...
Why the Age of the Earth Matters
Is the universe billions of years old—or only thousands? Many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea of recent creation because they think science has “proven” otherwise....
Cattle-Bison Hybrid Stomps On Evolutionary Expectations
Buried bones, ancient carvings, and cave paintings reveal early European cow-types. Some had the large shoulder humps of bison, some showed the big horns of the aurochs—extinct ancestors of modern...
A Universe from Nothing?
Many famous secular physicists claim we don’t need a Creator to explain the universe’s origin. They say “the laws of physics created the universe,” or, “the universe...
Prions Pass Traits by Their Shape, Not DNA
Medical students learn classic pathology cases to help them identify diseases and their causes. One such case involved human cannibals who ended up with tremors, seizures, balance disorders, and hallucinations...
Counting Our Blessings
Thanksgiving begins with a heart of gratitude. A grateful heart toward God recognizes that our Creator is our benefactor and we are merely the recipients of His goodness and generosity. We exist because...
Eternal Thanksgiving
One of the more delightful passages of the book of Revelation describes the uncountable throng surrounding the Throne, joining the 144,000 freshly sealed saints from the tribes of Israel and the 24...
Fresh Water and Salt Water Don't Mix
On a recent visit to the Royal Tyrell Museum in Alberta, Canada, I headed straight to the famous Dinosaur Hall that houses over 40 mounted specimens, including the Tyrannosaurus rex known as “Black...
Milankovitch Meltdown: Toppling an Iconic Old-Earth Arg.,.
Introduction Next month marks the 40th anniversary of the publication of “Variations in the Earth’s Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages.”1 Regular Acts & Facts readers...
The Lion's Mane
A male lion in his prime with a grand and bushy mane rarely fails to impress. Ancient peoples carved lions onto stone walls, and prophets spoke of lions in the Scriptures. But of all the cats found...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Haeckel's Embryos Born of .,.
“Generations of biology students may have been misled by a famous set of drawings of embryos published 123 years ago by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel.”1 Science magazine...
Did God Use the Big Bang?
Many Christians accept the Big Bang story as though science proved it years ago. According to this story, our universe began with all its energy and matter densely packed into a tiny space. Nobody quite...
Balancing Church and State, Part 3: Luther's Stand Revisited
Like Dr. Martin Luther’s stand of old, a Missouri Synod Lutheran church took a stand, asserting their religious liberty and conscience rights when they invoked the U.S. Constitution’s First...
Thanksgiving Heritage
Perhaps no other custom so clearly reveals our nation’s original character as Thanksgiving Day. Other nations have similar observances, but the United States of America was the first to nationally...
Is There Evidence That Dinosaurs Lived Recently?
Textbooks and even children’s books tout dinosaur history going back millions of years. The Bible presents a different account of only thousands of years. Can fossils help us discern between...
Did Dinosaurs Evolve into Birds?
“Birds are living dinosaurs.” Can we trust the bold narratives of museum displays and textbooks? Evolutionary scientists investigate this subject and are still divided on the matter....
Dinosaurs and the Bible [Podcast]
How did dinosaurs go extinct? Did they live alongside humans? ICR science writer Brian Thomas reveals the biblical and scientific evidence in this podcast series. Listen to fascinating insights from...
Were Dinosaurs Designed?
Could God have created dinosaurs? Biochemist Brian Thomas was taught that dinosaurs evolved over millions of years via natural processes and death. Which dinosaur origin model is true? What do...
Are Dinosaurs in the Bible?
The Bible mentions several extinct reptiles. Biblical authors described their anatomy, lifestyles, and even habitats. Is it possible that these vanished creatures were dinosaurs?   Other...
If Earth Is Old, It Should Have Frozen
Secular speculations insist Earth coalesced into its current state over four billion years ago, leaving one huge problem: the young sun would have been so dim that Earth would have frozen. Secular astronomers...
Are Human Fossils Buried with Dinosaur Fossils?
Creation scientists say dinosaurs and man co-existed. The Bible also teaches this as historical fact. Should we find human and dinosaur fossils together in the same rock layers?   Other...
Musical Bird Maestros Befuddle Evolution
A recent paper by an international team of researchers shows that the skill of some songbirds to extemporaneously innovate musical repertoire equals that of human musicians.1 Since none of...
Magic Words Can't Explain Strange Fossil
Once upon a time, only a single Italian fossil—a crushed specimen that paleontologists had to reconstruct—represented the extinct reptile Drepanosaurus. Now, a team of American scientists...
Codon Degeneracy Discredited Again
One of the main themes of evolution is the belief that certain types of DNA sequences freely mutate and develop new functions that allow for new creatures to evolve. This mostly mythical concept was...
Creation Geology [Podcast]
Can we believe both the Bible and geology? ICR geologist and Research Associate Dr. Tim Clarey uncovers how both fit together in this 5-part podcast series on creation geology. Dr. Clarey shares a unique...
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics and the Ice Age
Flood secrets long buried reveal fascinating confirmation for the Genesis account. Where did the water come from to Flood the entire earth? Did the plates move rapidly and break apart during the...
Out-of-Place Dome-Headed Reptile
An American research team recently reanalyzed a strange fossil the Works Progress Administration excavated in 1940 from the Triassic Otis Chalk in west Texas.1 This partial skull showed that...
Oil as a "Soft Tissue"
Oil is in the news almost every day due to fluctuating prices and controversial fracking. How does oil fit into the Bible? Was oil made in the Flood? How does this important commodity influence...
Dinosaur Evolution and the Fossil Record
Is dinosaur evolution a fable? Secularists claim that the terrible lizards evolved from ancestors. But what do the fossils show? Are they truly millions of years old? Do dinosaurs disprove the...
Summary of Megasequences across Africa and the Pre-Floo.,.
Dr. Clarey shifts focus from North America to Africa. How does the African continent show a similar geological story? How can we know the Flood was not merely localized around the Black Sea? And...
Scales, Colors, Proteins in Dinosaur Skin
Scientists mapped the color shading of a particularly well-preserved Chinese fossil—a Psittacosaurus [sit uh kuh SAWR us]—onto several three-dimensional, lifelike models of the dinosaur....
Summary of Megasequences across North America and the G.,.
Many wonder if the global Flood was real. Can we trust Genesis? What really happened during this worldwide, watery catastrophe? What do rock layers across North America reveal?   Other...
Dinosaur Mysteries Uncovered
When did dinosaurs live? Did they walk the earth at the same time as humans? What happened to them? How did they fit on the Ark? Don’t dinosaurs prove evolution? You’ve no doubt heard these...
Behind the Scenes of Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs
In 2014, ICR produced Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis. The following year, we produced Made in His Image. This year, our scientists and host Markus Lloyd are back for a new DVD series—Uncovering...
Internal Telomere-like Sequences Are Abundant and Functional
The prevailing evolutionist mantra holds that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor that lived about six million years ago. One of the most cited evidences for this belief is the alleged human...
Subatomic Particles, Part 4: Gauge Bosons, the Glue Tha.,.
by Jason Lisle, Ph.D., and Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.* Have you ever wondered how a magnet “knows” to stick to a refrigerator? If you hold a magnet sufficiently close, it will...
Genesis Compromise Unravels the Bible
Christians who accept millions of years of Earth history may be unaware of the inconsistency of their position. On one hand, they profess to believe the Bible, but on the other they fail to accept Genesis...
Mesozoic Seafood Menu Caters to Noah's Flood
After looking over a long list of “living fossils”—living creatures with fossil look-alikes—I realized many of them are found on today’s seafood menus. What delectable...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionists Can't See Ey.,.
Ignorance and a limited perspective can lead to some pretty amazing blunders. Robert H. Goddard was a visionary trailblazer in the early days of rocket science. NASA lauded his accomplishments in a...
So Many Skin Tones from Adam and Eve?
After viewing the mixture of widely different skin tones at a recent church gathering, a long-time Acts & Facts reader asked how so much variety came from only three pairs of human beings—Shem,...
SOBA Graduate Interview: Pastor Richard Corwin
In 2009, the Institute for Creation Research founded the School of Biblical Apologetics to provide training in biblical education and apologetics with a special emphasis on Genesis 1–11. ICR’s...
Creation Research Society Conference 2016
On July 29–30 this past summer, 128 creationists gathered at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to attend the Creation Research Society’s annual conference. Headquartered in Chino...
Showcasing the Evidence
God first expressed His great love toward mankind in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth...
Cellular Evolution Debunked by Evolutionists
by Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Timothy Clarey, Ph.D.* Perhaps the greatest problem for evolution is where and how the first biomolecules and cells originated by means of random processes.1...
Gorillas, Endangerment, and Evolutionary Morality
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) revealed their latest Red List of Threatened Species at their World Conservation Congress in Hawaii on September 4, 2016. There, thousands of...
Creationist Worldview [Podcast]
The Bible and science go together beautifully. ICR zoologist and researcher Frank Sherwin explains how in this 5-part podcast series on the creationist worldview. Mr. Sherwin shares the scientific and...
What is the origin of dinosaurs? Can we trust the fossil record? Questions abound regarding these famous “thunder lizards.” But secular textbooks lack strong, scientific answers. Where...
Archaeology Confirms Genesis, Job Climate
An international team of archaeologists examined animal and human remains from an ancient site in present-day Jordan that enjoyed wetter times in the distant past. Today's Azraq Oasis receives a...
The Flood
Christians must build their worldview on the whole Bible. But there’s no need to throw out science. Science harmonizes well with the biblical message—right down to the details. How...
War of the Worldviews
Everyone has a worldview. Evolutionism and Christianity are competing worldviews; Christianity and science are not. Do you know why you believe what you believe? Are you ready to defend your faith...
ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History
The Institute for Creation Research hopes to soon begin building the Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. It will combine cutting-edge science and technology for an immersive experience that...
There are 20,000 known species of bees! These industrious insects possess incredible skills for creating orderly and efficient honeycombs. How are bees unique? And what can we learn about the Creator’s...
Biology and the Age of the Earth
Many Christians compromise the creation account in order to accommodate Scripture with secular science. But an old earth means death really isn’t the penalty for sin. What does the Bible...
New Calculations Melt Old Ice Age Theory
In 1976, the journal Science published a paper titled "Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages."1 This paper seemed to confirm a particular explanation for...
Revisiting an Iconic Argument for Milankovitch Climate .,.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2016
In Answers Research Journal 9 (2016): 229-255 The “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” paper by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton convinced uniformitarian scientists of the validity of the modern...
Wild Carp Rapidly Regrow Scales
Back in the 1800s, Europeans bred carp until the breeders crafted a small population that lost all its scales. Carp without scales are easier to clean in preparation for cooking. In 1912 some of these...
Denton Bible Church Unlocks the Mysteries of Genesis
Eager churchgoers entering Denton Bible Church on a late summer Sunday were greeted by the toothy grins of extinct dragons. Why would a church display giant dinosaur fossils and offer an education series...
Life from an 'RNA World'?
The beginning of life itself is the greatest quandary for the evolutionary paradigm. What came first in the supposed primordial soup from which life sprung? Was it DNA, proteins, or RNA? The cell uses...
A Review of the Lynden-Bell/Choloniewski Method for Obt.,.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2016
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Jason Lisle, Ph.D. In Creation Research Society Quarterly. 52 (3): 177-188 In the biblical worldview, Earth is not just another planet, but the unique world where...
A Review of the Lynden-Bell/Choloniewski Method for Obt.,.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2016
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Jason Lisle, Ph.D. In Creation Research Society Quarterly. 52 (3): 189-199 In order for cosmologists to discern the large-scale structure of the cosmos, it is necessary...
Wise Listeners and Influencers
Do you have a few trusted people who influence your life? Wise people understand the importance of surrounding themselves with those who are willing to speak the truth in love, ask good questions, encourage,...
Hearing Revival
When God created man, He created five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound. For the growing human embryo, the sense of hearing is the first to develop. Studies show that babies in the womb...
ISS Commander Returns from Space
Col. Jeff Williams took his Bible with him to space. He posted this on Facebook, May 22: “Sunday thought…60 days into the stay at this orbital outpost. The weeks are flying by and they...
Subatomic Particles, Part 3: Mesons
by Jason Lisle, Ph.D., and Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.* When considering the term subatomic particles, many people typically think of things like electrons, protons, or neutrons. We have...
Modern Science and Vain Philosophy: An Ancient Deceptio.,.
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”...
Genesis Prophecies
A young traveler recently picked up my book Dinosaurs and the Bible from a convenience store and read the introduction to his friends. The group included Christians and atheists, so the topic sparked...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The Imaginary Archaeoraptor
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is quite serious about flying safety. If an aircraft crashes, the FAA will conduct an investigation called a Root Cause Analysis. This involves methodical detective...
Do Creation Scientists Publish in Mainstream Journals?
If ICR scientists are “real” scientists, then they should publish in respected, peer-reviewed, mainstream journals, right? In fact, many have.1 But mainstream journal editors’...
Balancing Church and State, Part 2: Evolutionary Law
What is law and the rule of law? Is law objective and stable, like a wooden ruler, or is it stretchy and unstable, like a rubber band? Many citizens expect government officials to obey the law, yet...
Tim LaHaye and the Institute for Creation Research
“Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21) Tim LaHaye, well-known evangelical leader and co-author of the Left Behind series, went home to be with the Lord on July 25, 2016,...
Tests of Sincerity
One of the strongest exhortations for Christian giving is found in Paul’s charge to the believers in Corinth. Paul first praises the sacrificial support of the Macedonian churches who, in spite...
The Case of the Missing Fulgurites
Fulgurites are fossilized lightning strikes. The intense energy from a lightning strike essentially melts the ground. Lightning strikes can fuse rock, clay, or sand into fulgurites shaped like irregular...
Creation Apologetics [Podcast]
Does Genesis really matter? How can we know the true timescale of creation or the age of the universe? And what should Christians do when they spot logical fallacies in conversations with skeptics?...
Logical Fallacies
Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. It can teach us to think properly and construct rational arguments—valuable skills for defending the Christian faith. Christians...
Fossil DNA in Deep Seafloor Mud
Scientists found DNA in two undersea sediment drill cores from the Bering Sea.1 The researchers thought the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) must have come from near-surface light-gathering organisms...
The Age of the Universe
Most students are taught that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. But the Bible teaches a much younger age. In this episode, we’ll discuss the many lines of evidence confirming that the...
Astronomy: The Bible Got It Right!
Does astronomy disprove the Bible like many scoffers claim? Actually, history confirms that the Bible is always right when it touches on any subject—including astronomy. Learn how the Bible...
The Timescale of Creation
Many claim that science proves the Earth is billions of years old. But Genesis chapter one teaches that God created the universe and everything in it in only six days. How long ago did God create...
New Dual-Function Brain Cell Found
Until 2015, anatomy textbooks generally taught that the human immune system doesn't penetrate brain tissue. But that same year, University of Virginia neuroscientist Jonathan Kipnis and his team...
Your Origins Matter
Is Genesis just a myth made up by primitive people? Is it merely an allegory containing spiritual truths? Or does this book reveal a historical record of how God literally created the universe?...
The Mystery of Wooly Mammoths
Millions of wooly mammoths once lived around the world, particularly in extremely cold places. These elephantine creatures present a major mystery for secular scientists. Why is that? How could...
Genesis and Climate Change
Climate change is a hot topic in the news today. Many people—including some Christians—have been concerned that the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide could have an adverse effect...
The Ice Age and Climate Change [Podcast]
Most people are familiar with the concept of an ice age, a time when glaciers covered much of the earth's land surface. Secular scientists believe there were at least five major ice ages in earth...
Do Deep Ice Cores Prove an Old Earth?
Secular scientists have drilled into the thick ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and extracted cores that run thousands of meters deep. These scientists claim that the deepest layers are hundreds...
The Ice Age
Many Christians wonder about the ice age. Was there an ice age in earth history? If so, how many were there? And how would such a dramatic climate change fit into biblical history?   Other...
Hiding from God in the Multiverse
A number of secular cosmologists claim that our universe is just one of many universes that exist. Why do they say this? Is there any evidence for this claim? And how does this relate to the creation-evolution...
Human Vision Can Sense a Single Photon
How well designed is the human visual system? Biophysics researchers from the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology in Austria and Rockefeller University recently demonstrated that people can see...
Peppered Moth Still Not Evolving
Back in 2003, ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris explained a few ways evolutionists themselves criticized the use of the peppered moth as an example of evolutionary beliefs.1 New genetic research...
Six Days of Creation, Part 2 [Podcast]
Everywhere we look, we see the design, purpose, complex construction, environmental fit, awesome beauty, and instant camouflage of the creatures created during the end of the creation week. In this...
The Value of Discovery
We are now putting the finishing touches on our upcoming DVD series Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs, available in November. Part of the filming took place at a remote Wyoming dig site, where scientists...
Complete the Doing
It is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring to do a year ago; but now you also must complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also...
The Ice Age and the Scattering of Nations
There seems to be a clear explanation for the Ice Age, one that may answer the mystery of post-Flood animal migration.1 The Bible tells us that after the Flood humans stayed near the Tower...
Subatomic Particles, Part 2: Baryons, the Substance of .,.
by Jason Lisle, Ph.D., and Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.* In the fifth century B.C., the Greek philosopher Democritus and his mentor Leucippus proposed that all matter is composed of tiny...
Evolutionary Crisis and the Third Way
Modern evolutionary theory has never been without its problems and controversies—even among secular scientists. Famed evolutionist Douglas Futuyma recently stated: Ever since the Evolutionary...
Two Recent Fossils Confront Gradual Evolution
In Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, he claimed that “natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a sudden leap, but must...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: The 'Degenerate' Genetic Code?
“Newspeak” was the language developed by the fictional totalitarian regime Oceania in George Orwell’s classic novel 1984. The regime redefined words and slogans as a means of thought...
Did the Euphrates Flow before the Flood?
The Bible makes it clear that the Flood destroyed Earth’s surface. However, Genesis 2 says that a river named Euphrates flowed before the Flood, even though a river with that same name currently...
When It Rained Chocolate Kindness
Imagine a German child who survived World War II’s destruction only to be deprived of decent food, clothing, and shelter. Then, like lightning breaking through a nightmare of darkness, the sky...
Providence, Provision, and Purpose: Videoconference wit.,.
On June 17, 2016, Col. Timothy Kopra turned over command of the International Space Station (ISS) to Col. Jeff Williams as Expedition 47 ended and 48 began. After completing 186 days in space, Expedition...
Faith vs. Trust
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) Many believers today often confuse having faith in God with trusting in God. Faith is...
Day Six…Man as God’s Steward
At the end of God’s creative activities, He surveyed His work and pronounced it “very good.” Genesis 2 describes how God prepared a special garden in which the man and the woman...
Day Six…Made in God’s Image
What does it mean that God “created” in His own “image”? Theologians and students of Scripture have been pondering this concept for millennia. What hints can we find in...
Day Six…Cattle, Beasts of the Earth, and Creepin.,.
On Day Six, God focused on creating land creatures. He evidently created these vast “kinds” in direct proportion to how they would relate to humans. What distinguishes birds from cattle?...
Day Five…Soaring Birds to Scary Pterodactyls
God was busy on Day Five. Not only did He create water creatures, He also dedicated this day to “the birds of the air.” What Genesis-confirming design details can we observe in the...
Sea Worm Is 'Man's Ancestor'
On July 7, BBC News reported the rare discovery of a fossilized sea worm, classified as a hemichordate, a sophisticated invertebrate. Evolutionists are excited because this find supposedly provides...
Tim LaHaye Is Now Home
Tim LaHaye, well-known evangelical leader and co-author of the Left Behind series, went home to be with the Lord early on July 25, 2016, after suffering a stroke. Dr. LaHaye was instrumental in the...
Day Five…Sea Cucumbers to Sea Monsters
Did you know that oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface? The first life God created lived in water, and much of what we call life dwells in the oceans, lakes, and rivers of our planet....
Proteins in '2-Billion-Year-Old' Rock
Rock researchers highly regard Ontario's Gunflint chert for its fresh-looking microfossils. Long ago, the chert's microcrystalline quartz grains embedded microscopic single-celled creatures,...
Should We Drop the Term 'Living Fossil'?
Mark Carnall at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History recently wrote an article for the UK newspaper The Guardian. He argues that we should stop using the term "living fossil."1...
Day Four…Sun, Moon, and Stars
Once the planet had been properly prepared, the earth was ready for its clocks. There must be a time-keeping system for “signs and seasons, and for days and years.” What did God...
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