Dinosaurs, Grasses, and Darwinism | The Institute for Creation Research

Dinosaurs, Grasses, and Darwinism

The ancient, strange, and foreign world of the dinosaur described by evolutionists continues to dissolve in the face of scientific research. Contrary to what has been taught for decades, dinosaurs inhabited a pre-Flood world populated with plants and animals very much like today’s.

Science shows that dinosaur fossils are found with plants that are very familiar to us such as sassafras, oak, magnolia, palm, willow, and now, grasses. But according to evolutionary theory, grasses should not be found with dinosaurs because these plants did not evolve until 80 million years later. A recent discovery has stunned the secular scientific community indicating that between “65 million and 71 million years ago” plant-eating dinosaurs were consuming different species of grass. A paleobotanist working in India was “totally shocked” to discover grasses in sauropod dinosaurs’dung. Surprise was also the reaction of a fellow evolutionist upon her recent discovery of soft dinosaur tissue (see http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=arti
). These secular scientists were amazed because significant portions of what they have been taught regarding macroevolution and the time scales involved are simply false.

This is perhaps one reason why the presence of grass in dinosaur dung remained undiscovered for so long. The unobserved, unproven macroevolutionary theory states that grasses were not contemporary with dinosaurs; grasses did not exist until the post-dinosaur era according to evolution. Therefore, scientists did not bother looking for something their theory said did not exist. No wonder evolutionists exhibit such surprise at this wholly unexpected find! This is yet another example of evolutionists putting the cart (unobserved theory) before the horse (scientific evidence). 

Creation scientists see a world just thousands of years old. With this narrow time-scale, it is not surprising when soft dinosaur tissue is encountered, or when grossly “out-of-order” discoveries are made such as grasses found with dinosaurs, or when fish (vertebrates) are discovered in the “wrong” rock layer. (see http://www.fredheeren.com/boston.htm )
Yet, undeterred, two Smithsonian evolutionists simply state in regard to dinosaur ecology that “These remarkable results will force reconsideration of many long-standing assumptions.” Creation scientists would urge Darwinists to reconsider the larger long-standing assumption of macroevolution as well. 


Neergaard, L.,  http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/2
Adler, J., Time, November 28, 2005, p. 53

Article posted on November 29, 2005.