Romans 13:9
13:9 adultery. The law has not been abrogated by Christ, but fulfilled by Him and its curse removed (Matthew 5:17; Galatians 3:13; I Corinthians 15:56-57). All of God’s Ten Commandments are repeated, in effect, in the New Testament (see note on Hebrews 4:9 relative to the law of the sabbath, which is sometimes said to be an exception to this). Here the commands of the second table of the law are cited, having to do with our responsibilities to our fellow men.
More The Earth Is Unique
Great American Outdoors Act, Signed into Law by President
In a bipartisan legislative achievement to promote better stewardship of American public lands, U.S. Senators and Representatives finalized their bill...
Sunflower Heliotropism: August Sunlight for Making Tons.,.
August is an important month for sunflowers—those gigantic, bright-yellow flowers with brownish, round seed heads bordered by radiating yellow ligules...
Strange Ocean Crust Waves Discovered
While searching for a missing plane on the ocean floor, scientists made an interesting geological discovery.
On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight...
More The Earth Was Uniquely Created
NASA Announces: 5000 Exoplanets Discovered
Evolutionary scientists would like nothing better than to find life (in any form) outside Earth. But so far this has been lacking. The pages of the book...
Great American Outdoors Act, Signed into Law by President
In a bipartisan legislative achievement to promote better stewardship of American public lands, U.S. Senators and Representatives finalized their bill...
Yellowstone Super-Eruptions Declining
Recently, renewed activity has had scientists, and the general public alike, alarmed about an impending supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone.1...
More Astronomy
July Astronomical Highlights
This month (July 2020), multiple astronomical objects highlight God’s glory displayed in the heavens.1
For the next two weeks, all...
The Created Sun and Moon [Podcast]
1) The Created Sun and Moon
What does Scripture say about the sun and the moon? How do these two “great lights” rule the heavens?...
Have Scientists Found Life on Venus?
Secular scientists are obsessed with attempting to show that life on Earth is not unique and therefore must exist, if not elsewhere in our solar system...
More Evidence from the Earth Sciences
Yellowstone Supervolcano Unlikely to Blow
For several years, secular scientists have been predicting a possible supervolcano eruption at Yellowstone National Park. Recently, the London Daily Mail...
New Australian Dinosaur Surprises Evolutionists
A new study published in the journal Gondwana Research has identified a rather out-of-place bone from a theropod dinosaur called an elaphrosaur that apparently...
Oil as a "Soft Tissue"
Oil is in the news almost every day due to fluctuating prices and controversial fracking. How does oil fit into the Bible? Was oil made in the...
More Earth Sciences Resources
Origin of Tectonic Plates Best Explained by the Flood
A new study published in Nature Communications claims to have figured out how the tectonic plates may have originated.1 It’s been over...
Earthquakes Still Active in Utah
On March 18, 2020, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook the Salt Lake City area. Specifically, it hit underneath the town of Magna, Utah. Since that time,...
Massive Releases of CO2 from Mountain Streams
Recently, a new study published in Nature Communications found that mountain streams may be much larger contributors to the global carbon cycle than previously...
More Contrasting Worldviews
Plate Beneath China Verifies Rapid Subduction
Scientists have identified a large slab of cold oceanic lithosphere1 dipping far beneath China.2 The newly imaged plate is presumably...
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about.,.
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced...
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
More Science
Saharan Dust Cloud Strikes United States
Recently, the southeastern United States was hit by a huge cloud of dust from the Sahara desert that drifted across the Atlantic Ocean. A second such cloud...
Babies Are Born Ready to Read
Dogs don’t read the words on a page. Neither did Coco, the famous gorilla that learned to communicate using simple hand signs. So what affords humans...
Testing a Climate Change Assumption: Update
About a month ago, some experts suggested that the coronavirus shutdown presented an opportunity to test the assumption that humans are responsible for...
More Noah's Ark and Flood
Many Martian Volcanoes May Be Mudflows
Tens of thousands of volcano-looking features exist across the northern lowlands and other areas across Mars.1 In the past, these volcanoes...
Central Greenland Recently Ice-Free, But Why?
Microfossil willow wood, fungi, insect body parts, and a poppy seed have been recovered from sediments at the bottom of central Greenland’s two-mile-long...
Venus May Be Geologically Active
Using computer simulations, a team of researchers has concluded the planet Venus could still be geologically active.1,2 The scientists used...
More Creation Science Update
An ''Early'' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats
As flying mammals, bats continue to amaze zoologists with their incredible abilities.1,2 But their origin continues to be an enigma for conventional...
Chloroplast Construction Reflects Creation
Much has been written regarding the critical importance of photosynthesis and how utterly complex this near-universal biochemical process is.1,2...
Does Iron Toast Union Rescue Long Ages?
The puzzle persists after all these years. On the one hand, biochemists perform decay rate studies that show biochemicals cannot last a million years...