Life Below the Surface | The Institute for Creation Research

Life Below the Surface

Very seldom do we bother to look at life below the surface. In our daily addiction to activity, we rarely take the time to plunge beneath the mundane and the ordinary and the obvious. Various reasons exist for our refusal to see what lies beneath what we know as "normal." Looking past the obvious is vital if we want to honestly understand how everything is made and why it works the way it does. And sometimes we need help to do so, to help us discern what we find when we peer through the microscope. Not looking through the lens, however, ultimately leads to uncertainty.

Laboratory tests, for example, help doctors look deep under the surface in order to reveal everything from friendly bacteria to cancer. Examinations, both physical and spiritual, are therefore both necessary and therapeutic. All of the hidden recesses must be searched, for only in doing so can we begin to deal with life as God has made it.

Psalm 139:23-24 tells us how important it is to look at life below the surface:

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Of course, our Creator is the One who can perfectly see below the surface, for He made it all. And while scientists can peer through the lenses of powerful microscopes to understand the genetic components of the life God designed, only the Creator can give us answers, as He has done in the book of Genesis.

Dr. Brad Forlow, Associate Science Editor and a member of the life sciences team at ICR, writes our feature article this month, "Genesis Under the Microscope." In it, he reveals how some in the Christian community are seeking to mess with the text of Scripture…a dangerous prospect indeed…in order to insert evolutionary ideas into the creation account. How do discerning Christians navigate these voices of compromise? Read Dr. Forlow’s article on pages 4-5.

If you’ve not yet secured your copy of the 50th anniversary edition of The Genesis Flood, you may order your copy today. Visit and click over to our store for purchase details.

October is one of our most busy months, especially for ICR Events. Check out the two-page spread on our events staff and the two critically important areas of their ministry: Church and Seminar Ministries, led by Chas Morse, and Conference Ministries, led by Lalo Gunther.

Besides the numerous seminars at churches around the country, ICR will be speaking at many regional and national Christian school and homeschool conventions, and offering resources to meet the needs of K-12 science education teachers from a biblical perspective, including our newest teaching poster, Designed for Life.

Your faithful support of ICR through prayer and gifts will allow us to continue to minister biblical truth around the world for generations to come. Thank you for your generosity.

* Mr. Ford is Executive Editor at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Ford, L. 2011. Life Below the Surface. Acts & Facts. 40 (10): 3.

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