Inside May 2019 Acts & Facts | The Institute for Creation Research

Inside May 2019 Acts & Facts

How can you help friends recognize the solid science that confirms creation? What discoveries from biological research support the Bible? How will the ICR Discovery Center showcase geological research? And how does biblical creation help us glorify God? Discover the answers to these questions and more in the May 2019 issue of Acts & Facts!         

Asking Questions to Point Out Creation Truth
The Institute for Creation Research recently welcomed three busloads of sixth-graders for a sneak-peek experience inside our still-in-progress ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. The...
Toppling Ten Fake Facts That Prop Evolution
ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris wrote in 2003, “Practically all the media strongly promote evolution and...the general public has been taught only evolution in public schools and secular colleges...
Rocks Reveal the End of the Flood
One of the most important aspects of any Flood model is the definition of its boundaries. Is there an identifiable layer in the rock record where we can say the global Flood ended? And should we expect...
Six Biological Evidences for a Young Earth
What does the Bible tell us about the age of the earth? Not only does the Bible describe how God created Earth and its life forms in six days, Genesis also contains detailed genealogies and chronologies....
Mongolia, Montana, and My Bible
I recently completed an online college course on Cretaceous dinosaurs from China, centering on fossils from the Erlian Formation. These rock layers lie in a big basin near the Mongolian border. Clues...
Scientific and Biblical Truth Converge for Gopher Wood
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. Scientific facts can sometimes yield surprising biblical insight. For example, lignins make hardwood trees hard. They are a complex...
ICR Discovery Center Update
How can you wrap your mind around the idea of a worldwide flood that covered all the highest hills and mountains? Wouldn’t it be helpful—and fascinating—to see the global Flood year...
Engineered Adaptability: Blockchain-Like Process May Pr.,.
Phil B. Gaskill and Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. The previous article in the Engineered Adaptability series focused on how a population might continuously track environmental changes.1...
Does Biblical Creation Help Us Glorify God?
How well do you glorify God? Robbing God of glory is serious, as illustrated in this brief account in the book of Acts: “So, on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and...
The Circle of the Earth
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22) Some...
Stewardship, Science, and Sharing Evidence
God first expressed His great love toward mankind in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth...

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The Latest
Did the Human Heart Evolve from Apes?
The amazingly designed pump we call the heart has made evolutionary news recently. Ffion White of Swansea University in Wales recently stated in...

Recent Paleontological Discoveries Are Just What Creationists...
Current news from the field of paleontology is what creationists expected and even predicted. Whether recent fossil discoveries are invertebrates or...

New Evidence for Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT)?
Geophysicist Samantha Hansen and colleagues may have just strengthened evidence for catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT), the leading theoretical model...

The Price of Freedom
"And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born" (Acts 22:28). The privilege...

Darwin, Hitler, and the Holocaust Part 1 - A Faulty Foundation...
From 1941 to 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies systematically murdered approximately six million Jews in a genocide known as the Holocaust....

July 2024 ICR Wallpaper
"For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve on another."...

Intelligently Designed Flapping Frequencies
Physicists at Roskilde University in Denmark have shown that a single equation correctly describes the frequency of wing and fin strokes for a wide...

Evangelism, Apologetics, and Fighting a False Gospel | Creation.Live...
How do we share the Gospel in a society where truth is subjective? How can we effectively reject the insidious counterfeit gospels that have crept...

Creation Kids: Butterflies
by Renée Dusseau and Susan Windsor* You're never too young to be a creation scientist and explore our Creator's world. Kids, discover...

Exceedingly, Abundantly Grateful
As I finished another year of teaching in the spring of 2023, I knew the Lord was preparing me for something different in my career—I just didn’t...