Ephesians 5:5 | The Institute for Creation Research

Ephesians 5:5

Cov · et · ous

def. 1: (One who is) marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions. (God's possessions—note added.)
def. 2: Having a craving for possessions (or power).

In · or · di · nate

def. 1: Exceeding reasonable limits (immoderate, excessive).

Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, 1994


(Heb. hämad, to desire; besa', dishonest gain; Gr. pleoneksia, the wish to have more), an inordinate desire for what one has not, which has its basis in discontentment with what one has. It has an element of lawlessness and is sinful because contrary to the command, "Be content with such things as ye have" (Hebrews 13:5), and because it leads to "trust in uncertain riches," to love of the world, to setting up wealth instead of God. It ranks with the worst sins (Mark 7:22; Romans 1:29). Our Lord especially warns against it (Luke 12:15), as does Paul (Ephesians 5:3, etc.). A man may be covetous, eager to obtain money, and not avaricious or penurious (i.e., unwilling to part with money), or sordid and niggardly (i.e., mean in his dealings). He may or may not be miserly.

Unger's Bible Dictionary
Merrill F. Unger, Th.D., Ph.D., Moody Press, 1957

With these principles in mind, how shall we, then, live?

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what . . . the LORD require(s) of thee . . . to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God (Micah 6:8).
Becoming men whom God sees as "able" to serve Him, men who "fear God,"men of truth, hating covetousness (Exodus 18:21).

Might we be found fit for the kingdom, having demonstrated the relationship with God we profess by putting to death covetousness in our lives!

Cite this article: Tom Manning. 1998. Ephesians 5:5. Acts & Facts. 27 (5).

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