Creation Matters | The Institute for Creation Research

Creation Matters

Have you wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to creation? You may hear things like “But that’s not a salvation issue” or “Just focus on the gospel and don’t get sidetracked with creation debates.” Many well-intentioned pastors and Christian teachers admonish their congregations and students to stick to evangelism and discipleship and to “stay away from controversial topics like creation.” But there’s a big problem with that approach to Christianity. When we ignore or reject what the Bible says about the beginning of everything, we call the rest of Scripture—including the gospel—into question.

In this issue, we look at the foundational principles of creation. ICR’s founder, Dr. Henry Morris, said “Many Christians, who either ignore or compromise the biblical doctrine of creation, have urged creationists just to ‘preach the gospel—not creation.’ But this is impossible because the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is squarely founded on creation” (“Creation Is the Foundation”).

What we believe about origins impacts our understanding of the Bible and the way we interpret scientific evidence. In our Impact article, “Gravitational Waves and the Space-Time Continuum,” nuclear physicist Dr. Vernon Cupps tells us how a “recent scientific discovery seems to confirm the Bible’s implication that space is a real entity with measurable properties.” He notes that “God designed each aspect of reality to function in very specific ways that sustain life on Earth, and we are only beginning to understand the space-time continuum—the curtain God stretched out in the beginning.”

Brian Thomas’ article “Fast-Changing Killifish Swim Past Evolution” demonstrates the importance of creation and evolution questions. In discussing the origin of the killifish’s ability to tolerate polluted waters, he says, “The Creator revealed in the Bible…has an infinite intelligence—He warrants the most consideration.”

Dr. Randy Guliuzza describes how embracing evolution denounces the Bible’s teaching of human accountability: “Evolutionary psychologists suggest that even when destructive, a human’s unconscious reactions—not choices—are practically inevitable” (“Evolutionary Psychology for Serious Tabloid Readers”).

What’s the running theme through all of these articles? What we believe about creation matters. ICR exists to build your confidence in the Bible’s answers to these questions of faith and science—to show that God’s Word can be trusted from beginning to end.

We may not understand all of the details of God’s marvelous design in creation, but what we can see confirms a magnificent Creator: “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). We pray the research and information offered in this issue will strengthen your faith and cause you to marvel at the work of our all-powerful God.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2017. Creation Matters. Acts & Facts. 46 (2).

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