Seeing God in the Details | The Institute for Creation Research

Seeing God in the Details

I had the privilege of speaking with NASA astronaut Col. Jeffrey Williams the day before he left for Russia to train for his upcoming launch to the International Space Station (ISS). He has a heart for ICR’s mission to demonstrate how science confirms the biblical record of creation. His eagerness to honor God as the Creator of the universe was evident in our conversation.

“Just seeing the design details of the earth, and you see the purpose in those design details…that’s a very vivid demonstration of the order that we can see in God’s design, of His creation that we’re a part of (“Sailing to the Stars”). Col. Williams also discussed the work he will do at the ISS during his six-month stay at the orbiting laboratory.

He sees his work at NASA as a calling. “God calls us to our place in life.” He advises young people who want to pursue a career as an astronaut to “see their lives from the perspective of calling….I encourage people to pursue what they view…as their calling in life. For NASA, you have to start applying.” He applied six times over a 10-year period before he was selected. “Continue pursuing your passion…doors will open. Don’t get discouraged, don’t give up, continue down the path that the open doors take you.”

Col. Williams also said, “Encourage your readers to continue studying the Word of God and to continue studying the God of the Word….We need to be strengthened continually in our confidence of [the Word]. God’s Word is truth, and God’s Word starts in Genesis 1 and 2, which is the primary account of creation.” As I listened to Col. Williams’ words, I thought about my own children, grandchildren, their generation, and the messages they encounter daily.

ICR astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle addresses the need to provide creation truth to those who are growing up in today’s culture. He says, “One of the greatest myths of our time is that evolution and other secular ideas are somehow ‘scientific’….In our culture it is fashionable to believe that science is opposed to the Bible” (“A Different Kind of Museum”). But he reminds us that through science “we can test certain types of truth claims....From the very first verse of the Bible, we learn that the universe did not originate by chance at all; it is a creation from the mind of God.”

Our children and grandchildren need to know that science confirms the Bible. ICR editor Christy Hardy describes the difficulty parents often face: “It can be challenging to describe the concept of God to a young child, but when he sees the world, at least his growing mind can recognize that Someone very powerful, very good, and very special made it” (“Divine Calling”).

Christy points out that both children and parents will benefit from the ICR Museum of Science and Earth History that is currently in the planning stages. Dr. Lisle describes this as a “different kind of museum.” We’re convinced it will help parents teach their children that our very big God created our very amazing world. Whether you’re observing creation from space, a planetarium, or a neighborhood sidewalk, the design details of our world point to an incredible, majestic Creator.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2016. Seeing God in the Details. Acts & Facts. 45 (3).

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