Strengthening God’s Holy Temples | The Institute for Creation Research

Strengthening God’s Holy Temples

We read in 2 Chronicles 24:4, “Joash set his heart on repairing the house of the LORD.” The historical context of this verse has to do with the death of the wicked queen Athaliah. The seven-year-old Joash was then made king by Jehoiada the priest. Sadly, the temple had fallen into disrepair during Athaliah’s tyrannical rule.

We see in Old Testament history how the upkeep of God’s temples was undermined by one major cause: failure to know and obey God’s Word, thus allowing His physical temples to deteriorate. In 2 Kings 12, Jehoash (another spelling of Joash) asked everyone who “purposes in his heart to bring into the house of the LORD” financial gifts to “repair the damages of the temple, wherever any dilapidation is found” (vv. 4-5).

Today, God’s temple is every believer in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). As Paul had an apologetic (defense) against those twisting Scripture “to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16), so too Christian “temples” need to be “rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith” (Colossians 2:7).

One goal included in ICR’s Mission Statement is edification, part of which is to “help pastors lead, feed, and defend their flocks by providing scientific responses to secular attacks on the authority and authenticity of God’s Word.” The majority of such attacks has been to contradict the Genesis creation and thus challenge the Person and work of our Creator, Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3).

The scientists and other staff members of ICR have labored for over 50 years to provide resources and related services to correct faulty theological foundations, as well as equip God’s “temples” with cutting-edge research that’s founded on Scripture containing science-related passages. Those who have partaken of ICR’s events, publications, and media productions have attested to their increased theological and scientific knowledge that has empowered them to proclaim and defend our Creator and His Word.

I can personally testify to the quality of ICR’s workmanship. My faith in the philosophy of evolution for 26 years was replaced with faith in Jesus Christ. The content in Acts & Facts, books, and other media—as well as doctrinally correct churches—gave me the ability to eventually give tours in the ICR San Diego creation museum for 16 years and become an ICR staff member.

We read in 2 Kings 12:15, “Moreover they did not require an account from the men into whose hand they delivered the money to be paid to workmen, for they dealt faithfully.” Even so, those within the ICR family have used their “craftsmanship” to produce the finest creation research and resources available.

Please consider investing in ICR as a co-laborer. Your financial gifts will help us reach the lost and provide powerful theological and scientific apologetic tools to win and strengthen many. Together, God’s temples will glorify Jesus Christ, our Creator, Savior, and future Restorer of a new heaven and earth.

* Mr. Wood is an Event Coordinator and Q&A Specialist for the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Bruce Wood. 2022. Strengthening God’s Holy Temples. Acts & Facts. 51 (3).

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