Moving Forward with a New ICR Leader | The Institute for Creation Research

Moving Forward with a New ICR Leader

As the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry, we’re also experiencing a significant transition. Dr. Henry M. Morris III will retire as Chief Executive Officer in October 2020. He’s been at ICR’s helm for 13 years, and even before that he worked as Executive Vice President for Strategic Ministries alongside his brother Dr. John Morris. Both men followed their father, ICR founder Dr. Henry M. Morris, into this ministry, and we honor each one’s commitment to uphold the authority and accuracy of Scripture and build the confidence of Christian believers in the Bible as God’s inspired and inerrant Word. The Lord used their courageous leadership to establish a truly unique and Christ-honoring ministry.

The Lord has now provided another leader to advance ICR’s mission in a new chapter. This month, Dr. Randy Guliuzza takes the helm as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Institute for Creation Research. After a focused international search, ICR’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to appoint him to this position.

Regular Acts & Facts readers will be familiar with Dr. Guliuzza’s articles, but I’d like to provide more information about this person I’m blessed to know. Dr. Guliuzza served as ICR National Representative for almost 12 years, speaking throughout the United States on biblical apologetics, engineering, and the human body, and conducting research into the mechanisms that enable creatures to rapidly adapt to environmental changes. His resume speaks volumes about the breadth of his knowledge and expertise. He earned a B.S. in Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, a B.A. in theology from Moody Bible Institute, an M.D. from the University of Minnesota, and a Master of Public Health from Harvard University. He served nine years in the Navy Civil Engineer Corps and is a registered Professional Engineer. In 2008, he retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Air Force, where he served as 28th Bomb Wing Flight Surgeon and Chief of Aerospace Medicine, to join ICR.

Dr. Guliuzza’s commitment to the creation message is evident from his research, publications, and dedication to ICR. His devotion to this ministry guided many of his career decisions for decades. He is the author of numerous creation science resources, which are listed in his online bio at

Dr. Guliuzza’s heart for God’s Word is demonstrated in this month’s feature article, “Insight for Today from an Old Prayer.” He says, “What is wonderful about the Bible is that it is always relevant to any generation in any culture.” He reminds us that “this ‘world system’ opposes the spread of the gospel by…blinding people’s minds through lies and confusion,” and he exhorts us to “pray for supernatural insight” and “be biblically informed.”

In the years I’ve worked at ICR, I’ve seen not only Dr. Guliuzza’s love for the Lord and His Word, but also his heart of compassion and concern for others. I’ve watched him go through times of unjust criticism, and he’s handled it graciously. And even as he experienced great success in his research, I’ve never seen him take credit for himself—he points others to the glory of God. He often says “the normal response to science is worship,” and we can see this truth demonstrated in the way he lives his life.

You’ll hear more from Dr. Guliuzza in the coming months as he moves forward in his new responsibilities. With new leadership in place, we’re excited to see what will come next, knowing the Lord will be faithful to enable the good work He has yet for ICR to do.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2020. Moving Forward with a New ICR Leader. Acts & Facts. 49 (8).

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