Lasting Influence | The Institute for Creation Research

Lasting Influence

Through its 50 years of ministry, the Institute for Creation Research has been blessed by the faithful influence, wise perspectives, and generous support of many friends and colleagues. We’ve recently said goodbye to two faithful partners who greatly impacted our ministry in its earliest years and beyond. ICR editor Christy Hardy spoke with several current and former ICR staff members who knew them, and they shared with her how these men influenced creation ministry both at ICR and elsewhere with the gifts God gave them, making a lasting impact on generations of people.

Former ICR Board member Dr. Bob Armstrong went to be with the Lord on December 20, 2019. His enthusiasm for missions and evangelism spurred him to use creation truth to point others to Christ. Dr. Armstrong was a skilled orthopedic surgeon, and as ICR’s ministry was beginning its outreach in the 1970s, he moved his medical practice to California so he could be available to help our founder, Dr. Henry M. Morris. He served on ICR’s Board of Trustees, was an advocate for ICR’s graduate school, and encouraged research into radiometric dating, which helped ICR launch the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project. Dr. Armstrong was a faithful and generous source of support in the early days of our ministry—and over many years—and we remember his contributions with great appreciation.

You’re probably aware that Dr. John Whitcomb co-authored The Genesis Flood with Dr. Morris. Dr. Whitcomb’s homegoing was February 5, 2020, and you can learn more about his dedication to Scripture and passion for creation ministry in Christy’s article “Dr. John Whitcomb: A Life Well Lived.” As ICR president emeritus Dr. John Morris reflected on Dr. Whitcomb’s passing, he said, “To me, the creation movement as a whole needs an elder statesman who loves the Word of God as Whitcomb did. Who will replace him?” Dr. Whitcomb leaves a legacy of faithfulness to God’s Word and an enduring influence in creation ministry.

In our feature, Dr. Henry M. Morris III shares how ICR is beginning the search for its next president (“Biblical Succession.” Our Board is working to find Dr. Morris’ replacement as leader of this vital organization—a tough task, to be sure! As the current CEO, Dr. Morris recognizes this is the time to pass the torch to another who will faithfully continue ICR’s mission to carry the creation message to a world that desperately needs to hear how science affirms the truth of Scripture. He says, “The role of ICR’s president must assure the long-term alignment of the entire organization with ICR’s Principles of Scientific Creationism and Biblical Creationism ( that have served as the operational criteria for all ICR mission and ministry throughout the 50-year history.”

For five decades, ICR has proclaimed the reliability of Scripture and honored Christ as both Creator and Savior—and that will not change! We are committed to equipping Christian believers with compelling evidence that affirms the Bible from Ph.D. scientists who love the Lord. This has been our ministry signature, and we will continue in that ministry with God’s help. Please pray with us as we anticipate God’s goodness in bringing just the right person to lead the way.

* Jayme Durant is Director of Communications at the Institute for Creation Research.

Cite this article: Jayme Durant. 2020. Lasting Influence. Acts & Facts. 49 (4).

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