ICR And Y2K | The Institute for Creation Research


Y2KMany people have asked for ICR's view on Y2K. Will it be global chaos or a minor inconvenience? Surely ICR's scientists ought to know.

Unfortunately, no one really knows what's going to happen. Several of us here have tried to keep up with preparations nationwide, most notably our computer information system expert, Mr. Webmaster. For three years now, he has been warning of problems in government, in utilities, in suppliers, and especially internationally. We have evaluated reports from many knowledgeable experts and have tried to distill down the widely varied projections as best we can.

I may be wrong, but I'm fairly confident now that Y2K problems have been substantially solved in major industries and within the government. Many smaller companies will be caught unprepared, but while in general, problems will be not long lasting, they could pose serious temporary problems, so it's wise to plan ahead.

ICR has fully prepared, and is 100% compliant, as far as we know. Our computer systems have all been changed over, and should run without an internal snafu. We will have an ample inventory of books and supplies on hand to out-last any shortage caused by other suppliers. The research, writing, and book fulfillment should continue without major delay. Of course, if problems occur from outside, we will deal with them as promptly as possible.

However, I am a little concerned that doom-and-gloom prophecies circulating among Christians will cause a problem this fall. Only a few are "heading for the hills," but many are scaling back their activities until the problem passes. Already we've seen a dramatic cutback in seminars scheduled for the fall. Conversely, quite a few are scheduled for next spring. There may be wisdom in a temporary scaleback, but my primary concern involves donations to ICR. Our operating expenses come, almost in entirety, from Christian people on a monthly basis. We praise God for this, but we are somewhat vulnerable to disruptions in the pattern. If too many donors postpone their giving until next spring, ICR would be in big trouble.

How is my family preparing for Y2K? Much as we always have done for Southern California earthquakes, only a little more so. We will stock up on various foods, water, firewood, and other items, just in case shortages occur. We'll invite my parents to stay with us until things clear up, and enjoy the time together. Again, I don't expect major problems, but I won't be surprised by minor ones, and I'll prepare for intermediate ones.

* Dr. Morris is President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 1999. ICR And Y2K. Acts & Facts. 28 (7).

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