That's A Fact

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Blue Stars

The three bright blue stars that make up Orion’s belt look pretty small up in the night sky. But actually blue stars are some of the most massive and brightest stars in the whole universe. How do so many short-lived stars exist in a universe that is supposedly 13.8 billion years old? More...

Cell Origins

The origin of the first cell is one of evolution’s biggest problems. Though the cell is the basic building block for life, its design is actually very complex. Its functions can be compared to those of computers, building projects—and even whole cities.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Perhaps no greater wonder exists than a human life growing within another human life. Mother and baby are deeply connected yet two very separate beings. God put many special features in place so that we could not only survive, but thrive!

Chinese Pictographs

Ancient Chinese pictographs have been around for thousands of years. Clues in the picture symbols show that the earliest Chinese words must have included basic historical facts from Genesis when the symbols were invented. More...

Cambrian Explosion

Cambrian rock layers contain nearly all the basic animal forms—with no trace of transitional fossils in lower Precambrian rocks. Even Darwin himself had a difficult time explaining what we now call the “Cambrian explosion” of life. More...

Carbon-14 Dating

Each year, it’s fun to celebrate birthdays. If we’re not sure of someone’s age, we can always check their birth certificate. But can any reliable methods determine the age of an object without a historical record? More...

Dino Tracks

Dinosaur tracks can be found on every continent! But just how did they form?

Chimp DNA

Secular scientists claimed in the 1970s that chimp genomes are 98% similar to humans, and it was apparently verified by more modern techniques. But that estimate actually used isolated segments of DNA that we already share with chimps—not the whole genomes. The latest comparison that included all of the two species’ DNA revealed a huge difference from the percentage scientists have been claiming for years.


While bats live in air and dolphins live in water, both use a biological form of sonar technology called echolocation to see with sound! The specifications in dolphin and bat biosonar systems are so many, so well-integrated, and so precise, could they really have developed at random in two completely different environments?

The Ice Age

Ice sheets, saber-toothed tigers, and wooly mammoths—the Ice Age sounds like a cool time! But what caused it? And was there more than one Ice Age?

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