News Article Submission Requirements
Want to write for ICR? Please submit your one-page query letter along with your 600-word (or less) news article on the creation science topic of your choice to submissions@ICR.org.
Click here for the main Publications Submission Guidelines page.
Please include the following in your one-page query letter:
- Your name and email address
- Topic of your article
- Why you are the person to write the article; include your credentials
- How you are acquainted with ICR
- Your best writing
News article requirements:
- Your article must be original, unpublished writing.
- The topic must be related to the creation-evolution debate. Select a topic from Phys.org or ScienceDaily.com
- Try to maintain a similar style to our other news articles.
- Send your article as a Microsoft Word document.
- Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Cite references in Chicago Style and limit to five or less.
- Remember to keep the article to no more than 600 words.
Authors grant to the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) an exclusive license to publish their submitted article, subject to that article’s acceptance. Authors also grant to ICR the right to edit the article to the extent necessary for its intended purpose, as well as use of the article’s material in derivative works provided that proper credit is given to the original authors. If an article is published by ICR, authors may use their material in other publications provided that ICR is acknowledged as the original place of publication and ICR is notified in advance.