Archive of Articles

Chicxulub Crater Theory Mostly Smoke
In secular literature and movies, the most popular explanation for the dinosaurs’ extinction is an asteroid impact. The Chicxulub crater in Mexico is often referred to as the “smoking gun”...
DNA Science Disproves Human Evolution
The Bible describes humans as being created in the image of God—the pinnacle of His creation. In contrast, those who embrace the presupposition of naturalistic origins have put much effort and...
Will the Real Pseudoscientists Please Stand Up?
Evolutionists seem to hold to the philosophy “if you can’t beat them, belittle them.” Recent events illustrate the manner in which they attempt to marginalize or dismiss creation research...
Cancer Research Confirms the Curse
Cancer’s devastation directly or indirectly touches almost everybody on Earth, and a great deal of research focuses on finding the cause and cure. A new study’s results showed that the number...
Engineered Adaptability: Engineering Principles Point t.,.
When you observe nature, especially living things, does what you see look purposeful or messy? In other words, do living things have body parts that look like they have a proper fit and function, or...
Is the Earth Round?
Some readers might think the answer to this question is so obvious that maybe we’re offering it as a kind of joke—but it’s no joke. A growing number of people seem to actually believe...
Dinosaur DNA Trumps Mammoth Expert
According to Dr. Adrian Lister, a British paleobiologist, DNA cannot survive in dinosaur bones because dinosaurs lived far too long ago for their DNA, which is inherently unstable, to survive to the...
The Strength of ICR
It’s remarkable that construction on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History is now underway—less than 18 months after we started raising funds. Moreover, this major initiative...
Big Bang Blowup at Scientific American
The February 2017 issue of Scientific American contains an article by three prominent theoretical physicists from Princeton and Harvard who strongly question the validity of cosmic inflation, an important...
Dinosaur Fossils Found in Marine Rocks...Again
Another spectacular dinosaur fossil discovery baffled paleontologists who deny the historical accuracy of the book of Genesis. New Scientist recently reported the identification of a T. rex-like dinosaur...
Roundworm DNA System Plans Ahead
Intriguing studies demonstrate that many different animals have the ability to transmit information about their environment to their offspring, sometimes using a process called epigenetics. Most often,...
Schism in Evolutionary Theory Opens Creationist Opportunity
Evolutionary biology is experiencing its most serious division over the structure of evolutionary theory since the development of the Modern Synthesis nearly 100 years ago. Last November, Great Britain’s...
Secrets from the World's Best-Preserved Nodosaur
Nodosaurs were tank-like dinosaurs, similar to ankylosaurs, covered with spiky scales and a pair of two-foot-long spikes—one protruding from each shoulder. Miner Sawn Funk encountered one during...
Why Eyes Express Emotion
Unlike animals, we communicate all kinds of information with our eyes. One subtle glance might express doubt and another joy, all without a word. How did we get this way? Evolutionary psychologists...
Groundbreaking Highlights Video
We just broke ground on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History—coming fall 2018! Watch this three-minute video to catch some highlights of the groundbreaking ceremony. Find out...
March for 'Science'
On Saturday, April 22, 2017, a group of people claiming to represent science marched in Washington D.C. and 600 other cities around the world to express their views on social and political issues. But...
Puppies Provide Protection
Many people react with revulsion when a dog licks their face—especially babies. Such a reaction is justifiable based on the unsanitary habits of Rover. However, recent research supports the idea...
Moments in Time
A scarlet cord dropped from a window, laughter outside a tent, tears bathing a desperate prayer. These moments in time mark women who chose to follow God. As I read about the mothers in Dr. Henry Morris...
Important Mothers in Scripture
Several women are given recognition in Scripture. Some are recognized in unusual ways for traits of a mother’s heart seldom given much thought. This Mother’s Day might be a good time to...
Exploring Exo-planets
For thus says the LORD, Who created the heavens, Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who formed it to be inhabited: “I am...
Lucy Languishes as a Human-Ape Link
Human evolution has consistently been shown to be without scientific or biblical merit. Although a parade of supposed transitions are displayed in every conceivable outlet, non-Darwinists maintain that...
Pervasive Genome Function Debunks Junk DNA
The genome, the complete set of chromosomes in a cell, is like a computer hard drive that encodes the information stored in its DNA. Protein-coding genes are segments of DNA carrying instructions for...
Actual Feathers on Mystery Fossil Indicate 'Bird'
Most people, when they see something new, quickly try to categorize it. They want to associate it with something familiar. They say, “That’s an odd piece of jewelry,” or “That’s...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionists Strike Out w.,.
“Casey at the Bat” is one of America’s best-known poems. Surprisingly, even operas have dramatized the story of Mudville Nine’s baseball slugger. In Ernest Thayer’s 1888...
Do Dinosaurs Disprove the Bible?
My family and I saw an interesting car emblem while on a road trip. It showed a T. rex-like dinosaur taking a bite out of a Christian fish. This led to a healthy in-car discussion. Does the existence...
Sloppy Religion and Sloppy Science
In 1633, Galileo Galilei faced hostile inquisitors who opposed his astronomical discoveries. Galileo claimed that Earth moves around the sun while the sun stays stationary, which was opposite to...
Honor Your Mother
Children who are taught the Bible from the very beginning have a marvelous advantage. Studies show overwhelmingly that most born-again Christian adults accepted Christ during childhood. While fathers...
ICR's Discovery Center: Reaching New Generations
As reported earlier,1 the Institute for Creation Research recently broke ground on its Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. This is the culmination of a long vision to reach younger...
High Frequency Mosquito Flight Shows Design
The fossil record shows that the amazing variety of insects has remained similar with no compelling evidence of insect evolution. Evolutionists state, “Recent research is causing zoologists to...
ICR Breaks Ground for New Discovery Center
After more than 45 years of ministry, the Institute for Creation Research just dug into its biggest project yet! On April 21, 2017, ICR held the groundbreaking ceremony for the long-awaited Discovery...
Lowly Plankton Packs High-Caliber Heat
Plankton is the general name for the tiny creatures that drift with ocean tides and currents and form the basis of the ocean’s food chain. Phytoplankton (plants) undergo photosynthesis and are...
Amber-Encased Blood Cells Look Fresh
Looking for the clearest amber on Earth? A new study shows that Dominican Republic amber is clear enough to see what's inside. Apparently, ancient parasitic protozoans loved to live inside intact...
Advanced Visualization Study Shows Fetuses Feel Pain
A new study using advanced cellular visualization tools demonstrates that adult-like nervous system patterns exist throughout the early stages (first trimester) of human development, even in the baby's...
New Study Confirms Harmful Role of Mutations
The traditional evolutionary model states that organisms evolve by random mutations. These mutations somehow provide new genetic information leading to novel traits that can be selected upon by the...
Improved Steel Copies Bone Microstructure
How does one build a structural material that withstands stress and fracture? The answer is to copy optimal designs from living systems because they far exceed man's ingenuity. Recently, an improved...
Mutation Underlies Fatal Heart Condition
A 15-year-long project finally bore fruit after researchers painstakingly identified a specific gene mutation that can lead to sudden heart failure in otherwise healthy-looking young people. These newly...
A broken climate pacemaker?…part 1
APRIL 02, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31 (1): 88-98, April 2017 The results from the well-known “Pacemaker of the ice ages” paper, which convinced uniformitarian scientists of the validity of Milankovitch...
A broken climate pacemaker?…part 2
APRIL 02, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31 (1): 104-110, April 2017 Recent calculations have shown that the “Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” paper, by Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton, which convinced many scientists...
Any Place
We often tie our most vivid memories to key places in our lives. You may wistfully remember your childhood home, where your mother rocked you before bedtime, or Easter at your grandparents’ house....
Lessons from Amos
But do not seek Bethel, nor enter Gilgal, nor pass over to Beersheba; for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nothing. Seek the LORD and live. (Amos 5:5-6) By the time...
Radiocarbon Dating Can't Prove an Old Earth
Recently, I conversed with an educated man who maintained Earth must be millions of years old because radiocarbon dating proved it. Although this argument is common, it’s simply inaccurate. Even...
The God of Infinities
Did you know that more than one infinity exists—and some infinities are larger than other infinities? But if something is infinite, then how can something else be more infinite? These concepts...
DNA Variation Widens Human-Chimp Chasm
Over the past 20 years, DNA sequencing technology has improved regarding the bulk amount of sequence it can produce. However, the length of the DNA snippets (called reads) that are obtained is still...
Stunning Protein Fossils Confirm the Flood
Already in 2017, secular scientists have described some stunning original biochemicals in fossil bones. Two new finds reignite vigorous debate over the nature of the protein remnants—are they...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionists Strike Out w.,.
The suspense is palpable as fans watch baseball slugger Casey at the plate primed to wallop a game-winning home run. “And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go, and now the air...
An Evening at Campbell University
Sometimes ICR speakers are invited to speak to a potentially hostile crowd. In January 2017, I spoke at Campbell University in North Carolina in a creation event that a group of dedicated Christian...
Thank God for Earthworms!
Despite their size, earthworms are surprisingly helpful creatures. They occasionally venture above ground in broad daylight but are mostly night crawlers. They are best known for their underground habits,...
The Heavens Declare
By God’s grace, ICR will soon break ground on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. This is truly remarkable since we’ve only been raising funds for a little over a year—all...
Biblical Creation Confirmed [Podcast]
How can Christians confidently defend biblical creation in an increasingly skeptical culture? What creation evidence does our own solar system display? ICR astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle answers these...
ICR Falsely Placed on False News List
A Harvard library website that offers ways to spot "fake news"1 links to a non-Harvard Google doc with "Tips for analyzing news sources." The doc lists hundreds of "False,...
Jews and Greeks
1 Corinthians 1:23 states, “but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness.” This short passage gives us an important key to reaching our...
The Ultimate Proof of Creation
Who has time to memorize the overwhelming lines of evidence confirming creation? Isn’t there an easier way to communicate with a skeptic? Dr. Lisle presents one bulletproof argument that...
Science Confirms Biblical Creation
Ironically, many scientists attempt to disprove the Bible using disciplines like genetics and geology. But these fields continue to produce research that confirms the Bible. What steps should we...
Genesis and Distant Starlight
Critics posit many questions about distant starlight and the Bible. Is there a problem with stars being billions of lightyears away? How does the Bible bring clarity to this issue? And how have...
'Oldest Evidence' of Life?
Recently, evolutionists discovered “microfossils up to almost 4.3 billion years old” in Canada.1 Their article states: “It shows that some microbes have not changed...
Design of the Solar System
The solar system is wonderfully designed for life—and for fascinating science, too! Both benefits reveal the richness of the Lord’s creativity. Discovering the truth the Lord has hidden...
The Fascinating Squid
A recent science news article sheds light on the amazing squid, but definitely not on its supposed evolution or origin. Creation scientists maintain squid have always been squid, and science bears this...
Extremely Ugly Seaworm Shows Extreme Non-Evolution
A Bobbit worm is an omnivorous predatory sea worm that, while only a few fingers thick, can grow 10 feet long. It submerges its many segments beneath sandy sea bottoms. Lying still with its fanged jaws...
Will We Ever Colonize Mars?
Mars is a lot farther from Earth than the moon, but can't humans go and live there? ICR Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle gives his perspective on the difficulties in traveling to and colonizing the...
Do the Data Support a Large Meteorite Impact at Chicxulub?
MARCH 08, 2017
In Answers Research Journal 10 (2017): 71-88 Chicxulub, Mexico has become synonymous with the dinosaur extinction in the secular literature. It is often referred to as the “smoking gun.”...
Reviewing 'Is Genesis History?'
by Jake Hebert, Ph.D., and Brian Thomas, M.S.* On Thursday, February 23, select movie theaters around the country presented a special one-night showing of the documentary Is Genesis...
Working Together with One Mind
When my children were young, I often peeked in on them as they played in their rooms—especially if they were quiet. Crayon-scribbled walls taught me that lesson. Sometimes I’d be pleasantly...
All in Favor…
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of...
South America Shows the Flood Progression
New research confirms that the Flood recorded in Genesis was global. It also reflects the exact step-by-step biblical account of the floodwaters’ progression. In previous articles, I described...
Refuting BioLogos: Do Japanese Lake Varves Prove an Old.,.
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published an article by old-earth geologists Gregg Davidson and Ken Wolgemuth presenting four supposedly unanswerable arguments for an old earth.1 However,...
God's Threading Machines
What does it take to slip a tiny thread through the eye of a needle and then use that thread to accomplish a purpose? Chimpanzees and other apes can’t do this. It takes fine, precise motion. Three...
What Is a Graven Image?
 The concept of a graven or carved image1 in the second of the Ten Commandments is sometimes misunderstood. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness...
Evolutionary Clock Futility
 Evolutionists assign millions of years to fossils, and even to genes in the DNA of living creatures, in an attempt to bolster evolutionary theory, which needs the magic of “deep time”...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Convergent Evolution Is a .,.
When it comes to swindles, it would be hard to top Liz Carmichael. She spun a tale about obtaining proprietary secrets from her deceased NASA engineer husband that enabled her to start and become CEO...
Are Planets Only Thousands of Years Old?
Go to a standard planetarium show or watch a television documentary on the solar system and you’ll hear that the planets formed about four and a half billion years ago. But the many evidences...
Clever Creatures: 'Wise from Receiving Wisdom'
Animals fascinate children. They should amaze adults, too, yet often we are too busy to take time to ponder and appreciate the God-given traits of the creatures who share our world. Why should animals...
Building Biblically
After years of planning and praying, the leadership of ICR has made the decision to begin construction on the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History. We are thrilled to get started and excited...
Seven Earth-size Planets Discovered
Secular scientists are excited about the recent detection of seven Earth-size planets in the constellation Aquarius, a nearby solar system. According to the report, three of the planets orbit a parent...
More Evidence of a Wet Sahara
Scientists from the University of Arizona recently announced that what is now the Sahara desert was once wet and green and extended as far north as the Mediterranean Sea.1,2 The scientists...
Do Black Holes Exist?
Black holes were predicted by Albert Einstein, but do they really exist? If so, what are they? ICR astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle sheds light on these mysterious celestial objects. .embed-container...
Earth Remains the Only Goldilocks Planet
San Francisco State University astronomer Stephen Kane hunts for signs of life in outer space. His team measured light output from a distant star called Wolf 1061.1 Exoplanets (planets outside...
Dinosaur Eggs Not Bird-Like After All
Prevailing secular theory considers birds to be living dinosaurs, but new science is hatching to support the stark differences between these creatures. The data demonstrate dinosaurs were more likely...
Solving Appendix Mysteries
Some mammals have an appendix connected to their cecum—the first section of the large intestine—but others don't. How and when did that once-mysterious organ originate? Midwestern...
Debunking the Debunkers: A Response to Criticism and Ob.,.
FEBRUARY 08, 2017
In Answers Research Journal 10 (2017): 45-54 In 2013, it was shown that the alleged interstitial telomeric repeat site of the human chromosome 2 fusion corresponding to chimpanzee chromosomes 2A...
What about the Big Bang Theory?
Did the universe start with the Big Bang? Many Christians believe God used the Big Bang to create all that we see today. But ICR Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle has a different perspective. .embed-container...
Scientific Evidence for Divine Design [Podcast]
Geology, astronomy, and biology all point to a divine Designer. ICR zoologist and researcher Frank Sherwin examines the evidence in this 5-part podcast series. Mr. Sherwin uncovers the scientific and...
Disposal of Homo naledi in a possible deathtrap or mass.,.
FEBRUARY 01, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31(2): 61-70 Homo naledi is the most recent claim of a human ancestor. Since its announcement, the question of what the bones truly represent has been under constant scrutiny....
Two date range options for Noah’s Flood
FEBRUARY 01, 2017
In Journal of Creation 31 (1): 120-127 Conservative authors have long argued that Genesis chapters 5 and 11 chronogenealogies contain gaps, and that these and other unanswered chronology questions...
Creation Matters
Have you wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to creation? You may hear things like “But that’s not a salvation issue” or “Just focus on the gospel and don’t...
Creation Is the Foundation
It’s time that people in general, and Bible-believing Christians in particular, recognize the foundational significance of special creation—the creation of a fully functional universe by...
Monkey Business in the Chimp Genome
Evolutionists continue to contend that genetic studies have proved humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. But many people don’t realize the current chimpanzee genome has not been constructed...
Gravitational Waves and the Space-Time Continuum
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22) When...
The Beginning of Knowledge
How do we know that God exists and the Bible is His Word? Many people think God’s existence is just like any other truth claim—a hypothesis we can confirm or falsify by proper reasoning...
Fast-Changing Killifish Swim Past Evolution
 Industrialists dumped potent pollutants into Atlantic bays in the 1950s and 1960s, killing all kinds of fish. Even today, few fish brave those waters. A team of scientists led by Andrew Whitehead...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Evolutionary Psychology fo.,.
Grocery shopping can be enlightening in many ways. While waiting to check out, a shopper can read why someone has a crush on their alien abductor, or loves their talking poodle’s poetry, or enjoys...
Why Do Kangaroos Live Only in Australia?
About a dozen basic marsupial kinds live across Australia and New Guinea, with a handful in South America. How did they get isolated to those locations? Evolutionists insist that they evolved there,...
Pushy Parasites and Parental Passwords
In this fallen world, even bird households have troubles. One family problem encountered by many bird parents is the nest-security issue of brood parasites, a sneaky form of fowl “home invasion.” Brood...
Senior Advantages with Charitable Gift Annuities
With a healthy economic outlook and the stock market soaring, this may be a wise time to consider safer havens for some of your resources. This is especially true for seniors living on fixed incomes...
Hair, Feathers, and Scales
Creation scientists observe hair, feathers, and scales as unique structures revealing design. Evolutionary naturalists disagree, of course, maintaining a common origin for these skin appendages....
The Moon
Our moon is unusually large, but it’s just the right size to aid life on Earth. As a masterpiece of design, it shouts God’s creation. How does lunar science support biblical truth?   Other...
The Unique Earth and Unique Universe
How do scientific measurements and fundamental constants reflect the Creator’s divine hand? Our universe permits physical, interactive life only because these and many other numbers are exquisitely...
Mount St. Helens Recovery
The Mount St. Helens events give us a glimpse into Earth’s geologic power, the origin of rocks, and the formation of geologic features. How does the ecological recovery of Mount St. Helens...
What Was the Star of Bethlehem?
What "star" did the wise men see? Some say it was a planetary conjunction, and others tell us it was a supernatural manifestation. ICR astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle gives his perspective. .embed-container...
Mount St. Helens: An Outdoor Laboratory
Geologist Dr. Steve Austin called the Mount St. Helens eruption “the geologic event of the twentieth century.” Mount St. Helens was not the largest volcano episode of the last century,...
Pregnant Mom Transfers Famine Info to Baby
A Chinese famine was so severe that 35 million lives perished between 1958 and 1962 due to the state's agricultural mistakes.1 Interestingly, this tragedy highlights an unseen biological...
Well-Known Scientist Resigns, Cites Climate Craziness
Professor Judith Curry, a well-known Georgia Institute of Technology climatologist, recently resigned her tenured faculty position. She said the "craziness" of climate science was a "deciding...
Fast Evolution Confirms Creationist Theory
A tenet of creationist theory maintains that creatures are designed for robust speciation. Although they cannot change into fundamentally different kinds, creatures can rapidly express a wide diversity...
Amazon Go, Creatures Depend on Sophisticated Sensors
What does the recently unveiled Amazon Go store have to do with several new studies detailing how flies find water or how tiny roundworms can "taste light?" The "world's most advanced...
Brain-Computer Interface Unmasks Mind-Brain Relationship
A new bioengineered medical device was designed to treat people with a severe loss of neurologic muscle control. It affords a rare opportunity to clearly see some of the hidden relationships between...
The Bible and Science [Podcast]
Is the Bible trustworthy? Are scientific theories 100% factual? How can Christians resolve the origins debate? ICR’s CEO Dr. Henry Morris III offers clarity and insight for questions about the...
Lift Up Your Eyes
It’s hard to think about sowing and reaping in the middle of winter, but right now is the perfect time to stop and take stock. When you curl up by the fireplace and while the snow blankets the...
Sowing and Reaping
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And...
Minuscule Erosion Points to Hawaii's Youth
Secular scientists claim the Hawaiian Islands are millions of years old based primarily on radioisotope dating. Yet, the landforms and measured erosion rates tell a far different story—a story...
Milankovitch Meltdown: Toppling an Iconic Old-Earth Arg.,.
Introduction Uniformitarian scientists, who ignore the Bible’s eyewitness accounts of recent creation and the Genesis Flood, claim that dozens of ice ages have occurred over the last few million...
Six Fossil Timers Stun Secular Scientists
 If fossils really are millions of years old, then the Bible has problems. It would place death before sin—undermining the work of Christ on the cross.1 It would also fictionalize...
Multipurpose Plant Sensors Startle Scientists
Plants’ amazing sensor systems enable them to adapt in response to multiple environmental cues. Since plants can’t get up and move around, they have to grow, develop, and thrive where they...
Major Evolutionary Blunders: Neanderthals Were Subhuman.,.
“So easy, a caveman could do it” is the witty slogan of a company hoping to lure customers to switch car insurance. The humorous catch to the commercial was the brutish-looking, yet endearing,...
Did Humans Evolve from Apes?
Most American Christian students attend public schools that promote human evolution. But evolution undermines the Bible’s main message of redemption by asserting that men descended from amoral...
Dung Beetles: Promoters of Prairie Preservation
The apostle Paul evaluated social and materialistic success as disposable dung compared to the ultimate value of belonging to and living for Christ.1 Yet, even dung has value, especially...
Gifts That Move Ministry
The Institute for Creation Research has grown tremendously since its inception over 46 years ago. As the first full-time organization dedicated to creation science research, the financial support of...
Top 2016 News: Marvels of Human Design
Just when we thought we knew all the basics about the human body, anatomists made three surprising discoveries in 2016. The newfound human body complexity borders on science fiction. The first find:...
'Big Science' Celebrates Invalid Milankovitch Paper
This month, Science and Nature commemorated the anniversary of an important paper that was published in Science forty years ago, titled "Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice...
Why Jesus Came Down From Heaven
"No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). At Christmas, even the secular world makes much of the Christ child,...
Top 2016 News: Evidence for Recent Creation
In a culture virtually convinced that the world is billions of years old, few people listen to evidence that clearly supports a young Earth. But that's what the Bible teaches. And plenty of science,...
Top 2016 News: Fossil Discoveries
2016 revealed Cretaceous bird-feather proteins, original dinosaur-skin tissue, Triassic mosasaur blood vessels, and organic remnants from ancient fossil microbes. These four finds challenge scientists...
ICR and AIG Refute BioLogos Old-Earth Argument
In 2010, the BioLogos Foundation published an article titled Christian Geologists on Noah's Flood: Biblical and Scientific Shortcomings of Flood Geology.1 It was authored by old-Earth...
Facts vs. Fantasy
Theories on the origin of the universe abound, but all seem to fit into one of two categories. Either you believe “in the beginning God created” or you must believe the Ph.D. who says...
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