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Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - In 1610, Galileo Galilei aimed his telescope at Jupiter and discovered the four largest of the planet’s 95 known moons. He recognized them as satellites, and they became known as the Galilean moons. In order of increasing distance from...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Scientists recently demonstrated that infalling particles from Saturn’s rings are the most likely source of a previously unaccounted-for excess of ultraviolet radiation emitted from the planet’s atmosphere. This discovery utilized...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Scientific evidence for evolution is utterly lacking. Were evolution true, innumerable transitional fossil forms between basic kinds of creatures would clearly document the evolution of life from single-cell organisms to humans. Yet even among...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Recently, video footage captured the spectacular collapse of an estimated 11,000 tons (22 million pounds) of rock, as a section of England’s Broadchurch cliffs catastrophically collapsed. The video footage may be seen in the link in the...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Data obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) continue to challenge expectations of Big Bang proponents.1,2 The JWST is designed to “see” in the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, just outside the range of...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - The InSight robotic lander found evidence in the interior of Mars for the existence of an active giant mantle plume, a large blob of molten rock that is rising, not unlike a wax blob in a 1970s-era lava lamp.1,2 The presence of an active mantle...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - The new James Webb Space Telescope is thrilling astronomers with spectacular images of distant galaxies, but preliminary data contradict Big Bang expectations. In order to understand these results, some background information is needed. In this...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Astronomers are thrilled by the extraordinary images provided by the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—but some of the data already contradict Big Bang expectations.1 The JWST is designed to “see” in the infrared portion of...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - With ICR’s new focus on biology, my current ice sheet research is wrapping up. So, now is a good time to summarize the results so far. Creation scientists argue that there was only one Ice Age and that it was triggered by the Genesis...

Jake Hebert, Ph.D. - Anthropologists Thomas Urban (Cornell University) and Daron Duke (Far Western Anthropological Research Group) recently found preserved human footprints on an Air Force testing range located on the salt flats of Utah.1 These footprints are called...

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