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Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models: Radioactive Dating, Part 7 - Article
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... their beliefs with various scientific models such as the radioactive dating methods we have been examining in this series. This article will address the uranium-lead (U-Pb) and thorium-lead (Th-Pb) models. Along with stratigraphic...
Heavy Metal Clocks, Pb-Pb Dating Model: Radioactive Dating, Part 8 - Article
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... article of the series examines the common-lead method of radioactive dating, sometimes referred to as the Pb-Pb method. This method reaches the pinnacle of radioisotope dating methods in terms of complication and convolution. Since we do not...
Clocks in Rocks? Radioactive Dating, Part 1 - Article
Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D. - ... David Gross at 23rd Solvay Conference in December 2005 Radioactive dating is a key concept in determining the age of the earth. Many secular scientists use it to dismantle the faith of Christians and cause them to accept uniformitarian...
More Fluctuations Found in Isotopic Clocks - Article
Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - ... a rock using its radioactive isotopes only works by assuming that the rate at which that "clock" ticks was constant in the past and essentially identical to that in the present. Not long ago, scientists discovered excess...
New First Life Estimate Creates More Problems - Article
Brian Thomas, Ph.D. - Ph.D. 2015. Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models: Radioactive Dating, Part 7. Acts & Facts. 44 (5): 10-11.  *Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research. Article posted on November 2,...
Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon Dating of Crustal Rocks and the Problem of Excess Argon - Article
Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D. - ... 40Ar* in a rock is assumed to have been produced by in situ radioactive decay of 40K within the rock since it formed. However, it is well established that volcanic rocks (e.g. basalt) contain excess 40Ar*, that is, 40Ar which cannot be attributed...
"Excess Argon": The "Archilles' Heel" of Potassium-Argon and Argon-Argon "Dating" of Volcanic Rocks - Article
Andrew A. Snelling, Ph.D. - ... which cannot be attributed to atmospheric argon or in situ radioactive decay of 40K? It is not simply "magmatic" argon. Funkhouser and Naughton found that the excess 40Ar* in the 1800-1801 Hualalai flow, Hawaii, resided in fluid and...
Did Jesus Teach Recent Creation? - Article
Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. - ... such processes can be made to show extremely long ages, so radioactive decay processes have been considered by evolutionists to be firm proof of the billions of years. But Christians need to remember that such calculations, like all the...
Grand Canyon Lava Flows: A Survey of Isotope Dating Methods - Article
Steven A. Austin, Ph.D. - ... analyses of the radioactive isotopes of rocks give reliable estimates of their ages? That is a good question, which ordinarily requires a lengthy and technical answer. In order to give an initial response, we might confine our attention to...
Bloody Mosquito Pierces Standard Fossil Dating Procedure - Article
Various Authors - ... scientists who assumed that the ratios depended entirely on radioactive decay saw the rocks as far older than they really were. An illustration might clarify the issue. Suppose scientists developed a method to determine a person’s age...
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