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Engineered Adaptability - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - ... Representative. Cite this article: Guliuzza, R. 2012. Engineered Adaptability. Acts & Facts. 41 (10):...
Puffins, Fitted for Living in Sea, Air, and Land - Article
James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. - ... decisions in real time to avoid hungry predators. Bioengineered Bodies for Land, Air, and Sea Some evolutionists recently studied and videographed the flying behaviors of puffins, plus their biophysical movements in ocean-water diving...
Gaia and Selectionism's Nature Worship - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - full translation of Romans 1:18-25, see Guliuzza, R. J. 2017. Engineered Adaptability: Engineering Principles Point to God’s Workmanship. Acts & Facts. 46 (6): 16-19. Lenton, T. M. and B. Latour. 2018. Gaia 2.0. Science. 361 (6407):...
ICR Upholds the Clarity of Scripture - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - ... and the Bible. References Guliuzza, R. J. 2018. Engineered Adaptability: The Need for Biblical Clarity. Acts & Facts. 47 (8): 17-19. Jones. J. Isaac Asimov’s Guide to the Bible: A Witty, Erudite Atheist’s Guide...
Survival of the Fittest and Evolution's Death Culture - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - ... 2005, accessed November 5, 2019. Guliuzza, R. J. 2017. Engineered Adaptability: Engineering Principles Point to God’s Workmanship. Acts & Facts. 46 (6): 17-19. Wilson, E. O. 1978. On Human Nature. Cambridge, MA: Harvard...
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about "Junk DNA" - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - ... Communications. 11(3115): 10. 7. Guliuzza, R. J. 2019. Engineered Adaptability: Continuous Environmental Tracking Wrap-Up. Acts & Facts. 48 (8). *Dr. Guliuzza is President of the Institute for Creation Research. He earned his M.D....
Grand Teton National Park: the Youngest Rocky Mountains - Article
Various Authors - the most sensible answer to the origin of well-integrated and engineered biological systems like acute hearing and magnetic sensors in foxes.11 How wonderful to discover such tight matches between science and Scripture in such a beautiful...
Epigenetic Mechanisms: Adaptive Master Regulators of the Genome - Article
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D. - spatially and temporally coordinated manner. The divinely engineered solution is achieved by the DNA molecules being spooled around a specialized structure containing two pairs of four different proteins called histones.4 These proteins are...
Guppies Dodge Predators Like Spanish Bull-Fighters - Article
James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D. - ... 158-184. See also, summary in Guliuzza, R. J. 2019. Engineered Adaptability: Continuous Environmental Tracking Wrap-Up. Acts & Facts. 48(8): 17-19. 9. God’s huge variety of fish, as well as other aquatic life-forms, continue to...
Doolittle's Recycled Evolutionary Theory Is Old News - Article
Randy J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D. - ... 2018 accessed on April 18, 2018. Guliuzza, R. J. 2018. Engineered Adaptability: Active Environmental Tracking Explains Similar Features. Acts & Facts. 47 (4): 17-19. Stage image: Dr. Ford Doolittle *Dr. Randy Guliuzza is...
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