Apologetics Forum - Arlington, WA

Join ICR's Director of Research Dr. Tim Clarey as he shares five secrets of superfaults, all of which point to a recent and global flood. Dr. Clarey will be speaking for the Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County at Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington, WA.

Date: Jun 20, 2025

Registration and Schedule
This event is free, and registration is not required.

Friday, June 20th, 2025
Time Title Description
7:00 p.m. Secrets of Superfaults Dr. Clarey exposes five secrets of superfaults that secular scientists don't reveal. Many faults exhibit evidence of rapid, catastrophic movement and can only be explained in the context of a recent global flood. Folded rocks and the high water pressures needed to move large sheets of rock require catastrophic conditions.

Atonement Free Lutheran Church
6905 172nd St NE
Arlington, WA 98223

For more information please call 214.615.8333 or email events@icr.org.

Map and Directions