Dale Evangelical Free Church - Harris, MN

Dr. Randy Guliuzza will speak for the adult Sunday School and Worship Service of Dale Evangelical Free Church in Harris, MN.

Date: May 4, 2025

This event is in conjunction with the Foundations of Creation Seminar on Friday and Saturday, May 2nd and 3rd, hosted at Grace Cambridge Christian School in Cambridge, MN. Click HERE for more information and to register for the Foundations of Creation Seminar.

This event is free to attend, and no registration is required.


Sunday, May 4th, 2025
Time Speaker Title Description
9:00 a.m. Dr. Randy Guliuzza Combined Adult Sunday School
“Four Biological Facts the Bible Got Right”
Genesis 1 contains remarkable insights the Bible had about biology long before they were discovered. The Bible’s accuracy is magnified because evolutionary theory speaks to the same four basic biological questions and continues to provide profoundly wrong answers. Learn these four fundamental biological questions and the scientific and biblical facts to answer them.
10:25 a.m. Fellowship time
10:25 a.m. Dr. Randy Guliuzza Worship Service
“Creation Exalts the Name of Jesus”
Worship should be the normal response to science, and our study of creation should motivate us to give Jesus rightful credit by name for His wonder-filled work in His creation. As we explore creation, Jesus’ incredible genius, unfathomable wisdom, and infinite power is clearly seen in marvelous and powerful ways. These glorious attributes of Christ revealed in creation are intended to bring great confidence to Christians, and inspire us to lift high His majestic name!

Dale Evangelical Free Church
45268 Brunswick Road
Harris, MN 55032

For more information please call 763.689.5817 or email events@icr.org.

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