Magnolia Baptist Church - Anaheim, CA

Dr. Jake Hebert will be speaking at Magnolia Baptist Church in Anaheim, CA on the weekend of Sunday, March 16th. Dr. Hebert will be speaking on several scientific proofs that highlight the reliability of God's Word.

Dates: Mar 15, 2025 - Mar 16, 2025

Registration and Schedule

Registration is not required for this free event.

Time Session Building Title Description
Saturday, March 15th, 2025
7:00 p.m. Saturday Evening Fellowship Hall The Mystery of the Ice Age Did Earth experience an Ice Age? If so, how many, and how do they fit into biblical history? Learn how secular scientists have difficulty explaining an ice age, how the secular ice age theory contributes to climate change alarmism, why deep ice cores do not prove an old earth, and how the Bible gives us a convincing explanation for the Ice Age.
Sunday, March 16th, 2025
9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service Main Sanctuary Our Young Universe Take a virtual tour of our solar system and beyond! This presentation includes spectacular images of celestial bodies in our "local" celestial neighborhood. Learn how well-known objects in our own solar system presents problems for evolutionary theories but confirm recent creation.
11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour Fellowship Hall Living to 900: Cultural and Scientific Corroboration of One of the Bible's Most Amazing Claims The Bible plainly affirms that people in both the pre-Flood and immediate post-Flood worlds routinely attained ages of hundreds of years. Other ancient historians have corroborated the Bible's claims in this regard. Moreover, unless this longevity was supernatural, it seems that animals also would have experienced much greater longevity, because it is difficult to conceive of a natural cause for greater longevity (fewer harmful mutations, abundant food, different atmospheric composition, etc.) that would not have also affected the animal kingdom. Growth bands in fossil oysters show direct evidence of greater longevity than in their living descendants. Moreover, longevity studies in living animals have shown that giantism and delayed maturation are often associated with greater longevity, and there is abundant evidence for both in the fossils.

Magnolia Baptist Church
720 S. Magnolia Ave
Anaheim, CA 92804

For more information, please call 214.615.8333 or email

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