Biblical Archaeology Conference at the ICR Discovery Center

Join us for an enlightening exploration into the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth through the lens of archaeology. This conference brings together renowned scholars and experts to present archaeological discoveries and research that affirm both the historical reality and divine identity of Jesus Christ. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, uncover ancient evidence that highlights the profound intersection of history, archaeology, and faith. Whether you're a scholar, student, or enthusiast, this conference will deepen your understanding of Jesus as both Savior and Lord.

Be equipped and encouraged at this faith-building conference on Saturday, November 9. Hear from a dynamic lineup of speakers and participate in a live Q&A session. The event is FREE, but registration is required.

What’s in store:

• Hear from renowned experts in the field

• View genuine excavated artifacts

• Learn in-depth about some of the biggest questions in archaeology today

• Get an inside scoop on current archaeological research

• Ask questions during a live Q&A session

• Enjoy a complimentary breakfast!

Date: Nov 9, 2024

REGISTER HERE for this FREE event!

Special offer:
In honor of Veterans Day, all tickets to the Exhibit Hall and Planetarium will be FREE for veterans only, and 20% off for everyone else on Saturday, November 9!

Veterans—get your free ticket at the front desk when you arrive at the Discovery Center, or call customer service at (800) 743-6374.

Everyone else—get your tickets 20% off HERE!


Saturday, November 9th, 2024
Time Activity / Speaker Location Description
9:00 a.m. Light breakfast and networking Atrium
10:00 a.m. “The Evidence for the Historical Jesus” by Dr. Scott Stripling of The Bible Seminary Founder’s Hall Join Dr. Stripling for an exciting journey through the archaeological and literary discoveries that bring the historical Jesus to life! From the James Ossuary to the Shroud of Turin, uncover the compelling evidence that sheds new light on the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
10:50 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m. “Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls” by Dr. Randall Price of World of the Bible Founder’s Hall Find out what archaeology's greatest manuscript discovery contribute to our knowledge about Jesus. Dr. Price will uncover the historical insights these ancient texts provide about Christ's life and times.
11:45 a.m. Lunch Break Several local options available
1:00 p.m. “Discovering and Proving the Ancient Past with Forensic Science” by Dr. Jim Johnson of ICR Founder’s Hall Dr. Johnson explores how archaeology blends empirical science, forensic analysis, and philological research to uncover and verify the ancient past. Using his expertise in forensic science, biblical languages, and the Moabite Stone, he applies these methods to key New Testament documents and extra-biblical evidence.
1:40 p.m. Break
2:00 p.m. “Jesus and the Ritual Purity Culture” by Dr. Scott Stripling of The Bible Seminary Founder’s Hall Dr. Scott Stripling delves into the fascinating world of ritual purity that shaped the religious landscape of late Second Temple Judaism and how Jesus navigated these traditions. Discover the intriguing practices of ritual immersion, the use of stone vessels, secondary burial, and the mystery of anachronistic coinage in this captivating presentation!
2:40 p.m. Panel Q&A session

Livestream Option
Eager to participate, but unable to attend in person? Livestream (and a replay) will be available HERE! Subscribe to ICR's YouTube channel for notifications to watch the live event!

Founder's Hall
ICR Discovery Center
1830 Royal Ln.
Dallas, TX 75229

For more information please call 800.743.6374 or email

Map and Directions