Oak Hills Community Church • Argyle, TX.

Join ICR Chief Academic Officer and Associate Professor of Apologetics, Dr. Jim Johnson for a 3-week series on “Your Origins Matter: Creation Apologetics Bullets” at Oak Hills Community Church in Argyle, TX. This 3-week series focuses on identifying and debunking evolutionary-based falsehoods and myths, and discovering fascinating and exciting evidences that affirm the Scriptural account of creation and the flood. Each presentation will share the latest research on each issue, and ultimately point to the marvelous engineering and handiwork of the Master Designer of the universe - our wonderful Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Date: Feb 14, 2024

This is a free event, and registration is not required.

7:00 p.m. - “Which Science Witnesses Agree with Genesis?” – Dr. Jim Johnson

Class Description
What recent science research agrees with Genesis History?
- What scientific evidences / proofs point to a young earth?
- From 8 to 8 billion, after the Flood: Does the math fit?
- Should Christians fear a climate change crises?
- Competing worldviews: doubt is a 2-sided coin
- Q&A

Oak Hills Community Church
101 Frenchtown Rd.
Argyle, TX. 76226

For more information please call 940.464.3270 or email info@oakhillsfreechurch.com.

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