Legacy Christian Church • Senoia, GA.

Dr. Frank Sherwin will speak on biblical creation at the Creation Weekend Seminar Legacy Christian Church in Senoia, Georgia. Critics regularly say, “Creation is either something you believe or don’t believe, but there’s no evidence for it.” The case for creation is rooted in what Paul teaches in Romans 1—that God’s work and attributes are “clearly seen.” Dr. Sherwin describes the tools needed to discern objects that have been made (created) vs. objects that form over time through chance and natural processes. He then provides convincing evidence for creation from the microscopic world (bacteria and molecular machines) and the macroscopic world (animals like the bat and woodpecker). Learn about the scientific evidence that supports the Bible at the Creation Weekend Seminar at Legacy Christian Church.

This event is free to attend, but registration is required. Please register for this FREE event HERE!

Dates: Aug 12, 2023 - Aug 13, 2023

Saturday, August 12th, 2023
Time Speaker Title Description
9:00 a.m. Dr. Frank Sherwin Session 1
”Mount St. Helens”
The 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption offered an outdoor laboratory for many of the processes that probably occurred during the year-long Flood (Genesis 6–9). Many features that geologists believe take long periods to develop instead formed rapidly at Mount St. Helens, dispelling the myth that millions of years are needed to explain the rock record. Deposition, erosion, petrification, and radioisotope dating all point to a young earth.
9:50 a.m. Break
10:10 a.m. Dr. Frank Sherwin Session 2
“Dinosaurs and the Bible”
A creationist and evolutionist can work together to dig up a dinosaur fossil. They will just disagree on where the dinosaur came from, how long ago it lived, and what killed it. Dr. Sherwin begins this talk by asking children under 12 to identify pictures of some of the more popular “thunder lizards.” He then uses the fossil record to show that dinosaurs have always been dinosaurs—they didn’t evolve from other reptiles or turn into birds. Evolutionary scientists teach many strange theories about how the dinosaurs died off, but much can be explained by the worldwide Flood of Genesis.
11:00 a.m. Break
11:20 a.m. Dr. Frank Sherwin Session 3
“Animals of the Bible”
Take a tour of the many animals listed in Scripture – from camels to dragons. Each creature is given a description of a unique trait or design perspective that shouts creation!
12:10 p.m. Lunch Break
Lunch included with free registration!
1:30 p.m. Dr. Frank Sherwin Session 4
“Your Origins Matter”
This talk is designed for students in secular schools as well as those working in secular environments. Dr. Sherwin looks at the first 11 chapters of Genesis and explains why they should be taken literally, not allegorically or poetically. He concludes with an appeal to Christians to know why they believe what they believe and why Genesis should be our rock-solid foundation for the Christian worldview.
2:15 p.m. Break
2:20 p.m. Q&A session
3:00 p.m. Closing remarks and dismissal
Sunday, August 13th, 2023
Time Speaker Title Description
10:00 a.m. Dr. Frank Sherwin Worship Service
“War of the Worldviews”
Everyone has a worldview. Sadly, many adopt a materialistic one that embraces Darwinian evolution as an alternative to the Genesis creation account. Ideas have consequences, especially when it comes to our origin and destiny. About half of Christian students who attend nominal Christian schools or secular colleges or universities forsake their faith before graduating. This talk is an introduction to the critical origins issue, with 1 Peter 3:15 as a foundation.

Conference Location
Legacy Christian Church
1150 Rockaway Rd.
Senoia, GA. 30276

For more information, please call 214.615.8325 or email events@icr.org.

Map and Directions