Earth Was Created for Life
Our solar system is filled with amazing planets, but none are perfect for life except the earth.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It gets very hot and very cold. It has a very slow spin. The side facing the sun is heated to 800 (F) while the side away from the sun is cooled to –298 degrees (F).
Venus is hotter than Mercury, yet farther away from the sun. Venus has an atmosphere 90 times thicker than earth's. Heat is trapped in the clouds and heats the entire planet to 931 degrees (F).
Mars is similar to earth in many ways. A day on Mars is 24.7 hours. It is tilted 25 degrees, just two more degrees than earth. At its warmest, it can get to be a comfortable 67 degrees (F). It has two small moons. But Mars is smaller than earth. The gravity on Mars is only a third of the earth’s. Without enough gravity, Mars is unable to hold a larger atmosphere. What atmosphere it has is made of the gases we cannot breathe. Without much of an atmosphere, many meteoroids hit Mars. It also gets very cold at night.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is ten times smaller than the sun and ten times larger than the earth. Jupiter spins faster than any other planet, with a day of 9 hours and 55.5 minutes. Its fast spin causes tremendous storms. The big red spot on Jupiter is a huge hurricane.
Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system and has the largest set of rings. It is almost twice as far away from the sun as Jupiter is. Saturn is a gas giant. As one descends into the atmosphere, the pressure, temperature, and gravity greatly increase. The core of the planet is boiling hot and radiates more heat out into space than it receives from the sun.
Uranus is tilted on its side with its axis pointed at the sun. If the earth's axis was pointed at the sun, one hemisphere would always be boiling hot and the other would be freezing cold. Uranus is four times as far from the sun as Jupiter and twice as far from the sun as Saturn.
Neptune is the farthest gas giant from the sun. It is almost four times larger than the earth. Its strong gravity traps harmful gases in its atmosphere.
The utter lifelessness of other planets in our solar system illustrates the fact that earth is unique and specially created for life.
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Recent marketing research conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How do biblical truths and scientific facts impact humanity’s concept of aliens from outer space?
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Recent marketing research conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How do biblical truths and scientific facts impact humanity’s concept of aliens from outer space?
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Marketing research group Glocalities conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How do biblical truths and scientific facts impact humanity’s concept of aliens from outer space?
Reuters news summarized some of the survey results.1 Sixty-one percent of 26,000 respondents said “yes” when asked if they believe in “some form of life on other planets.” That lifeform could mean bacteria or something more intelligent. Forty-seven percent believe “in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations” out there somewhere.
We apparently live in alien-crazed societies. Where is the evidence that has convinced so many of space aliens?
Scripture shows no direct support for E.T.s. In fact, the Bible poses a gospel challenge to the existence of intelligent alien civilizations.
First, Scripture shows no direct support for E.T.s. In fact, the Bible poses a gospel challenge to the existence of intelligent alien civilizations. ICR news wrote in 2011, “Extraterrestrial life would also contradict the Bible’s claim that ‘Christ died once for all’ to pay for the sins of humanity (Hebrews 10:10), since to be fair, He would have to die as many times as there are planets inhabited with intelligent life.”2
Since the Lord Jesus died only once before His resurrection, He could not have gone to die again on alien planets. Therefore, intelligent redeemable E.T.s must not exist.
What about support from science? Even secular researchers have refuted intelligent aliens on the basis of a complete lack of E.T. evidence. Nobody has ever detected a single intelligent signal that came from out there.
What about support from science? Even secular researchers have refuted intelligent aliens on the basis of a complete lack of E.T. evidence.
Plus, they long ago raised a logical argument against aliens called the “Fermi paradox.”3 So many stars and planets populate the universe that even if a tiny fraction were suitable for life, many should populate the universe today if stars and planets have been emerging for billions of years. Instead it’s as silent as sound in space.
It looks like half the world believes in aliens for reasons other than tangible or logical evidence. So, what feature do E.T.s carry that compels so many to accept the concept?
It does fit right in with evolution’s story of a universe where nature, not God, somehow does all the creating.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute is dedicated to the search for space aliens. ICR news quoted from a 2011 SETI website plea that said, “That’s why we’re appealing to you—someone who recognizes that the evolutionary drama that has taken place on our planet may have happened on other worlds”4 But after listening for years the SETI Institute has zero E.T. evidence.
Cultural phenomena like the movie industry and popular evolutionary dramas may propagate widespread belief in space aliens, but so far it has no biblical or scientific legs to stand on.
- Deutsch, A. and L. King. Are Earthlings Alone? Half of humans believe in alien life. Reuters. Posted on reuters.com December 7, 2017, accessed December 8, 2017.
- Thomas, B. Another ‘Goldilocks’ Planet Stirs ET Hopes. Creation Science Update. Posted on ICR.org December 16, 2011, accessed December 8, 2017.
- Lisle, J. Are ETs & UFOs Real? In The New Answers Book. Posted on answersingenesis.org December 6, 2007, accessed December 7, 2011. Also, the upcoming movie Alien Intrusion vividly illustrates the Fermi paradox.
- Thomas, B. 2011. SETI Funding Linked to Belief in Evolution. Creation Science Update. Posted on ICR.org May 9, 2011, accessed December 8, 2011.
*Brian Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his M.S. in biotechnology from Stephen F. Austin State University.
Article posted on December 26, 2017.
[body_edit] =>Marketing research group Glocalities conducted a 24-country survey about people’s belief in aliens. They released their results just before the next widely anticipated Star Wars installment. How do biblical truths and scientific facts impact humanity’s concept of aliens from outer space?
Reuters news summarized some of the survey results.1 Sixty-one percent of 26,000 respondents said “yes” when asked if they believe in “some form of life on other planets.” That lifeform could mean bacteria or something more intelligent. Forty-seven percent believe “in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations” out there somewhere.
We apparently live in alien-crazed societies. Where is the evidence that has convinced so many of space aliens?
Scripture shows no direct support for E.T.s. In fact, the Bible poses a gospel challenge to the existence of intelligent alien civilizations.
First, Scripture shows no direct support for E.T.s. In fact, the Bible poses a gospel challenge to the existence of intelligent alien civilizations. ICR news wrote in 2011, “Extraterrestrial life would also contradict the Bible’s claim that ‘Christ died once for all’ to pay for the sins of humanity (Hebrews 10:10), since to be fair, He would have to die as many times as there are planets inhabited with intelligent life.”2
Since the Lord Jesus died only once before His resurrection, He could not have gone to die again on alien planets. Therefore, intelligent redeemable E.T.s must not exist.
What about support from science? Even secular researchers have refuted intelligent aliens on the basis of a complete lack of E.T. evidence. Nobody has ever detected a single intelligent signal that came from out there.
What about support from science? Even secular researchers have refuted intelligent aliens on the basis of a complete lack of E.T. evidence.
Plus, they long ago raised a logical argument against aliens called the “Fermi paradox.”3 So many stars and planets populate the universe that even if a tiny fraction were suitable for life, many should populate the universe today if stars and planets have been emerging for billions of years. Instead it’s as silent as sound in space.
It looks like half the world believes in aliens for reasons other than tangible or logical evidence. So, what feature do E.T.s carry that compels so many to accept the concept?
It does fit right in with evolution’s story of a universe where nature, not God, somehow does all the creating.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute is dedicated to the search for space aliens. ICR news quoted from a 2011 SETI website plea that said, “That’s why we’re appealing to you—someone who recognizes that the evolutionary drama that has taken place on our planet may have happened on other worlds”4 But after listening for years the SETI Institute has zero E.T. evidence.
Cultural phenomena like the movie industry and popular evolutionary dramas may propagate widespread belief in space aliens, but so far it has no biblical or scientific legs to stand on.
- Deutsch, A. and L. King. Are Earthlings Alone? Half of humans believe in alien life. Reuters. Posted on reuters.com December 7, 2017, accessed December 8, 2017.
- Thomas, B. Another ‘Goldilocks’ Planet Stirs ET Hopes. Creation Science Update. Posted on ICR.org December 16, 2011, accessed December 8, 2017.
- Lisle, J. Are ETs & UFOs Real? In The New Answers Book. Posted on answersingenesis.org December 6, 2007, accessed December 7, 2011. Also, the upcoming movie Alien Intrusion vividly illustrates the Fermi paradox.
- Thomas, B. 2011. SETI Funding Linked to Belief in Evolution. Creation Science Update. Posted on ICR.org May 9, 2011, accessed December 8, 2011.
*Brian Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research and earned his M.S. in biotechnology from Stephen F. Austin State University.
Article posted on December 26, 2017.
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