There are more volcanoes underwater than there are on land. Does this explain how Noah’s Flood was so violent?
Does the Similarity of Human Blood to Sea Water Prove Life Originated in the Ocean?

Some dissolved salts are greater in blood than in seawater. Blood has two hundred times more zinc, two hundred and fifty times more iron, and one thousand times more copper. More...
NASA's Ocean Currents Study Confirms Providential Care
Virtually everybody knows that the world's oceans have currents. But few know who first discovered them, why they are important, or what can be gained by mapping them in greater detail.
NASA's Aquarius satellite is collecting related data from the world's oceans, and a recent NASA video highlighted the vital importance of its currents. More...
50-Year Study Shows Coral 'Clocks' Unreliable
Some biologists like to say that massive coral reefs represent more than 100,000 years of growth, supposedly nullifying the Bible's account of a world that is only thousands of years old. However, many known factors can affect coral reef growth rates.
Now, a 50-year study of Caribbean coral reefs confirms the unpredictability of using such growth as a "clock." More...
Oceanic Currents and the Paths of the Sea

Have scientists found the "paths of the seas"? Psalm 8:6-9 says, "Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. More...
The Ocean's Salt Clock Shows a Young World
The biblical geologic model of earth history is certainly at odds with traditional uniformitarian assumptions.
For example, consider the accumulated salt in the world's oceans. Evolutionists maintain that the seas—from whence our supposed ancestors generated—are at least three billion years old. However, the low concentration of salt in the oceans calls this great age into question. More...
Evolution: The Ocean says NO!
The subject of the age of the earth and the age of the world ocean is a matter of extreme importance. If there is evidence for an old ocean, then this could be used to support the evolutionist's supposition that life arose from primitive, inorganic marine chemicals over a billion years ago. If, however, the world ocean can be shown to be a relatively youthful feature, then the evolutionist would seem to lose his case by default. More...
Origin of the Oceans
Do secular scientists have any better ideas today? "The origin of the water in the oceans is unclear" states the University of New South Wales School of Environmental Sciences. More...
Springs of the Ocean
One of the most profound and moving experiences in the life of the Old Testament patriarch Job must have been his encounter with a whirlwind. At a time when Job's undeserved suffering led him to a point of despair, God questioned Job from the whirlwind concerning his knowledge of Creation (see Job, Chapter 38). God confirmed his sovereignty and justice by giving what must rank as the greatest science test of all time. More...