
John 13:10

13:10 washed. Two different Greek words are used for “wash” in this verse, indicating a typological, as well as practical, teaching. The first “washed” means “bathed all over,” as in the “washing of regeneration” (Titus 3:5) or the “washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26). The second “wash” refers to a partial “cleansing” of only that part which needs it (i.e., the face, hands, feet, etc.). Thus, regeneration occurs once only, but is followed by daily confession and cleansing (I John 1:7,9). In addition to the feet, walking daily in a sinful world, the head and hands also may need daily cleansing; the head (or mind) needs to be “renewed” (Romans 12:2), and the hands prepared for service.

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