I knew thee
Matthew 25:24
25:24 I knew thee. The slothful servant shows by this statement that he did not really know the Lord at all, despite his profession. His unfruitfulness was proof that he was not a true servant at all, and thus deserved to be cast out by the Lord (Matthew 25:30).
More Fossils Are Found at All Levels
Super-Sized Synapsid in the Wrong Rocks
A Polish research duo described the remains of an elephant-size synapsid from upper Triassic rocks. Only it’s not supposed to be there. Secular...
Ancient Amber Discovery Contradicts Geologic Timescale
Newsweek magazine recently published a commentary by atheist Richard Dawkins containing some of his arguments against “creationists.” Therein...
T. Rex Cousin Evolved 60 Million Years Too Early
The most popular dinosaur is probably Tyrannosaurus rex, a Latin term that loosely translates as “king lizard.” Based on evolutionary assumptions,...
More Fossils Show Stasis and No Transitional Forms
A ''40 million year old'' 100% European Gnat
Finding well-preserved creatures in amber1 is a landfall for creation scientists, much like the numerous discoveries of soft dinosaur tissue...
"Ancient" Fish Brain Evidence of Evolution?
A recent secular news article confidently asserts that a fish fossil discovered in 1995 “is an ancestor of the first land animals or four-limbed...
What's All the Flap About?
In the last few decades, there has been a lot of discussion by prominent paleontologists who imply that dinosaurs and birds are closely related. Many...
More Fossil Record
Sudden Appearance of Flowering Plants Fit Flood Model
A new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution has claimed that flowering plants, the most common type of plant on Earth, first appeared in small...
Flood Buried Dinosaurs with a Bang
Scientists from the University of Bath have found that dinosaurs were thriving up to the end of the Cretaceous.1 This discovery conflicts with...
Change in Plant Fossils at K-Pg Fits Flood Model
A new study published in Paleobiology has found that many plant species changed dramatically at the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene) boundary in Argentina.1...
More Oceans
Young Coral Reefs, Quick-Growing at Low-Sunlight Depths
Recent research surprises those who study coral reefs, especially those who assume that they grow slowly.1,2
To the surprise of old-earth...
Tiny Fish Rapidly Adapted to Cold Water. Was It Evolution?
Researchers have found that tiny fish called sticklebacks can adapt rapidly to a decrease in water temperature. This discovery adds to a long and growing...
First Land Bug Buried in the Flood
The Scottish island of Kerrera has produced the earliest known bug in the fossil record, a millipede.1 It was found in Silurian System rocks...
More Problems with Evolution
Sahelanthropus Femur Likely Makes It a Chimp
Nearly 20 years ago, a team of anthropologists presented the finding of a fossil skull that was very chimp-like in many respects.1 However,...
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
RNA Ties and Unties Itself
There are two types of nucleic acids (genetic molecules): DNA and RNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a large linear molecule designed to store genetic...
More Zoology
How Octopus Tentacles Find Crab Dinners
Sever an arm from an octopus, and like an underwater zombie it’ll keep groping its surroundings. Even without a brain, its suckers still detect and...
Invasion of the Giant Lizards
We are already contending with the COVID-19 virus and the recent spate of murder hornets in the Pacific Northwest, but now sobering news coming out of...
Orphaned Manatee Rescued in Florida Keys
Necessities can be keys to forming new friendships, an orphaned baby manatee learned earlier this month.1 Maybe there is also a lesson for us...
More Living Fossils Display No Signs of Evolution's Long Ages
'Oldest Evidence' of Life?
Recently, evolutionists discovered “microfossils up to almost 4.3 billion years old” in Canada.1 Their article states:
Dinosaurs Ate Rice
Just what did dinosaurs eat?
One way researchers are finding out is by studying coprolites, or fossilized dinosaur dung. And as it turns out, some...
Spectacular Spider Is a Long-Living Fossil
A fossilized spider was found in China with such perfectly preserved features that researchers were able to identify it down to its species name. Only...
More Noah's Ark and Flood
Viking DNA Highlights Post-Babel Genetic Diversity
The standard theme often given for Viking history is that of blond-haired, blued-eyed, burly men exploring, trading, ransacking, and pillaging across Europe,...
Even Sherlock Holmes Can’t Explain African Dinosaurs
A new species of duck-billed dinosaur, Ajnabia odysseus, was recently unearthed in North Africa.1 This is the first hadrosaur-type dinosaur...
South American Plant Fossils Confirm Flood Boundary
Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Ph.D., and Tim Clarey, Ph.D.
Fossil pollen, leaf and fruit impressions, and petrified wood taken from multiple locations...
More Creation Science Update
Fruit Fly Jitters
Researchers working with fruit flies–the ubiquitous lab animal–have discovered the flies are able to undergo an amazing ocular process called...
An Amazing Plant Defense
Although plants are not alive in the biblical sense,1 scientists continue to discover just how complex they are.2
It has been...
The Passive Stealth Wing of the Moth
We appreciate the beautiful butterfly, but not so much the pesky moth. However, the wing structure of both creatures is amazing, “The wings of moths...
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