Yet ye say
Ezekiel 18:25
18:25 Yet ye say. Men have no right to question God’s judgments. Whether we understand or not, what God does is right, by definition. “All His works are done in truth” (Psalm 33:4).
More All Life Systems Were Created by God
Amazing Defense Systems
Bacteria (prokaryotes) are ubiquitous. A fraction cause disease in people, animals, and plants, but the majority are the foundation for the global food...
God, Bacteria, and Viruses
People will often ask, "Why would a good and perfect God allow bad things to happen?" This question seems all the more relevant today as all...
What’s the Difference Between Virus and Bacteria?
As we are embroiled in a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to know the basics of these tragic viral infections and why the medical community...
More Life Was Created Fully Functional
Steller’s Jays, Dumpster-Diving, and Comparing Wh.,.
Springtime, in many places—especially Texas—is a very active time for birds.1 Nests are built. Mating and egg incubation leads to...
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about.,.
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced...
Divinely Engineered Sinus Bacteria Essential for Health
Many people are aware that our digestive tract is full of beneficial bacteria that not only help us process our food, but also support a strong immune...
More Man Was Created by God
Viking DNA Highlights Post-Babel Genetic Diversity
The standard theme often given for Viking history is that of blond-haired, blued-eyed, burly men exploring, trading, ransacking, and pillaging across Europe,...
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about.,.
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced...
Did Our Brains Evolve Language Pathways?
A Newcastle University press release title reads, “Origins of language pathway in the brain at least 25 million years old.”1 How...
More Contrasting Worldviews
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
Event Recap: ICR Scientists Examine Human Origins
Last month, the ICR Discovery Center hosted “Origins: Re-examining the Evidence,” a special event featuring three of ICR’s scientists—experts...
Greenland Lakebed Fits Flood Narrative
Scientists from the Lamont-Doherty Observatory discovered an enormous ancient lakebed beneath the ice on Greenland.1 Although scientists...
More Science
Glow-in-the-Dark Platypuses Illuminate the Creator
The platypus is perhaps the most evolution-defying creature on Earth. It’s not enough that it’s a mammal that lays eggs, has a bill like a...
Does Oddball Platypus Genome Reveal Its Origins?
How in the world did a creature as odd as the duck-billed platypus originate? This creature lays eggs like a reptile, has venom like a reptile, spurs like...
Human High-Altitude Habitation Reveals Adaptive Design
Humans have the remarkable ability to inhabit high altitudes where living conditions are especially harsh and challenging. A new study in Genome Biology...
More Microbiology
New York COVID-19 Infections Derived from Europe
New York City has become one of the largest epicenters of confirmed cases in the United States for coronavirus infections. Now, a new research study recently...
What’s the Difference Between Virus and Bacteria?
As we are embroiled in a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to know the basics of these tragic viral infections and why the medical community...
Preventing COVID-19
Here are some quick tips from ICR’s Dr. Randy Guliuzza on what we all can do to prevent COVID-19 from infecting our families and coworkers.
More Science in the News
Different Interpretations of Same Data Is Routine
Are people growing weary of scientific experts giving them contradictory instructions for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic? It seems that there may be...
Abraham Ate Bananas?
Since the word banana does not occur in Scripture, any evidence of bananas in ancient Middle Eastern diets would have to come from the ground. New research...
Young Adults Are Half of NYC's COVID-19 Cases
As of March 23, 2020, New York City remains the epicenter for both the total number of COVID-19 cases and the number of new cases. The Daily Case Data...
More Science in the News
Children with Coronavirus at Risk of Life-Threatening S.,.
Multinational case reports on a small number of children who have had COVID-19, or possibly exposed to the novel coronavirus, tell of a potentially fatal...
Viruses Make Good Food For Sea Creatures
In the midst of this current coronavirus crisis, we would like to remind our readers that although we live in a fallen and corrupted creation where many...