Genesis 4:26
4:26 Enos. “Enos” means “mortal frailty.” It is interesting that Eve gave the name to her son, while Seth gave the name to his son. This probably suggests that both husband and wife normally consulted with one another in deciding on appropriate names for their children.
More Fossils Reflect Life's Original Diversity
Massive Cache of Dangerous Carnivores Found
Recently, a new study published in the journal ZooKeys has claimed to have found the most dangerous location to live in Earth’s history.1...
Heads, Evolution Wins--Tails, Creation Loses?
Wouldn't two billion years of mutations and changing environments inevitably produce some effects in an organism? After all, in only a quarter of...
We Still Can’t Determine the Sex of Dinosaurs
Recently, a new study led by Queen Mary University of London concluded that dinosaur bones tell us little about their sexes.1 In the past, secular...
More The Global Flood Is the Key to the Past
Rapid Burial in the Flood Explains Strange "Squid" Attack
A new study published in Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association has found what is claimed to be the oldest recorded attack by a squid-like creature.1...
Soft Dinosaur Eggs Deflate Bird-Dinosaur Evolution
A pair of new studies found that some dinosaurs, and possibly some marine reptiles, laid squishy eggs. One study discovered that many dinosaurs, like turtles...
Hyperbaric Research and the Pre-Flood Atmosphere
Creationists have long speculated about the earth’s environment prior to the global Flood—conditions which may have contributed to the long...
More Earth Sciences Resources
Earthquakes Still Active in Utah
On March 18, 2020, a 5.7 magnitude earthquake shook the Salt Lake City area. Specifically, it hit underneath the town of Magna, Utah. Since that time,...
ICR Releases Game-Changing Flood Geology Book
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) just released Carved in Stone: Geological Evidence of a Worldwide Flood, the second addition to ICR’s In-Depth...
Predicting Earthquakes More Complex than Thought
The accurate prediction of an earthquake could potentially save thousands of lives. Everything from the study of strange animal behavior to satellites...
More Fossil Record
Desperate Dinosaurs Cannibalized During Global Flood
Scientists recently discovered evidence that large theropods were possibly guilty of cannibalism.1
The new study, published in PLOS ONE,...
Cretaceous Bird Beak Pecks Holes in Evolution
Rock layers in China have yielded yet another strange bird. Two features in its partial skull—the only parts found—make it both a unique discovery...
Massive Cache of Dangerous Carnivores Found
Recently, a new study published in the journal ZooKeys has claimed to have found the most dangerous location to live in Earth’s history.1...
More Botany
Lone Scotland Tree Survived Deadly "Elm Disease"
One lone elm tree survived a deadly “elm disease.”
Nicknamed “Ent Tree” (alluding to arboreal heroes in J. R. R. Tolkien’s...
Children’s Tree Book Rings of Evolutionary Agenda
A new book on tree rings—Valerie Trouet’s Tree Story—blends some serious tree science with some uniformitarian mythology. The book is...
Pollinators Working Hard as July Wraps Up
The latter days of July are very busy for many pollinators.1 These include birds, bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, bats, and more.1-3
More The Flood Was Global
Possible Parasites Found on Cambrian Brachiopods
Scientists from China, Sweden, and Australia have discovered what they claim is the oldest known parasite, publishing their results in Nature Communications.1...
Dinosaur Washed Out to Sea with Its Last Meal
In 2017, a large dinosaur was discovered washed out to sea,1 similar to the dinosaur bone found 70 miles off Norway’s coast.2...
Many Martian Volcanoes May Be Mudflows
Tens of thousands of volcano-looking features exist across the northern lowlands and other areas across Mars.1 In the past, these volcanoes...
More Geological Processes Were Catastrophic
Theodore Roosevelt National Park: Testimony to the Rece.,.
by Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Mike Mueller, M.S.*
Nestled next to Medora, North Dakota, and 45 miles east of Glendive, Montana, Theodore Roosevelt National...
Strange Ocean Crust Waves Discovered
While searching for a missing plane on the ocean floor, scientists made an interesting geological discovery.
On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight...
Flooded Ice Age Forest Revealing its Secrets
Tim Clarey, Ph.D., and Frank Sherwin, M.A.
The recent discovery of a flooded Ice Age forest in Mobile Bay, Alabama, has scientists diving for even...
More Noah's Ark and Flood
Even Sherlock Holmes Can’t Explain African Dinosaurs
A new species of duck-billed dinosaur, Ajnabia odysseus, was recently unearthed in North Africa.1 This is the first hadrosaur-type dinosaur...
Children’s Tree Book Rings of Evolutionary Agenda
A new book on tree rings—Valerie Trouet’s Tree Story—blends some serious tree science with some uniformitarian mythology. The book is...
Cambrian Explosion Alive and Well
A new editorial in GSA Today is claiming that secular scientists should cease using the term “Cambrian Explosion.”1 It’s not...
More Creation Science Update
The Hexagon: An Indication of Order and Design in Nature
In nature, noncoincidental patterns and geometry exist everywhere. But the number six appears to overshadow nature’s mathematical landscape. Whether...
A Beautiful, Extinct Bird
In 2021, a fossil of an evidently beautiful bird the size of a bluejay was unearthed from sedimentary deposits in northeastern China. The bird—named...
ICR Research Is Revealing Evidence for Pre-Flood Longevity
One of the claims of Scripture most ridiculed by skeptics is the Bible’s matter-of-fact assertion that ancient people once lived for hundreds...