On December 21 about an hour before sunset, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will appear very close together low in the western sky in a celestial event...
For families seeking worthwhile home-based science activities, Comet SWAN presents another opportunity to do some backyard astronomy and to celebrate God’s...
Evolutionary astronomers have a problem. The universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate, but if general relativity is an accurate cosmological model,...
Astronomers have determined that a distant galaxy discovered three years ago is rotating, making it the most distant rotating disk galaxy yet observed.1...
Stargazers have been disappointed earlier this year by comets ATLAS and SWAN, which disintegrated before they could put on good celestial shows. But another...
Recently, the southeastern United States was hit by a huge cloud of dust from the Sahara desert that drifted across the Atlantic Ocean. A second such cloud...
Dogs don’t read the words on a page. Neither did Coco, the famous gorilla that learned to communicate using simple hand signs. So what affords humans...
Evolutionary scientists are baffled by a large ant fossil found in British Columbia, Canada. Known as Titanomyrma, this same ant had been found previously...
Olfaction is detecting odors by means of smell and is rapidly becoming a field of fascinating discoveries. The human nose is designed to detect a trillion...