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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
7:15 Beware of false prophets. This is the first use of the word “beware” in the New Testament, and so warrants close attention. There have always been men (more so today than ever) who claim to be—and often appear to be—true prophets (or teachers or pastors or counselors) with marvelous new spiritual messages. But beware! They must always be tested by their fidelity to all the Holy Scriptures (Isaiah 8:20). Also see note on Revelation 22:18.
7:15 ravening. Searching for prey, like a raven. Note especially II Corinthians 11:13-15; II Peter 2:1-3.
7:18 evil fruit. This criterion of “fruit inspection” can be applied both to individuals and to systems. For example, the evolutionary philosophy has produced no good fruits whatever. Instead, it has generated atheism, humanism, communism, fascism, racism and all manner of evil fruits. It, therefore, is a false and evil philosophy.
7:21 doeth the will. This sobering indictment indicates that not only pagans but also many professing Christians are unsaved. Doing the Father’s will involves first believing, then obeying His Word, for therein is revealed His will (John 5:24; 7:17).
7:22 wonderful works. It is remarkable that there are actually prophets and miracle workers who—perhaps sincerely, perhaps not—profess to be Christians but who instead are unsaved, deluded and even enabled to do “wonderful works” by Satan in order to lead people to follow a false Christ.
7:23 I never knew you. These false prophets are not people who once were saved and then became apostates. Christ never knew them!
7:23 work iniquity. The word “iniquity” here means “lawlessness.” Thus false prophets reject God’s law—i.e., His Word—in favor of their own philosophy or complex of experiences, and thus cannot do His will (Matthew 7:21, 26).