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New Defender's Study Bible Notes

24:39 my feet. It seems the Lord Himself answers modern liberals who interpret the resurrection as spiritual, rather than physical. His spirit never died so could not be resurrected. He also refutes those who argue that the “appearances” to His disciples were “spiritual appearances,” or even hallucinations. Even they at first thought He was a spirit, but He then showed them the scars of the spikes that had pierced His hands and feet, and then even ate part of a fish and a honeycomb before them (Luke 24:37,40,42). They could no longer doubt the reality of His bodily resurrection, nor did they ever doubt it thereafter.

24:39 flesh and bones. It is significant that Christ did not use the more common phrase, “flesh and blood.” His blood had been shed on the cross, as the price of our redemption (I Peter 1:18-19), and now “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God” (I Corinthians 15:50).

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