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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
24:13 furlongs. A “furlong” was originally a “long furrow,” considered about two hundred yards. The Greek word is stadia.
24:18 Cleopas. The second of the “two of them” who lived in Emmaus (Luke 24:13) was evidently “Mary the wife of Cleophas” (John 19:25), for the two evidently had a home in Emmaus where they could invite this “stranger” in for supper and rest (Luke 24:28-30). She had actually observed the crucifixion, and may have been among the women who had gone to the tomb that morning.
24:25 believe all. The resurrected Lord Jesus thus confirmed the doctrine of plenary inspiration; it is foolish and wrong-hearted to reject anything written in the Old Testament.
24:26 enter in to his glory. The Messianic Scriptures clearly teach that Christ would be crucified (e.g., Psalm 22, Isaiah 53), and then be raised (Psalm 16) and enter into His glory (e.g., Psalm 110), so that those who knew and believed the Scriptures should have been expecting these events.
24:27 beginning at Moses. It is very significant that, when the greatest Bible teacher—in fact the Author of the Book—taught Biblical truths, He began at the beginning! Genesis is the foundational book of the Bible, and it is essential that we understand and believe God’s revelation in Genesis if we would understand the rest of Scripture.
24:27 concerning himself. Jesus here confirms that all the Scriptures point, in one way or another, to the person and work of the Savior.
24:30 blessed it, and brake. There are nine occasions recorded in the gospels when Jesus took bread, blessed, broke and fed it to His disciples. No wonder they recognized Him “in breaking of bread” (Luke 24:35).
24:32 our heart burn. “Christian heartburn” results when the Lord—through the indwelling Spirit—opens the Scriptures today as we read and obey God’s Word. “His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay” (Jeremiah 20:9).
24:32 opened to us. Note the order of this passage. When the Scriptures were opened, first their eyes were opened (Luke 24:31) and then their understanding was opened (Luke 24:45).