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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
20:25 unto Caesar. “Caesar” was, of course, the name of the Roman emperor, but here his name is used to mean governmental authority in general. This well-known saying was the answer given by Christ to the “spies, which should feign themselves just men” (Luke 20:20) sent by the hypocritical chief priests and scribes looking for an excuse to accuse Him of subversive teachings against the Romans. Jesus not only silenced them (Luke 20:26), but also confirmed the fact that Christians should pay legitimate taxes to support the legitimate government (Romans 13:6-7).
20:27 Sadducees. This encounter with the Sadducees who were trying to trap Jesus is given also in Matthew 22 and Mark 12. The same is true for most of the other events and conversations here in Luke 20. Explanatory comments are found in those chapters, as necessary.
20:28 Moses wrote. This reference is to the so-called Levirate law, in Deuteronomy 25:5-6.
20:35 neither marry. So far as marriage is concerned at least, after the resurrection, we shall be “as the angels of God in heaven.” See note on Matthew 22:30.