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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:6 together. In Christ we all are “quickened” (Ephesians 2:5), “raised up,” and “made [to] sit” together. These great truths are so certain to be accomplished that they are expressed in the past tense.
2:7 ages to come. There is, indeed, despite the taunts of skeptics and materialists, “pie in the sky, by and by!” “All that is in the world…passeth away” (I John 2:16-17). In the ages to come, however, “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Note also II Corinthians 4:17; Ephesians 3:21; Hebrews 11:25-26; Revelation 21:4).