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More Evidence for Creation
Saturn's Moons Continue to Challenge Secular Theorists
A recent article in Sky & Telescope magazine explains why secular theorists have difficulty agreeing on the ages of Saturn’s moons.1...
Innate Speed-of-Sound Engineering Revealed in Bats
Bats have the amazing ability to accurately and consistently detect the speed of sound.1 This enables them to employ a complex system of echolocation...
From Big to Small, God Made It All
Our universe is unbelievably immense. Can you count the stars in the heavens or the grains of sand on the beach? Mr. Sherwin directs our eyes to...
More Design and Purpose
Paintbrush of the Creator
Who doesn’t enjoy the amazing color patterns of butterflies?1,2 Such beautiful designs and construction do not reflect blind naturalistic...
Four Cosmologies
"Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (2 Peter 3:13)
The cosmos...
Heart Cockle Shells: Another Amazing Case for Creation
There has been an incredible discovery concerning a bivalve mollusk called the heart cockle (Corculum cardissa). These bivalves have symbiotic partnerships...
More God Caused Order
Data Storage Systems in the Living World
The world has witnessed an explosion of digital technology in the past few decades. With these advances comes the question of how to preserve the digital...
For Every Structure There Is a Reason . . . .
If you're a baby boomer (or earlier) you've no doubt been presented in high school and college the story of the alleged lack of function of our appendix....
How Buildings Grow
"We'll show the evolutionists that complex structures don't grow by chance," said the operator of the giant crane, as his machine lifted the...
More God Caused Meaning
The Mystery of Complexity
The universe is full of an infinite variety of complex systems, from the almost incredible universe itself to the tiniest one-celled creature in the ocean....
Paintbrush of the Creator
Who doesn’t enjoy the amazing color patterns of butterflies?1,2 Such beautiful designs and construction do not reflect blind naturalistic...
The Finished Works of God
The Work of Redemption
God, by definition, can never fail in what He undertakes to accomplish. As we approach another season in which most Christians...
More Evidence from Nature
Honeybee Design Saves Energy
Biomimicry is the making of systems or materials that are modeled after flora or fauna found in God’s creation (e.g. the artificial fabric Velcro...
More Nature Reveals God's Wisdom
Bacterial Proteins Use Quantum Mechanics
Researchers have found a dimmer switch inside a protein. It tunes the protein’s configuration to take advantage of quantum mechanics during photosynthesis....
Honeybee Design Saves Energy
Biomimicry is the making of systems or materials that are modeled after flora or fauna found in God’s creation (e.g. the artificial fabric Velcro...
Sunflower Heliotropism: August Sunlight for Making Tons.,.
August is an important month for sunflowers—those gigantic, bright-yellow flowers with brownish, round seed heads bordered by radiating yellow ligules...
More Life Sciences Resources
Honeybee Design Saves Energy
Biomimicry is the making of systems or materials that are modeled after flora or fauna found in God’s creation (e.g. the artificial fabric Velcro...
DNA in Sheep and Dinosaurs
About 1,600 years ago, salt miners in Iran apparently left their lamb lunch down the shaft. Their loss became scientists' gain. The now-mummified sheep...
Innate Speed-of-Sound Engineering Revealed in Bats
Bats have the amazing ability to accurately and consistently detect the speed of sound.1 This enables them to employ a complex system of echolocation...
More Human Body
RNA Ties and Unties Itself
There are two types of nucleic acids (genetic molecules): DNA and RNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a large linear molecule designed to store genetic...
Embarrassment Continues over Evolutionary Blunder about.,.
Recent research from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) continues to highlight how evolutionary theory influenced...
Babies Are Born Ready to Read
Dogs don’t read the words on a page. Neither did Coco, the famous gorilla that learned to communicate using simple hand signs. So what affords humans...
More Creation Science Update
The Brain's Amazing Ability of Visual Perception
Scientists will never fully understand the brain’s operation.1,2,3
As neurological research continues, it will only reveal more...
Scientific Debates Reveal Hidden Story Beneath Ape Fossil
In 2002, Professor Michel Brunet of the University of Poitiers, France, described a tiny fossil ape skull nicknamed Toumaï as an upright-walking human...
Marine Invertebrate Antibiotic
Erythromycin is an antibiotic that has been prescribed to many of us that may have experienced skin or upper respiratory tract infections. It was discovered...