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More Design and Purpose
Heart Cockle Shells: Another Amazing Case for Creation
There has been an incredible discovery concerning a bivalve mollusk called the heart cockle (Corculum cardissa). These bivalves have symbiotic partnerships...
For Every Structure There Is a Reason . . . .
If you're a baby boomer (or earlier) you've no doubt been presented in high school and college the story of the alleged lack of function of our appendix....
More Unique Human Genes Defy Evolution Narrative
Researchers recently scanned a region of the smallest human chromosome and found three previously undiscovered families of genes that are uniquely human...
More God Caused Beauty
Finch Duets Open Surprising Window on Bird Origins
Humans are in rare company when it comes to singing duets. Humpback whales perform original couples' songs, as do a handful of birds. It was thought that...
Experts: We Need More Color in Our Lives
Researchers are now seeking to broaden the spectrum of colors typically represented in manmade products, the BBC reports.1
Experts in the...
Blue-t-ful Beetles, Birds, 'n Butterflies
The strikingly iridescent blue seen in some butterfly, beetle, and bird feathers is well-known and enjoyed by scientists and laymen alike. This is due...
More God Caused Meaning
The Mystery of Complexity
The universe is full of an infinite variety of complex systems, from the almost incredible universe itself to the tiniest one-celled creature in the ocean....
Darwinism: Survival without Purpose
Humans have always wondered about the meaning of has no higher purpose than to perpetuate the survival of has no design, no purpose,...
The Finished Works of God
The Work of Redemption
God, by definition, can never fail in what He undertakes to accomplish. As we approach another season in which most Christians...
More Creation Science Update
The Beauty of Creation: Created for God's Own Glory
Have you ever wondered why a sunset on a beach is captivating, snowcapped mountains are breathtaking, and a valley filled with wildflowers is enchanting?
Yet Another Living Fossil Found
Evolutionary philosophy states the fossil record is a record of the gradual and slow evolution of life forms that all came from a single common ancestor...
Scientific Debates Reveal Hidden Story Beneath Ape Fossil
In 2002, Professor Michel Brunet of the University of Poitiers, France, described a tiny fossil ape skull nicknamed Toumaï as an upright-walking human...
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