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New Defender's Study Bible Notes
2:15 Love not the world. Note that this command is absolute, not relative. It does not say: “Don’t love the world too much,” but “not at all!” See also Romans 12:2; Galatians 1:4; James 4:4. The “world” here does not mean the earth or its people (God Himself so loved the world that He gave His Son to save its people) but rather the world as a “system,” with its possessions, positions and pleasures (contrast II Corinthians 6:10.
2:16 pride of life. These three classes of temptations correspond to the three ways in which Satan deceived Eve (Genesis 3:6) and the three ways in which he unsuccessfully tried to deceive Christ (Luke 4:2-12). Note:
I John 2:16 | Genesis 3:6 | James 3:15 | Luke 4:2-12 |
Lust of flesh (body) | Good to eat | Earthly | Victory over appetite. |
Lust of eyes (soul) | Good to see | Sensual | Victory over covetousness. |
Pride of life (spirit) | Good to know | Devilish | Victory over pride |