Archive of Apologetics Articles

Mice That Prey on Scorpions and Tarantulas
Don’t underestimate the ferocity of a humble-looking little mouse—especially if it lives inside Grand Canyon. Although various mice inhabit Grand Canyon, the fiercest hunter among...
Christ’s Creativity in Canyon Critters
Grand Canyon animals display many marvelous traits and behaviors as they live life in that harsh habitat. These canyon creatures succeed thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ’s providential provisioning...
Motmot's Beauty Displays God’s Gracious Design
Beauty is God’s good gift. Whatever is truly good and beautiful comes from God (James 1:17), whose own beauty is beyond words. King David longed to know God’s magnificent beauty, saying: One...
How Did Stingrays Get Fossilized in Wyoming?
Beavers shouldn’t talk to humans. That obvious fact was highlighted in the movie adaptation of C. S. Lewis’ classic fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.1 Fairly early...
Why Do Female Sea Turtles Cry Salty Tears?
Life on a cruise ship can be wonderfully relaxing, but perpetually living at sea has dangerous challenges—just ask a female sea turtle.1 Her life-at-sea salinity (salt concentration)...
Post-Flood Repopulation: From 8 to 8,000,000,000!
Sometimes scoffers disparage the Genesis history of the global Flood by saying there hasn’t been enough time from the end of the Flood until now for Earth to repopulate to its present population...
The Alarming Truth About Headbanging Termites
The truth about headbanging termites is both alarming and astonishing. Like other creatures of the world, big and small, headbanging termites (e.g., Macrotermes natalensis) are cleverly constructed...
Why Breeding Woodpeckers Snack on Bones
When you eat eggs—boiled, poached, as omelets, or otherwise—do you discard the eggshells? Likewise, if you eat trout or turkey, do you recycle your fish or fowl bones? Some birds and...
Eating Like a Bird
“Oh, she eats like a bird!” These words described the skimpy half-meal gulped down by a toddler just before she scampered off to play. The assumption behind those dismissive words implies...
When Bats Dine Out at Night
Bats are mysterious, marvelous mammals of prey, even in a fallen world where omnivorous predation is common.1 Because bats are mostly nocturnal, only beginning their aerial hunting at sunset,...
God’s Providence in Salmon, Guppies, and Cavefish
For fish, life is very demanding. Fish life requires quick, targeted self-adjustments 24/7 to ever-changing conditions such as varying salinity and dissolved oxygen, pH (acidity/alkalinity), seasonal...
Lightning, Soil Bacteria, and God’s Providence
Nitrogen is vital for human survival, yet few appreciate how lightning and soil bacteria contribute to Earth’s nitrogen cycle. That Earth’s nitrogen cycle serves us as it does, reliably...
Altruistic Birds Embarrass Evolutionists
Why are evolutionists surprised to learn that birds are intelligent, careful, and very caring? Birds communicate among themselves, use tools, and often demonstrate altruism (unselfishly caring for others)—sometimes...
Sturgeon and the "Latest Therefore Greatest" .,.
Chesapeake Bay, the world’s largest bay, continually confuses evolutionists, but not so Atlantic sturgeons, who periodically spawn in that bay’s tributary rivers.1 Why? Erroneous...
Puffins, Fitted for Living in Sea, Air, and Land
In order for tufted, horned, and Atlantic puffins to “be fruitful, multiply, and fill” specific habitats on Earth,1 they need the right equipment. That requires God-given design...
Christ’s Providence Is Clearly Seen in Bird Migrations
Just as monkeys can’t accidently type Shakespeare texts, birds can’t migrate by evolutionary luck, despite imagined eons of time for “lucky” accidents.1 Why? Because...
Pickles for Apologetics
Food, even dill pickles, can provide relevant insights for creation apologetics.1 Since November 14th is National Pickle Day, this is a good time to consider how dill pickles can remind us of...
Eating Bugs Isn't Always So Simple
The Lord Jesus Christ deserves glory for why He made Earth’s diverse creatures, and He also deserves glory for the complicated details of how they live. Although we cannot learn all of creation’s...
Transmitting Truth in a Modern Pagan World
We share the world with modern pagans who worship the sun—or idolize an imagined primordial Big Bang—so we need to be truth witnesses unto a world drowning in deception and delusion. Ancient...
Should Creationists Brook Loss of a Trout?
Should a freshwater stream be restored to make it habitable for a failing fish population such as brook trout?1 It makes sense that creationists proactively care about biodiversity and environmental...
Grasshopper Apologetics: No Need to Get Jumpy
After spying in Canaan, 10 Hebrew scouts fearfully reported, “We saw the giants…and we were [by comparison] like grasshoppers” (Numbers 13:33). Like the cowardly spies, grasshoppers...
Even Seaweed Is Proof of God's Providence
Tidewater-tossed seaweeds display God’s providence.1,2 Hidden in plain view, tidewater seaweeds are spectacular exhibits of Christ’s caring bioengineering. Seaweeds even serve...
Guided by Lynx to Appreciate Christ
Not all tour guides in Alaska are human. Amazing animals of Alaska can guide us into learning creation truth. In fact, such animals should direct us—like projected arrows1—toward...
Beware Sinkholes and Other Failing Foundations
The sudden falling of some Christian schools can be compared to tiankengs, the geological term used for sinkholes that are at least 300 feet deep.1,2 Smaller sinkholes are more common, such...
Do the Unpersuaded Have Enough Proof?
At a local Bible conference, a respected seminary professor unintentionally contradicted the apostle Paul. During the Q&A session, he opined that “you cannot prove the existence of God to...
Buried Secrets Can Be Worth Uncovering
Buried secrets sometimes surface, revealing hidden things. However, if no one is willing to do some diligent digging, much of what is concealed will remain undiscovered. For example, last year some...
False Hypotheticals--Beyond Darwin's Imagination
Don’t believe it if someone tells you that a pair of “walking whale”-like mammals trudged off the Ark and later procreated a line of descendants that somehow evolved into ocean-dwelling...
December, Winter Weather, and Washington
Wintry-mix weather dominated Christmas night in 1776 as General George Washington and his boat-ferried troops crossed the Delaware River to surprise the British and Hessian mercenary forces encamped...
Mayflower Pilgrims, Simian DNA, and Straw Men
Both the Mayflower Pilgrims and biblical creationists are unjustly targeted for straw man vilifications using misleading, false accusations. A straw man fallacy occurs when a critic disagrees with someone...
Food Web Ecology Corroborates Scripture
Real-world ecology supports the Bible’s trustworthiness. Accordingly, how creatures get and use food matches how Scripture describes our world.1-3 Food energy is one of life’s...
Matthew Maury's Paths of the Sea
Today’s oceanography and meteorology owe a great debt to Matthew Maury. He exemplified the biblical principle that whatever we do, we should do it “to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians...
Sentinels Are Needed in Perilous Times
Watch out! Dangers lurk everywhere—these are surely perilous times.1 One of the apologetics-exhorting themes in Jude’s epistle is the need to beware of—and to forewarn others...
God's Grassroots Provision
In times of calamity and crisis, it’s easy to question whether life makes sense—or, more accurately, how God is making ultimate sense of everything.1,2 Unsurprisingly, fallen...
The Bird That Walks and Flies Under Water
The official bird of Norway is Cinclus cinclus, the white-throated dipper, an ordinary-looking bird that behaves in very extraordinary ways.1 It’s designed to forage under water, but...
Disconcerting Duck-Billed Dinosaur DNA
Observable facts have a way of embarrassing erroneous theories. Consider how awkward it is that dinosaur bones or cartilage repeatedly show not only soft tissues, like stretchable collagen and recognizable...
Signs of the Times: Glacier Meltdown
What if meteorologists only got paid if their weather predictions proved to be correct? If so, predicting the weather would be a risky business, like gambling at a casino table. In ancient Israel, however,...
Interrupting Business as Usual
Sometimes “business as usual” is interrupted by an explosive surprise. For many years, Novaya Zemlya, a group of Russian islands in the Arctic Ocean, provided a calm breeding habitat...
Water Drops and Human Value
When skeptics criticize biblical teachings, they often attack God’s character.1 One tactic is to malign the Creator by devaluing the people He created. When someone denies the precious...
Jonah's Whale Adventure and Everyday Miracles
A skeptic once opined about the so-called problem of miracles, saying that “enlightened” thinkers doubt the Bible’s supernatural events such as “the whale miracle.” But...
Sanctifying Our Hearts with Apologetics
The church’s big Bible conference was over, and it was time to evaluate its success or failure. “Looks like no one was converted,” said one leader. “So, this event was a nice...
God Crafted Creatures to Communicate
Making sense of biological senses is a losing battle for evolutionary theories, and explaining complex creature communication is even worse. Why? Because evolutionists have no real explanation for why...
Green Bean Bioengineering Shows Creator's Care
Years ago in a college campus discussion, an unbeliever argued that the world’s waste displays God’s disorderliness. He called God a “prodigal” creator—an insult adopted...
Deep Wonders of Slapping Sharks and Snapping Shrimps
Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters, they see the works of the LORD, and His wonders in the deep. (Psalm 107:23-24) The super-fast and powerful movements of sharks...
Genesis Is Not a Sanitized Myth
Years ago, while I was teaching a college class, a non-Christian student chided me for treating the book of Genesis as true history. With fake flattery, the student went on to say, “I’m...
Moabite King's Boast Corroborates Genesis
The Moabite Stone was discovered in 1868 in Dibon (Dhiban in modern-day Jordan). Also called the Mesha Stele, it was set in place as a monument by King Mesha of Moab around 830 BC. The stone is not...
Does Global Warming Threaten Bird Habitats?
If you love birds, should you fight petroleum production in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? How you answer depends on whether you believe man-made global warming is threatening Earth’s...
The Circle of the Earth
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. (Isaiah 40:22) Some...
Termite Skyscrapers Hidden in Plain View
Many evolutionists fail to see what is “hidden in plain view” for the same reason British Celts saw the wrong thing when Julius Caesar attacked them in 54 BC. Since the Britons never recruited...
Ecosystem Engineering Explanations Miss the Mark
The ancient Philistines were embarrassed when Dagon, their chief idol, fell on its face before the Ark of the Covenant, so they propped it back up again.1 Maybe today’s evolutionary...
Beware the Bait of False Hypotheticals
At a recent ICR event in Massachusetts, an attendee asked a trap-loaded question: “Some say that minor errors in the Bible are okay because they don’t hurt the Bible’s main message—but...
Norway's Redchat Defies Evolutionary Speciation
When investigating true-vs.-false controversies, words are very important. Yet Christians sometimes unintentionally perpetuate false teachings by using misleading terms that accommodate evolutionary...
Can and Will Be Used Against You
Is it fair to refute evolutionists’ claims with their own words?1,2 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”3 Yes,...
Grand Canyon Neighbors: Pines, Truffles, and Squirrels
God’s creation is often misrepresented by evolutionists, so godly researchers and teachers are needed to clarify the real truth about God’s world. For example, God’s plan for interdependent...
Lobsters Get Comfortable in Their New Skin
Have you ever dreamed that you were squeezing yourself out of a giant toothpaste tube as the tube slowly tightened around your body? Something similar happens to lobsters,1,2 so it’s...
Receding Floodwaters Buried Deep-Sea Oil
One of the primary objectives of creation apologetics is to corroborate information provided in Scripture. Accordingly, no one should be surprised when geological data match the biblical record of the...
Withstanding Winter Weather
On hot July days you might miss winter’s chill.1 In higher latitudes, however, it’s the coldness that needs mitigation. For example, Arctic insects and arachnids are cold-blooded,...
Infinite Time Won't Rescue Evolution
Evolutionists use a variety of imaginative analogies to make the spontaneous generation of life seem plausible. One of the more familiar is the typing monkeys scenario, also known as the infinite monkey...
Viking Bones Contradict Carbon-14 Assumptions
Radiocarbon dating is considered one of science’s tried-and-true methodologies. But could there be a forensic flaw in measuring carbon-14 dates using conventional methodology? Could dates assigned...
Hawks and Eagles Launching Skyward
Studying God’s creation bolsters one’s faith in God’s Word, since careful observation of “earthly things” corroborates the information in Scripture—such as how and...
Something Fishy about Global Warming Claims
After the Flood, God promised Noah that Earth would have predictable patterns of climates and seasons: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day...