Why Do We Marry? | The Institute for Creation Research

Why do we marry?
Why Do We Marry?

To many, marriage seems to be a logical and beneficial life-style. To the Christian, marriage is usually held in high regard. What could be more beautiful than for a godly man and woman to commit to one another their life-long, self-sacrificing love?

Many others, however, insist that the institution of marriage should be done away with, or, at the very least, that alternative life-styles and relationships should be given equal status in society and standing before the law. Even a passing familiarity with the news reveals a clamor for homosexual rights, a championing of extra-marital relationships, a downplaying of the strong family unit, etc.

What is not so apparent from the news media seen by most people, is that the underlying impetus for this anti-marriage/family movement comes directly from the evolutionary sciences. Few laymen may know it, but the technical evolutionary journals frequently feature articles which describe how modern society should be shaped.

Such articles usually follow this pattern: A certain animal group has been studied. It will be noted (depending on the article and/or animal group) that few animals mate for life. Certain animals of the same sex interact sexually with one another. Unwanted young, whether deformed, sired by another, or for no apparent reason other than convenience, are destroyed. Older or weaker members, unable to contribute to the good of the larger group, are destroyed or abandoned. Since humans are, in reality, descended from the animals, and, in fact, are animals ourselves, and since we still have animal desires, needs, and instincts, we should pattern ourselves and our culture after these animal groups. Only the kind of behavior which brought us to this evolutionary stage will be able to carry us onward to higher levels of evolutionary development.

You see, ideas have consequences. If one thinks along evolutionary lines, he will make decisions consistent with his ideas of evolution. It has been well documented that Hitler, Marx, Freud, etc., acted purposely—consciously applying evolutionary principles in their systems. To a consistent evolutionist, only two things are important: survival and reproduction. All else can be, and, indeed, should be expended.

But the Christian must not allow himself or herself to think this way. The Bible, i.e., the Manufacturer's Guidebook for how His creation was designed to operate, tells how we must approach these decisions if we are to function properly and live fulfilled, meaningful lives.

"Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a men leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife: And they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder" (Matthew 19:4-6).

And this is why we marry. God created men and women in His image (Genesis 1:27), and designed them to function in a certain way. Premarital chastity, marital fidelity, one man for one woman, for life. Anything less distorts His image, defeats His intention, and limits our effectiveness as His servants.

* Dr. John Morris is the President of ICR.

Cite this article: John D. Morris, Ph.D. 1990. Why Do We Marry?. Acts & Facts. 19 (8).

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