The skies cleared above North Texas on Monday, April 8, for a spectacular view of the 2024 Great American Solar Eclipse. Hundreds of guests joined the Institute for Creation Research to witness this incredible sight at First Baptist Church Forney and the ICR Discovery Center in Dallas, with several others from around the world viewing via ICR’s YouTube livestream. While totality only lasted about four minutes, the day was filled with celebration alongside ICR scientists, Apollo 16 astronaut Gen. Charlie Duke and his wife, Dotty, NASA astronaut Col. Jeff Williams, former NASA engineer Cathryn Sterling, and several astronomy enthusiasts.
At the Discovery Center, attendees enjoyed free planetarium shows and a live science presentation from ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert. Parker Eng of Day4 Astronomy and others set up telescopes with protective screens to provide a safe, close-up view of the eclipsed sun, while local restaurant Tacolicious Taqueria offered delicious food to guests. The crowd included many travelers from thousands of miles away, some as far as England, and was packed with both seasoned experts and eclipse novices alike. People of all ages stood in awe as the moon covered the sun in this breathtaking display of God’s handiwork. It was a remarkable event that we’re grateful to have shared with so many of you. We rejoice together that the heavens declare our God’s glory (Psalm 19:1), clearly seen in the wondrous beauty of a solar eclipse.