"LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou
made them all: the earth is full of thy riches" (Psalm 104:24).
During this season of national introspection, even as we sing, "God Bless America," it would be good to step back and remember the many ways in which God has indeed blessed America.
The land we call America is quite large, one of the largest nations in the world, with abundant natural resources. It contains extensive woodlands providing lumber with which to build, and rich top soil in which crops flourish, capable of supporting a large population. Minerals are here, from gypsum to iron to molybdenum, undergirding a diverse industrial complex. Even the stone is good, testified to by enduring monuments and building facades.
The climate is most agreeable. Although varying from place to place, all sections are livable and productive. Rainfall is sufficient, and rivers of all sizes distribute water, people, and products.
Lots of oil, natural gas, and coal have been discovered here, which have fueled our industrialized economy. More modern fuels, like uranium and geothermal, abound here as well. And there is grandeur in the scenery from mountain majesty to pounding waves.
Native people living here melded with a rich diversity of immigrants into the American people, renowned for their work ethic and burning desire to carve out a good life for themselves and their children. By and large, our ancestors were honest people, respectful of the rights and values of others.
Perhaps above all, those who forged our nation's documents and laws were God-fearing people, with a basic Christian outlook on life, morals, and government, which set the course for maintaining the freedoms we now take for granted.
Consider the charter of our nation, The Declaration of Independence, where it can be read that "all men are created equal . . . endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights." It has been shown that while not all the founding fathers were "born-again Christians," they acknowledged the truthfulness of the Bible and the authority of the Creator over His creation. They applied these concepts to the legislative process, the judicial system, and standards for life. They devised a system of government "designed for a Christian people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."
Applying the basic freedom of religion, Christianity has flourished, with no one in America being denied access to the truths of the gospel. Obeying the great commission, America has become a missionary nation, sending the Good News around the world. God has blessed this obedience and allowed our freedoms to continue. Even though we see the Christian mindset floundering, our nation retains incredible liberties and is the envy of the world.
If we would choose proper leaders, we would choose those who burn to protect the freedoms our national forefathers sacrificed to insure. We would select those whose personal lives mirror the lifestyle expected by our Creator. No individual is perfect, all politicians are flawed, but we are entrusted with the privilege of choosing those who would do the most good and the least harm. We even have the opportunity of nominating and electing truly godly Christians. This is a great blessing. But remember, with such blessing comes the responsibility to choose wisely.