What Is The Purpose Of Creation Ministry? | The Institute for Creation Research

What Is The Purpose Of Creation Ministry?

ICR is well known as a creation-science research group, with an additional emphasis in Biblical apologetics. But first and foremost, ICR is a Christian ministry. So what are our goals?

ICR's threefold ministry of research, education, and publication is summed up in the mission statement of the ICR Graduate School ". . . to discover and transmit the truth about the universe by scientific research and study, and to correlate and apply such scientific data within the supplemental integrating framework of Biblical creationism."

These goals reflect two Scriptural missions. One is the Great Commission, given to all Christians. "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them: . . . Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19,20).

This commission incorporates evangelism and discipleship—the process of bringing lost individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith to a place of maturity and effective ministry. At ICR, God has equipped us in the area of science, and that is the tool we use to carry out the Great Commission.

In many ways, evolution has become a major barrier to evangelism. If evolution is true, then the Bible is not true. We are the product of randomly operating natural processes, and God is not necessary. Before the seed can be sown, the rubble of evolution must be cleared away and the ground prepared. For many confused products of our educational system, legitimate questions must be answered before a person can come to faith. Some have called creation ministry "the cutting edge of evangelism," and ICR outreaches (books, seminars, teaching) carry creation information to those in need.

But then a Christian must grow to maturity. Without doubt, evolution teaching proves a hindrance. Evolution teaches that the Bible has errors and cannot be trusted. Christians need to have their questions answered and doubts removed. Churches, seminaries, and denominations need to be called back to a belief in all of Scripture and to come under the authority of the Book they have been taught to doubt. This is the real message of creation.

An even larger commission was once given to all of mankind—the dominion mandate. "God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over (the animals) . . . and over all the earth, . . . and subdue it" (Genesis 1:26,28). Bible believers have long understood this as a mandate to study the creation (science), and then to use it wisely for man's good and God's glory (technology). Mankind was given stewardship over creation, to care for it in wisdom as the Creator's representative on earth.

ICR desires to follow this mission as well. Its basic research strives to answer questions, but also to more fully understand God's creative handiwork.

With the rise of evolution and naturalism, "science" has become the enemy of Christianity, but true science "declares the glory of God" (Psalm 19:1). ICR desires to return science to its proper, God-glorifying, position.

*Dr. John Morris is the President of ICR.

Cite this article: John L. Groenlund, Th.D. 1995. What Is The Purpose Of Creation Ministry?. Acts & Facts. 24 (6).

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